IAS Toppers 2011-12 Talk To You General Studies Preparation Should Be Exhaustivenals In A Better Way — Ms. Rukmani Riar, IAS Topper 2011-12 (2nd Position)
How I Prepared For Civil Services Exam?
General Studies is very crucial to the success in the UPSC Civil Services Examination. It is important for all the three stages of the exam. I spent as much time on General Studies as I did for my Optional subjects. General Studies preparation should be exhaustive, as it will help a lot in attempting Essay and also the
Optional in a better way.
I had been reading the Hindu newspaper religiously for 2 years. For Polity, I read a
comprehensive book on Indian Polity by D.D. Basu. For History, NCERT books are very crucial to forming strong foundation. Geography can be done from NCERT books or other good books available in the market. For Economy, reading Economic Survey and one basic NCERT book to have the strong basics is a must. I recommend reading two magazines a month to equip oneself better for attempting the exam. For General Studies, revision is key to success.
How To Succeed In Civil Services Mains Exam?
Start preparing for the Main Examination soon after the Preliminary Examination. Be positive when you face the Interview.
• Work Hard.
• Revise again and again.
• Do choose Optionals wisely.
• Do essay writing practice.
• Do not ignore General Studies.
• Prepare both the Optionals at least once before the Preliminary Examination.
• Start preparing for the Main Exam soon after the Prelims.
• Be positive when you face the Interview
My Preparation Plan
The message I would like to give fellow Civil Services aspirants is that there is no Short Cut to Success.
Biggest Asset:
• Hard Work
• Determination
• Persistence
I did not let myself get let down by failure at any stage of my preparation. My consistency in preparation is the key to my success.
Also, the support of teachers, family and friends helped me to emerge successful in this exam.
The message I would like to give fellow Civil Services aspirants is that there is no shortcut to success.