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Real Estate Regulatory Bill 2016

Real Estate Regulatory Bill

Real Estate Regulatory Bill 2016 (Regulation and Development), was passed in the Upper House, the Rajya Sabha, on 10 March, Lok Sabha passed it on 15 March. The Bill that solicits to protect home buyers as well as incourage investments in the real estate industry has been passed with 20 major amendments that have been approved by the Union Cabinet.

These amendments are based on the suggestions of a Rajya Sabha committee that was endorsed to examine Real Estate Regulatory Bill that was pending in the Rajya Sabha.

To ensure timely execution of projects (the Real Estate Regulatory Bill has paved the way for setting up of a Real Estate Regulatory Authorities (RERAs).

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The Real Estate Regulatory Bill caters for mandatory registration of all projects with the Real Estate Regulation Authority in each state. Now projects on at least 500 sq metres of area or with eight flats are to registered with the recommended regulatory authority; earlier the area was 1000 sq metres. This amendment has brought a larger number of projects under the regulator’s range. Through, this amendment the Government has also tried to make it clear that the Bill aims at establishing regulatory body for transparent business.

Real estate agents who contemplate to sell any apartment, building or plot have to register themselves with the regulatory authority. Now builders have to deposit 70% of the sale proceeds, that comprises of land cost, in a security account to meet construction cost; earlier proposal for the same was 50% or less. And now they have to pay interest to home buyers for any defalcation or delays at the same rate they charge the buyers. Builders are going to be accountable for structural defects for five years; earlier proposal concerning the time frame was of two years.

Under the new proposal carpet area has been clearly defined as usable places like kitchen and toilets have been included in the definition. Garage has been kept out of the compass of the definition of apartment. Formation of residents association within three months of the allotment of a majority of units in a project has been made compulsory.

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Although the Real Estate Regulatory Bill has authorized the regulatory authorities to hear and act the consumers’ complaints, it also permits the aggrieved consumers to approach consumer courts at the district level. The regulatory bodies will mostly be located in the state capitals.

It has been made mandatory for the Appellate Tribunals to adjudicate cases in 60 days; earlier proposal concerning the time- frame was of 90 days. Regulatory Authorities have to dispose of complaints in 60 days; in the earlier proposal there was no time frame.

According to the Real Estate Regulatory Bill there will be an imprisonment of up to three years in the case of promoters and up to one years in the case of real estate agents and buyers for any violation of orders of Appellate Tribunals or monetary fines or both.

The Government, earlier in December 2014, had brought commercial real estate projects under the compass of the Bill, made the conditions of the Bill applicable to all projects in which sales were still in progress and put in place a system that would consent of two thirds of buyers for changing project plans.

The amended and revisedReal Estate Regulatory Bill comprises an empowering provision for arranging insurance of land title, that is at present not available. This provision is going to benefit buyers and sellers in situations where the title of the land becomes invalid.

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Positive Self-Talk Leading to Your Success

positive self-talk

Positive self-talk is the dialogue that goes on in your mind. It is where you believe in yourself and are confident in your capabilities to the point that you are certain that you will succeed. Here is a list of steps you can take to create positive self-talk to get ahead in life.  

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Positive Self-Talk Leading to Your Success

It helps boost your confidence

  Positive self-talk can help you get through this – thus making you feel more confident. Confidence is so important to
success that many psychologists believe that it is one of the primary pre-requisites to personal and professional success.  

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It can help you improve your performance in anything you do.

  Continuous positive self-talk can help an athlete enhance his overall performance. If you are getting ready for a big presentation or trying to accomplish a personal goal of amassing wealth, positive self-talk will give you the right mindset to do so. You need to know yourself and master your own your thoughts.  

Focus on the facts

Focus your attention on positive, uplifting, and encouraging words to say to yourself. Think about the good things in your life along with the challenges and to give yourself credit for each success, big or small. Each experience counts.

Enjoy the journey

Be wary of words like “should,” “ought,” “must,” and “have to.” Learn to be flexible and compassionate with yourself during your journey, instead of focusing solely on the destination. This will allow you to appreciate the process and your own path of development.

