a.c.- alternating current
amp.- ampere
a.m.u- atomic mass unit
b.p.- boiling point
B.P.- blood pressure
B.Th.U.- British Thermal Unit
C- centrifuge
Cg- centigram
c.g.s., C.G.S.- centimetre-gram-second
cm- centimetre
cu- cubic
d.c. direct current
e.m.f., E.M.F.- electromotive force
ev, e.v.- electromotive vole
F- Fahrenheit
f.p.s., F.P.S.- foot-pound-second
ft-c.- foot-candle
g- acceleration due to gravity
gm- gram
H.C.F.- Highest Common Factor
H.P.- Horse Power, Harmonic progression
h.p.- hydrostatic pressure
kg.- kilogram
km- kilometer
kw, KW- kilowatt
KWH, kwhr – kilowatt-hour
m- metre
mkg, m-kg – metre kilogram (unit of work)
mg- milligram
ml- milliliter (one thousand of a litre)
m.k.s., M.K.S – metre -kilogram-second
mm – millimetre (one thousand of a meter)
mmf – magnetomotive force melting
m.p- melting point
n.t.p., N.T.P.- normal temperature and pressure
r.p.m- revolutions per minute
S.T.P., s.t.p.- standard temperature and pressure
Tan- tangent
temp- temperature
v – volt
wt.- weight
ZETA- Zero Energy Thermonuclear Assembly