Q : What was your strategy for this
examination ?
> I had an integrated strategy. I selected common portions of prelims and
mains exam and prepared these portions keeping the requirements of both the stages in consideration, for example in GS I referred same material of both. Rergarding subjects I
focused more on understanding.
Q : How did you plan for preliminary examination ?
> I made a schedule for all topics in GS & Pub. Ad & followed that schedule religiously. I also had a habit of solving objective questions regularly. Many a times I relied on rationale based preparation.
Q : What about General Studies ?
> GS is an aspect so I analyzed my strength & weakness and focused more on my strength. Initially I had difficulty with traditional portion but finally on solving objective
questions I got a grip on GS.
Q : What is the best way to prepare current affairs ?
> One should update one’s daily. Reading the Hindu newspaper and magazines like Civil Services Chronicle help a lot. Watching news on Doordarshan also facilitates our preparation.
Q : What about time management ?
> One has to take care of time management in two ways. Firstly, during the preparation more time should be given to those subjects where one is weak. Separate time should be spared for all the topics. Secondly, during exam we one has to fix time slot
depending on the marks of questions.
Q : : What was your strategy for Mains ?
> I had focused on rationales. I had also inculcated habit of thinking on almost everything I read. I then started making bullet points in GS & Subjects, which helped me a lot. I also restricted myself to limited material so that I could have solid control on relevant facts & analysis.
Q : Did you join any coaching institute ? What is your opinion about coaching institutes ?
> I had joined Sunil Gupta Sir’s inspiration IAS Academy (Delhi) for Public Administration mock tests and obtained personal counseling from him for Pub. Ad. I had also joined Sardar Patel Institute of Public Administration (Ahmadabad) where I got an
excellent environment for study.
If you feel that you alone cannot prepare well, then only you should join any coaching class which help you think on your own.
Q : What should be the criteria to select optional ?
> First of all you should have interest in the subject you choose. You should also analyse the marks obtained in the same during last couple of years. Help of the subject of GS & Essay should also be taken into consideration.
Q : Tell me something about interview ?
> UPSC interviews are conducted in highly positive environment. Members ask questions of areas of your interest & your subjects. I was asked on FRBM Act, SEZ policy, Land Acquisition, GM Crops, Banking, My hobbies etc. Questions asked started from factual
ones and reached their analytical zenith. I really enjoyed this time.
Q : The biggest mistake you made in the examination ?
> During first year of my preparation I unnecessarily focused much on mugging the things and there was also a lack of analytical study. But I corrected this in due course.
Q : What are your suggestions for the newcomers ?
> You should feel that you are preparing for this exam just for the sake of enriching you knowledge. You try to enjoy this entire process. Don’t be focused too much on results, just put your best efforts. Select authentic sources of material and revise them
Q : What is your opinion about self-study ?
> Length of an answer convinces the examiner that you have ample ideas on the subject but it’s ultimately the quality which matters. Quantity plus quality both are important.
Q : What do you feel is the secret of your success ?
> Positive approach towards exam in particular & life in general, hard work, dedication & never say ‘Quit’ mindset.
Q : To whom do you give the credit of your success ?
> My Parents & family (specially my sisters Preeti & Jashoda), my teachers & my friends who were always behind me during this journey.