Priya, who has opted for Indian Foreign Service after being inspired by former foreign secretary Nirupama Rao, was faced with a volley of questions from students.
Many students of classes IX and X, came up with queries about UPSC syllabus, method of preparation and skills required to crack the interview. Priya, also a doctor, spelt out her academic background and her preparation for the UPSC. She encouraged students exhorting them to be a good person first. and added that IAS, IFS IPS etc are a job and a part of our life only.
Approach: Sociology
- I think you will see here that I have not read many books on sociology but the thing is I did not have the time. Socio also I had started after prelims. Only the Ram Ahuja book I had read before prelims. However my focus was that I should not leave any topic in the syllabus unread. It did not matter from where I had read it. Rest strategy was similar as mentioned above.
- If you are going for sociology I would advise you to develop a sociological viewpoint.
- Socio is a very interesting subject but it requires your power of observation and analysis much more than your reading of books. See for example. There was a question about French revolution this year, now who doesn’t know that, even a history student could write that.
- The difference lies in the way a socio student would analyze the social fabric of that time, the prevailing social conditions, the actual role of this revolution in the rise and development of sociology, the way this revolution was perceived by thinkers and the interconnecting links between revolution, thinkers and society.
- It’s not important that I can’t remember what was the exact date of which event, who killed whom as long as I understand the significance of that particular event and can explain it well.
Optional Subject in Mains 2013?
- Sociology, because it’s a very dynamic subject. There is always something new to discover about the world we live in.
- Basically same except I would expand my booklist. There were so many books to read that I skipped due to the shortage of time. In fact after mains I bought this Haralambos and Holborn and read it, it’s a wonderful book.
Compulsory papers
- intro with Marx and women’s position in the present world
- evolution of female sex thru various periods of history in about a page
- divided essay into two parts
- first part dealt with how has govt and society evolved to accommodate women’s interests as working and homemaker
- I divided it into subheadings of social change, legal change, economic change, specific schemes for women as Gayathri Krishnan (2011 topper) had suggested me that I could do
- concluded this section with a connecting para for second part with some examples
- brought out the other side by analysing the kind of problems that remain with a stress on class specific conditions.
- concluded the essay with a hopeful note combining both perspectives and the possible ways the present situation could evolve into.
- kept my sentences short and used less connectors as Mrunal had suggested.
एलआईसी एजेंट की इस बेटी ने कर दिया ऐसा काम कि सब हो गये हैरान!
पटना। दुनिया भर में खूब पढ़ी जाने वाली ‘द अलकेमस्टि’ में पावलो कोएल्हो लिखते हैं कि अगर आपके इरादे ठीक हैं और आप कुछ करना चाहते हैं तो पूरा कायनात आपके साथ होता है। यूपीएससी की परीक्षा में 18 वां रैंक लाने वाली तनु प्रिया जब इस चर्चित उपन्यास को पढ़ रही थी कि यह बात मन के किसी कोने में जज्ब हो गयी। जिंदगी चलने का नाम है तो तनु की जिंदगी भी चलती रही। 2004 में पटना के आरपीएस से दसवीं और उसके बाद दो साल बाद सीबीएसई की परीक्षा में चुने जाने के बाद डेंटल में एडमिशन लिया। रोहतक में नामांकन हुआ। मूल रूप से समस्तीपुर के कल्याणपुर की रहने वाली तनु के पैरेंट अब पटना से सटे दानापुर में रहते हैं।
पढ़ाई के बाद तनु अखबार वगैरह ही देख पाती थीं। चौथे साल में उन्हें लगा कि मुझे तो सिविल सर्विस की तैयारी करनी है। यहां आकर वह सीरियस हुईं। हर दिन तीन-चार घंटे का वक्त निकाला। खुद से तैयारी शुरू की। वह कहती हैं: आपको तय करना होता है कि क्या नहीं पढऩा है। एक साथ बहुत चीजें पढ़ेंगे तो आपका फोकस एरिया प्रभावित हो सकता है।
इसी बीच रोहतक में इंटर्नशीप करना पड़ा। सिविल सर्विस की तैयारी और इंटर्नशीप दोनों काम एक साथ करना पड़ा। पढ़ाई में क्रमबद्धता बनी रही। क्या किसी गाइड की जरूरत महसूस नहीं हुई? तनु ने कहा: नेट पर एक साइट के बारे में पता चला। वहां गयी। कोई मृणाल पटेल हैं जो तैयारी करने वालों को गाइड करते हैं। हमने भी उनसे संपर्क किया। उनका सहयोग मिला। लेकिन इसके पहले पिता का हमारी तैयारी में बड़ी भूमिका रही।