Cost Analysis of IAS Preparation:

Option 1: Study at Home!
Books: Rs. 8,000 – 10,000
Test Series: 15,000
Newspapers and Journals: 6,000
Internet (expense for one year): 6,000 – 8,000
Study Materials: 15,000 – 20,000
Notes and other Resources: 5,000 – 10,000
If you are preparing at home it won’t cost you more than 1 lakh in any case.
Studying from home is best option as if gives you enough freedom to focus on studies as you get a family to take care of all your needs. But select this option of studying from home only if you have a peaceful environment for studies without much distractions and unnecessary works.
Option 2 : You go to Delhi to attend coaching!
Books: Rs. 8,000 – 10,000
Newspapers and Journals: 6,000
Internet expense: 6,000 – 8,000
Coaching fees: 1.5 – 2.0 lakh (Prelims, GS Mains, Optional, Test Series)
Cost of living: Around 10k every month if you are staying in an average clean hostel.
Total Cost with Coaching will be Around 3 lakhs
Conservative estimate; multiply with number of failed attempts, extra fee for extra coaching etc). And even after paying such huge, exorbitant costs, the quality of teaching may not always be up to the mark.
Many of aspirants have cleared the IAS exam without any coaching!
It ‘s up to you to choose your path and achieve your goal.
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