There Are No Speed Limits On The Road To Perfection
If you want to do something, in all likelihood you will have some hesitation at the outset, because a first-timer has no experience. Hesitation is the result of no or little experience. But you need not worry, because your lack of experience is not going to pose any problem, if you are determined to set out for the attainment of your goal. It is your willpower which will help you throughout your journey to your goal. The greatest wit and one of the greatest playwrights of modern times, George Bernard Shaw has said, “Men are wise in proportion, not to their experience, but to their capacity for experience.” In other words, if you have capacity for adding experience while you try to do things, you get wiser. Every experience only adds to your wisdom that leads you on the right way to the accomplishment of your task.
In order to get over the difficulty your lack of experience may pose at the outset, you should identify someone who has done a work similar to yours’ and get in touch with him/her. As you will interact, you will be surprised at how easy it is to find out how he/she started out and what he/she learned along the way. It is learning along the way which leads one to perfection. Every trifling thing you learn along the way helps you in accomplishing your task in the best possible way. In the words of the great artist, Michelangelo—”Trifles make perfection, and perfection is no trifle.”
In- fact, when you proceed on your way to the accomplishment of the task, you get armed with knowledge of the pitfalls involved and get better prepared and able to navigate your way around your first successful step towards your final destination. If you have some expert coach or an experienced senior to help you achieve yo^jr goal, he/she will start from the belief that you already have the solutions to the things that are challenging you or preventing you from realising your dreams. He/She will tell you to focus your attention on the things you want. It is the degree of your attention which determines the depth of your desire for the thing you want to possess. Always remember that there is nothing good or bad, but thinking makes it so. In other words, never think that any of your endeavours was bad or a waste of time, because it did not succeed. In fact, failures are the pillars of success. They act as the guide that leads to the right way. There is a wise saying—Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely.
Never forget to draw upon your resources in full measure. Always try to find out all your resources, as they are helpful in your pursuit of a goal of your choice. The moment you decide to use your resources, you will find that you rarely need to look outside the network of friends and acquaintances or other contacts you already have to help you achieve your goals. You will find that none of the resources you need is beyond your grasp.
You were ignorant of your resources because you had not previously concenra*ed on looking for them. When you become aware of what it is that you want to achieve, you will certainly be in a better,position to zero in on the things and people you want or need *o realise your dreams with the help of. This realisation of yours will be your best guide on the road to excellence. You will march ahead very confidently. To quote David W. Johnson—”There are no speed limits on the road to perfection.”
Wishing you perfection in whatever you do,