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HomeLearnEnvironmentBali and Copenhagen Summits of UNFCCC (CoP 13 and 15)

Bali and Copenhagen Summits of UNFCCC (CoP 13 and 15)

Bali and Copenhagen summits of UNFCCC COP 13, the meeting, which was held in December 2007, of 190 countries that are party to a UN treaty on climate change is known as Bali Meet.


  • The treaty aim was to urge the world for taking action that decreases the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere which cause climate change.
  • In Bali the member countries has assemble there to discuss what they were expected to do after the first phase of Kyoto Protocol that was to end in 2012.
  • In Bali developed countries were expecting that after 2012, the developing countries like India and China – which were increasing their emissions as they greenhouse economically – would also undertake some sort of mission cuts. This indicated a complete overhand of the then existing UN treaty.

In case you have missed earlier article – Climate Change, Technology and Energy Sustainability

Bali Roadmap

The participating parties approved the Bali Roadmap as a two-year process for finalizing a binding agreement in 2009 in Copenhagen.

The Bali Road Map Included:

  • The Bali Action Plan (BAP)
  • The formation of the AD Hoc Working Group on further commitments for Annex I parties under KP negotiation and their 2009 dealings,
  • Launch of the Adaptation Fund,
  • Decisions on technology transfer and
  • On reducing emission from deforestation

Bali conference cop 13Bali Action Plan

Bali Action Plan included:

  • Enhanced national and international action on mitigation of climate change.
  • Advanced action on adaptation.
  • A shared vision for long- term cooperative action that has to include a long-term global aim for emission reducing.
  • Advanced action on the provision of financial resources and investment to support action on mitigation and adaptation and technology cooperation.

Also Read: UNFCCC CoP at Cancun and Durban (CoP16 and Cop17)

Copenhagen Summit COP 15

– Due to some serious disagreement between developing and developed countries, a legally binding agreement could not be finalized in COP 15 Copenhagen.

– Copenhagen accord is a non- binding agreement because the summit concluded with COP taking a note of Copenhagen agreement (a five nation accord- BASIC and US).

– The accord stressed that deep international cuts were needed to check the increase in global temperature to under two degrees Celsius.

– The accord stated that the developed nations (Annex 1) had agreed to set targets for reductions in their greenhouse gas emissions by 2020.

– Developing nations agreed to pursue nationally appropriate reduction strategy to slow the growth or their emission, but refused to commit on the reduction of their carbon output.

– Agreed a “goal” for the world to raise $100 billion per year by 2020. New multilateral funding for adaptation would be delivered with a governance structure.

Must Read: Analysis of 13th EU-India Summit