- Try to appear in your best at the interview. Well-groomed hair, well-ironed dress and well-polished shoes, with a natural smile flickering on your lips, is preferable to turning up at the interview in a fashion and manner that ill-suits the solemnity of the occasion. Your appearance would convey that you have taken the interview seriously, that you want to pay your due respect to the members of the Interview Board and that you are both inwardly and outwardly geared up to take up the job, the interview, for which you are there.
- Spell out your ideas and reactions clearly and you should be able to substantiate your viewpoints with logical arguments and facts. Wherever the other party is able to give a fresh dimension to your thought process, do not take a mulish stand to spurn it if there is substance in the new point of view. In other words, learn to be flexible.
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