Also Read: 10 Ways to Improve Self-Confidence

Practice persistence.

It is a progress that will require your effort. Continue to find ways to remind you to stop and analyze any negative self-talk and to counter it with a positive message to yourself. Building your positive self-talk will actually become second nature.

Reframe your Thinking

Become aware of having a negative thought, give it a positive spin. Focus on how you can avoid doing the behaviour again.

Stop the Thought.

  While you are in the middle of listening to your negative self-talk, stop your thoughts mid-stream by saying “Stop”. The physical act of saying “stop” out loud will make you better aware of the frequency in which you are stopping negative thoughts, when it happens, where you are when it happens, and what is happening right before it.  

Learn Discipline

There will also be days where you are not motivated to keep track of your negative self-talk or counter it with positive messages. Doing it however helps us develop our discipline and drive.

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Rule of Law

Rule of Law

The doctrine of Rule of law is the building block of justice delivery system in any democratic society. Laws are part and parcel of any country’s polity. It promotes peace and harmony among the citizens thus ensuring the smooth and rapid development of the society.

The principle of Rule of Law is intended to safeguard an individual interest against any arbitrary action of the government authorities. It promotes equality thus eliminating any discrimination on the grounds of race, religion, status, caste, sex, place of birth etc.

In other words, it means that Law is supreme and is above any individual (either ruler or the ruled).


Origin of Rule of Law

The concept of Rule of Law is very old. Its origin can be traced back to the thirteenth century France, when a judge in the reign of Henry III, wrote:  “The king himself ought to be subject to God and the law because the law makes him king.”

But the actual credit in popularizing the doctrine of ”Rule of Law” goes to British jurist A.V. Dicey who in his classical book “Introduction to the Study of the Law of the Constitution“ published in 1885 tried defining this concept.


According to Dicey, Rule of law consists of 3 components:

  1. Supremacy of Law: According to this principle, a man can only be punished if he violates the law of the land and the punishment can only be based on rule of law. In other words, there is nothing called arbitrary power or discretionary power.
  2. Equality before the law: According to it, all classes of people are subjected equally to the ordinary law of the land. That means, no man is above the law. Every Official of the Government just like a normal citizen has to obey the same law and there can be no special courts or special treatment for them.
  3. Predominance of Legal spirit: It means that the Constitution is not the source but the consequence of the rights of the individuals.


Rule of Law and India

In India, the Constitution is the source of the individual rights instead of the other way round, as was suggested by Justice A.V. Dicey. That means Predominance of Legal spirit is not a part of Indian “Rule of Law”.

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Governor : The State Executive Head


Chapter two of Part- VI of the Constitution of India declares the existence of post of a Governor through its Article 153 that pens down: “There shall be a Governor of each state”.

Qualification, Appointment, and Term of the Office

Articles 157 and 158 deal with qualification and conditions for entering the Governor’s office.

According to Article 157 a person, who is a citizen of India and has attained the age of 35 years, is qualified for holding the post.

It becomes when one goes through Article 158, clear that there are many conditions that a Governor has to accept to become or hold the office.

These conditions are:

A person, who is a member of either House of Parliament or of a House of Legislature of any State Specified in the first schedule, cannot become a Governor, says Article 158. The Article further says, ‘if a member of either House of Parliament or of a House of the Legislature of such State be appointed Governor, he shall be deemed to have vacated his seat in that House on the date on which he enters upon his office as Governor’ (clause 1 Article 158). Clause 2 of the Article 158, in a single sentence, makes it clear that a Governor cannot hold any other office of profit.

Must Read: The Governor : Appointment, Functions, and Powers

The Appointment and Term

On the appointment of an Executive head of the State, the Article 155 states rather plainly that “The Governor shall be appointed by the President by warrant under his hand and seal”. On the term of the office of Governor the Article 156 states that he shall hold the of the during the pleasure of President (clause 1); he can resign by sending a resignation letter, under his hand, to the President (clause 2); he holds his office for a term of five years from the date he enters upon his office (clause 3).

The clause-3 also states that the Governor, even after expiration of his term, will continue to hold the office till his successor enters upon the office.

