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HomeGuidanceHow To PrepareIAS Preparation - 15 Time Management tips of IAS Exam aspirants

IAS Preparation – 15 Time Management tips of IAS Exam aspirants

Success in IAS exams depends heavily on your IAS preparation strategy and time management. Here is 15 must follow guidelines for ias exam aspirants that will take their IAS preparation to the next level.

15 Time Management tips for IAS Preparation Strategy

Don’t promise an unachievable target to yourself. Make short, realistic and accomplishable targets. Like ‘I will finish reading 20 pages in next 2 hrs’ instead of committing ‘I will finish 500 pages book in 2 days’ it’s not the way we are designed to perform. 

Don’t make a study plan for more than 12 weeks. See if it works for you, don’t make major changes in it during period small adjustments are fine but that too should not be very frequent.

Don’t make any exhaustive schedule with account of every minute – just make a timeline for accomplishments.

After spending time (say 2 hrs) with an assignment, assess periodically how much value it has added.

Keep a consistent reading (not study just reading) time of 3 hrs a day no matter what happens, don’t fail to use all 180 minutes reading a textbook may be NCERT or other text book. Prefer 7 pm – 10 pm or as per your habit. Don’t take dinner break during this time and also keep cellphones away, world is not gonna end in these 3 hrs.

Three are necessary IAS Preparation other than course – One text book of each subject (strictly one), NCERT Books (old and new), and tests (you don’t need to join any IAS Preparation test series, do it from previously asked papers in IAS Exams).ias preparation ias exam plan

Tests are not just to check your progress but to give you that extra push to prepare and perform. So, prepare well before each and every test as you are supposed to do for your final exams.

Revise, revise and revise everything you are studying, because unless you will not revise all your study will go waste. Keep a 40:60 ratio of time allotment for new readings and revisions.

Eat healthy food, sleep well (neither less than 6 hours nor more than 8 hours), meditate for at least 15 minutes everyday. Five to six hours of devoted study is enough.

Don’t consume alcohol even occasionally. Minimize and then quit smoking if you does.

Follow a regular routine. Don’t make changes every now and then. Stick to your plan.

Don’t seek advice from everyone you can be the best judge for directing your efforts. Don’t keep asking everyone you meet – the guy who topped, who failed 4 times, who has been teaching for 14 hrs, your aunty, intelligent brother etcetera. Take the charge dude, start making your own model for success.

Always remember that your IAS Preparation is to become topper. If you will aim at just qualifying the exam it will get reflected in your IAS preparation, and naturally you will not give your best.

Focus on optimum time utilization, instead of maximum time consumption.

Don’t keep any backup plan for the case of failure. Don’t even think about it. You are working to succeed. There can not be any backup plan for your ambition either you can achieve it or you can fail to do so. If you will donate some time for your backup plan will become the primary.

All the best for your IAS exam preparation.