Salinometer is a type of hydrometer used to determine the concentration of salt solutions by measuring their densities.

Seismograph or Seismometer is an
instrument used for recording the intensity and origin of earthquake shocks.

Sextant is an instrument used for measuring angular distances between two objects.

Spectrometer is a type of spectroscope so calibrated as to make it suitable for the precise measurement of refractive indices.

Spectroscope is an instrument used for spectrum analysis.

Spherometer is an instrument used for accurately measuring the curvature of spherical objects.

Sphygmomanometer is an apparatus for measuring blood pressure.

Spring Balance is used to measure the mass of a body. It is preferred only when quick but approximate determinations are to be carried out.

Stereoscope is an optical device to see two dimensional pictures as having depth and solidity.

Stethoscope is an instrument for hearing and analysing the sound of heart and lungs.

Stroboscope is an instrument used for viewing the objects moving rapidly with a periodic motion and to see them as if they were at rest.