Crops Grown and Types of Soils in India – Points to Remember
- The crop which requires waterlogging for its cultivation – Rice
- The crop which best suited in areas where rain falls only for two months – Pulses
- The ideal crop for areas with rainfall above 200 cm and sloping hills – Tea
- The crop which requires a large amount of rainfall and no standing water – Tea
Also Read: Minerals: India’s Mineral Resources
Crops : Largest Producers
- The largest producer of paddy in India-West Bengal
- The largest producer of wheat in India-Uttar Pradesh
- The largest producer of sugarcane in India – Uttar Pradesh
- The largest producer of groundnut in India – Gujarat
- The largest producer of tea in India -Assam
- The largest producer of coffee in India – Karnataka
- The largest producer of jute in India- West Bengal
- The largest producer of tobacco in India – Andhra Pradesh
- The largest producer of bananas in India – Tamilnadu
- The largest producer of saffron in India – Jammu & Kashmir
- The largest producer of onion in India- Maharashtra
- The largest producer of black pepper in India – Kerala
- The largest producer of cotton in India – Gujarat
- The largest producer of bamboos in India – Assam
- The largest producer of litchis in India – Bihar
Read Also: Crops of the world
Crops in India
- The crop which is sown in largest area in India – Rice
- The crop whose production is the largest in India – Sugarcane
- The cereal crop whose production is the largest in India – Rice
- The agricultural produce which has the highest percentage share of imports – Edible Oil
- The agricultural produce which has the highest percentage share of exports – Rice
Facts about Soils
- The soil most common in Indogangetic plains – Alluvial
- The soil which swells when wet and develops cracks when dry – Black
- The soil which owes its color to oxides of iron – Laterite
- The soil which requires the least use of fertilizers – Alluvial
- The soil which requires the least tiling – Black
- The kind of soil which is treated with gypsum to make it suitable for cropping – Alkaline soil
- The soil which is poor insoluble salts – Laterite
- The soil which is rich in surface accumulation of organic matter – Peaty soil
- The soil which is most suitable for cultivation of cotton – Black
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