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HomeGuidanceHow To PrepareBeginners' Strategy for IAS Preparation

Beginners’ Strategy for IAS Preparation

Well formulated strategy for IAS preparation along with optimum time management is the only two ladders for your dream goal. It’s very important to formulate your own strategy for IAS preparation as it pays to be yourself. The knowledge, analytical ability and personality of the candidate developed within a span of around 20 years is tested in this exam. Of course, the foundation can be polished to the tune of UPSC requirement in last one year, but for building a strong foundation it requires long-term effort. If you have built a strong foundation, the job is half done!

One mantra for UPSC aspirants, “If the thing is already been done by somebody. Then you can also do it. If the thing is not been done by anybody. Then you have to do it”.

To tackle Civil Services Examination, here are some of the Strategy for IAS Preparation are:

Understand Syllabus

The most important strategy for IAS preparation is to understand UPSC exam structure. Go through UPSC Syllabus and previous question papers of IAS Prelims and Mains so that you will get a clear idea about the areas from which questions are normally asked. Be thorough with your NCERT Books as it’s the basis. Think and ponder over what is stated in your textbooks and develop writing practice. The second important thing to do is to make a habit of reading newspaper. (Reading The Hindu/ The Indian Express is advised).

Must Read: How to Perform Your Best on Exam Day

Start preparation with sufficient time in hand

The best strategy for IAS preparation is from the middle of May or the beginning of June, which is soon after your final exams of Graduation or Post Graduation. If you are appearing for the Graduation or Post Graduation exam in May and your aim is to prepare for Civil Services Exam then this gives you one and a half years to prepare before the Mains Exam. This is a sufficient time frame to be successful in your first attempt.

Make a detailed time-table

Ensure that the next six months would be used perfectly, so you can devise a day to day time-table. Assign one week to each subject, and ensure that you could complete the whole syllabus. You have to restart everything. Your study environment should continuously motivate you.

Familiarity with the optional

Decide on the optional subject after analyzing UPSC syllabus and previous question papers (applicable only to college going students and pass outs), start to collect materials on the same. A thorough familiarity with your optional reduces your mental burden at the first sight itself. Try to finish optional subject first, as this will definitely give you an edge.

Also Read: How to Write Essay for IAS Exam?

Prepare notes

A must strategy for IAS preparation is to prepare short notes so that you can revise the entire study material as the exams approach. But to sustain the effort for such a long time, you need to remain motivated throughout this period and maintain good health.

Remain focused

You must realize that properly preparing for the civil services exam is not a part-time job. It is a fact that if you are fully devoted to prepare for the Civil Services Exam without pursuing any other studies, competitive exams or job, your concentration level will be at its peak and this would give you the best results. The desire to grab one job or the other and playing it safe leads to failure on all fronts.

Have positive views in your Mind

Go for preparation with a positive mindset. Usually, it happens that negative thoughts would start entering to your mind. Especially, who are preparing for the first time. So be positive and think right.

Socio-economic Issues

After current affairs, socio-economic issues would the most important topic of conversation during your strategy for IAS preparation. The reason behind this is, as a civil servant you would be part of the governmental machinery deputed with the task of solving these issues. Therefore, it is very important for the examiner to know and understand your stand, opinions and in few cases the prospective solutions that you have to offer for such issues. Therefore, it is important to build a basic foundation for these issues and have a personal opinion on them.

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