Powers of a Governor

A Governor of a state has three types of powers:

  1. Executive power
  2. Legislative power
  3. Emergency power

Executive Power

The Constitution of India, through its Article 154, has made the Governor the head of the State Executive. Clause 1 of Article 154 states, “The executive power of the State shall be vested in the Governor and shall be exercised by him either directly or through offices subordinate to him in accordance with this Constitution”.

One thing becomes crystal clear that through this clause the Constitution emphasizes the Supreme Power of the Constitution of India; it says at the last of the clause 1 of the Article 154 that the Governor has to apply and use his power as an Executive head of a State in ‘accordance with the Constitution’. So a Governor cannot act arbitrarily. He has to follow the rules set by the Constitution.

The power to grant pardons, etc. comes within the ambit of the Executive Powers conferred through Article 161 that, while dealing with these powers, states that the Governor of a State has got the power to grant pardons, reprieves or remissions of punishment or to suspend, remit or continue the sentence of any person convicted of any offence against any law relating to a matter to which the executive power of state extends.

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Legislative Power

Apart from having the right to address and send messages, and summon, prorogue and dissolve the State Legislature, according to Article 202, the Governor has the power to ask for the annual financial statement to be laid before the State Legislature: Article 207 puts forward the Governor’s power of making demands for grant and recommending “Money Bill”.

Governor’s Power of Veto

When a Bill, after being passed by the House of Legislature, is presented to the Governor, he may grant his assent to the Bill, making the Bill a Law; or he may withhold his assent, causing the Bill to fail in becoming a Law; or, he may return the Bill with a message, it the Bill is not a Money Bill.

Emergency Power

Article 356 empowers the Executive head of the State to send a report to the President, if he becomes satisfied that a situation has emerged in which the State Government cannot function in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution, thus inviting the President to assume himself the functions of the State Government. This is generally termed as President’s Rule.

It is important here to mention that clause 4 of Article 356 States that a proclamation (of President’s Rule) ‘so approved shall, unless revoked, cease to operate on the expiration of a period of six months’.

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Governor Generals and Viceroys of India

National Human Rights Commission (NHRC)

The Prime Minister of India


The Prime Minister of India is the most senior member of cabinet in the executive branch of government in a parliamentary system. The prime minister selects and may dismiss other members of the cabinet, and allocates posts to members within the government. The Prime Minister of India is the presiding member and chairman of the cabinet and is responsible for bringing proposal of legislation. A Prime Minister of India is the official who is appointed to manage the Civil Service and execute the directives of the head of state.

The Prime Minister of India is appointed by the President to assist the latter in the administration of the affairs of the executive. The Prime Minister of India is the presiding and actual head of the government and head of the executive branch. The head of state’s official representative usually holds a largely ceremonial position, although often with reserve powers.

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The term prime minister in the sense that we know it originated in the 18th century in the United Kingdom. The Prime Minister’s executive office is usually called the Office of the Prime Minister.

The Prime Minister of India is expected to become a member of parliament within six months of beginning their tenure, if they are not a member already. They are expected to work with other ministers to ensure the passage of bills through the legislature.

Some specific ministries/department are not allocated to anyone in the cabinet but the prime minister himself. The Prime Minister of India is usually always in-charge of:

  • Appointments of the Cabinet
  • Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
  • Ministry of Planning
  • Department of Atomic Energy and
  • Department of Space

Also Read: Prime Ministers of India – On a Timeline

The prime minister leads the functioning and exercise of authority of the Government. He is invited by the President in the Parliament as leader of the majority party to form a government at the federal level and exercise its powers. The prime minister nominates the members of their Council of Ministers to the president. They also work upon to decide a core group of Ministers as in-charge of the important functions and ministries of the Government.

The Prime Minister of India is responsible for aiding and advising the president in distribution of work of the Government. The prime minister, in consultation with the Cabinet, schedules and attends the sessions of the Houses of Parliament and is required to answer the question from the Members of Parliament to them as the in-charge of the portfolios.

The Prime Minister of India represents the country in various delegations, high level meetings and international organisations that require the attendance of the highest government office and also addresses to the nation on various issues of national or other importance.

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