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List of First in India

  1. First Atomic Submarine of India –
    I.N.S Chakra
  2. First British to visit India – Hawkins
  3. First election commissioner of India –
  4. India’s First nuclear centre – Tarapur
  5. First foreign recipient of Bharat
    Ratna – Khan
    Abdul Gaffar Khan
  6. First Post Office opened in India – Kolkata in
  7. First deputy Prime Minister of India –
    Vallabh Bhai Patel
  8. First Space Tourist of India – Santosh
  9. First Aircraft Carrier Indian Ship – I.N.S.
  10. First Indian who reached South Pole – Col. I K
  11. First Indian who won Billiards Trophy –
  12. First Indian Prime Minister who
    resigned from Office – Moraji
  13. First Indian recipient of Oscar Award –
  14. First Indian Missile – Prithvi
  15. First Indian to win Nobel Prize – Rabindranath
  16. First Scientist of India to get Nobel
    Prize in Economics – Dr.
    Amartya Sen
  17. Name of the first person to get
    Paramvir Chakra – Major
    Somnath Sharma
  18. First Indian to go into space – Rakesh
  19. First speaker of Lok Sabha – G.V. Mavlankar
    from 1952-1957
  20. First president of Indian National
    Congress – W.C.
  21. India’s first woman president – Smt.
    Pratibha Patil
  22. First woman governor of India – Sarojini
  23. First Indian woman ruler – Razia Sultan
    on Delhi’s throne
  24. First Indian woman to get noble prize –
    Teresa in 1979
  25. First woman judge of Supreme Court of
    India – Meera
    Sahib Fatima Bibi
  26. India’s first woman IPS officer – Kiran Bedi
  27. India’s
    first Governor-General of Independent in India – Lord Lewis Mountbatten
  28. India’s
    first Governor of RBI – Sir Osborne Smith
  29. India’s
    first sportsperson to receive Bharat Ratna – Sachin Tendulkar
  30. India’s
    first swimmer who crossed over the English Channel by swimming – Mihir Sen
  31. India’s
    first Woman Air Pilot – Durba Banerjee
  32. India’s
    first person who delivered the lecture in Hindi in UNO – Atal Bihari Bajpai (1977)
  33. Mountaineer
    who scaled Mount Everest 8 Times – Sherpa-Augarita
  34. Indian
    player who played the test cricket – K.S.Ranjeet Singh
  35. Actress to
    win Padma Shri Award – Nargis Dutt, 1958
  36. India’s
    first Newspaper – Hickey’s Bengal Gazette started in 1760
  37. First Indian
    who individually won the Gold Medal in Olympic Games – Abhinav Bindra
  38. First Indian
    who won the bronze medal in Boxing in Olympic Games – Vijendra Kumar
  39. Internet
    came to India in – August 15, 1955 (provided by BSNL)
  40. India’s first newsprint factory was
    set up at – Nepanagar (MP)
  41. Broadcasting started in India – 1927
  42. All India Radio established – 1936
  43. Railways started – April 16, 1853
  44. First Satellite Launched – 19 April,
  45. First Indian Woman to reach in Olympic Games – Sini Abrahim


List of Science Abbreviations

science abbreviations
science abbreviations

The study of science is a quest for knowledge, often as opposed to intuition, belief, etc. It is, in fact, systematised knowledge derived from observation, study and experimentation carried on in order to determine the nature or principles of what is being studied. There are many branches of science, each concerned with a different branch of science are as given below:

  • Acoustics: The study of sound (or the science of sound).
  • Aerodynamics: The branch of mechanics that deals with the motion of air and other gases.
  • Aeronautics: The science or art of flight.
  • Aeronomy: The study of the Earth’s upper atmosphere, including its composition, density, temperature, and chemical reactions, as recorded by sounding rockets and earth satellites.
  • Aerostatics: The branch of statics that deals with gases in equilibrium and with gases and bodies in them.
  • Agrobiology: The science of plant life and plant nutrition.
  • Agronomy: The science of soil management and the production of field crops.
  • Agrostology: The study of grasses.
  • Alchemy: Chemistry in ancient times.
  • Anatomy: The science dealing with the structure of animals, plants or human body.
  • Anthropology: The science that deals with the origin as well as the physical and cultural developments of mankind.
  • Arboriculture: Cultivation of trees and vegetables.
  • Archaeology: The study of antiquities.
  • Astrochemistry: The study of interstellar matter with a view to knowing the origin of the Universe.
  • Astrology: The ancient art (now mostly termed a pseudo-science) of predicting the course of human destinies with the help of indications deduced from the position and movement of the heavenly bodies.
  • Astronautics: The science involved in space travel.
  • Astronomy: The study of the heavenly bodies.
  • Astrophysics:The branch of astronomy concerned with the physical nature of heavenly bodies.
  • Autoecology : The study of the ecology of species.
  • Bacteriology: The study of bacteria.
  • Biochemistry: The study of chemical processes of living things.
  • Bioclimatology : The study of the effects of climate upon living organisms.
  • Bioinformatics: The creation and maintenance of the databases of biological information by the usage of advanced computing systems.
  • Biology: The study of living things, of both flora and fauna.
  • Biomechanics: The study of the mechanical laws relating to the movement or structure of living organisms.
  • Biometeorology: The study of the effects of atmospheric conditions on living organisms.
  • Biometry:The application of mathematics to die study of living things.
  • Bionics: The study of functions, characteristics and phenomena observed in the living world and the application of this knowledge to the world of machines.
  • Bionomics: The study of the relation of an organism to its environments.
  • Bionomy: The science of the laws of life.
  • Biophysics: The physics of vital processes (living things).
  • Biotechnology: The use of living organisms or other biological systems in the manufacture of drugs or other products or for environmental management.
  • Botany: The study of plants.
  • Ceramics: The art and technology of making objects from clay, etc. (pottery).
  • Chemistry: The study of elements and their laws of combination and behaviour.
  • Ecology: The study of the relation of animals and plants to their surroundings, animate and inanimate.
  • Electronics : The study of the development, behaviour and applications of electronic devices and circuits.
  • Electrostatics : The study of static electricity.
  • Embryology:The study of the development of embryos.
  • Entomology: The study of insects.
  • Epidemiology: The branch of medicine dealing with epidemic diseases.
  • Ethnography:A branch of anthropology dealing with the scientific description of individual cultures.
  • Ethnology:A branch of anthropology that deals with the origin, distribution and distinguishing characteristics of the races of mankind.
  • Ethology: The study of animal behaviour.
  • Eugenics:The study of the production of better offspring by the careful selection of parents.
  • Fractography : The study of fractures in metal surfaces.
  • Genealogy: The study of family origins and history. It includes the compilation of lists of ancestors and arranging them in pedigree charts.
  • Geneacology: The study of the genetical composition of plant population in relation to their habitats.
  • Genesiology:The science of generation.
  • Genetics: The branch of biology dealing with the phenomena of heredity and the laws governing it.
  • Geobiology:The biology of terrestrial life.
  • Geobotany: The branch of botany dealing with all aspects of relations between plants and the earth’s surface.
  • Geochemistry: The study of the chemical composition of the earth’s crust and the changes which take place within it.
  • Geodesy: Methods of surveying the earth for making maps and correlating geological, gravitational and magnetic measurements. It is a branch of geo-physics.
  • Geography: The development of the science of the earth’s surface, physical features, climate, population, etc.
  • Geology: The science that deals with the physical history of the earth.
  • Geomedicine: The branch of medicine dealing with the influence of climate and environmental conditions on health.
  • Geomorphology: The study of the characteristics, origin and development of land forms.
  • Geophysics: The physics of the earth.
  • Gerontology: The study of old age, its phenomena, diseases, etc.
  • Glaciology: The study of ice and the action of ice in all its forms
  • Gynaecology : The study of diseases of women’s reproductive organs.
  • Histology: The study of tissues.
  • Horticulture: The cultivation of flowers, fruits, vegetables and ornamental plants.
  • Hydrodynamics: The mathematical study of the forces, energy and pressure of the liquid in motion.
  • Hydrography: The science of water measurements of the earth with special reference to their use for navigation.
  • Hydrology: The study of water with reference to its occurrence and properties in the hydrosphere and atmosphere.
  • Hydrometallurgy: The process of extracting metals at ordinary temperature by bleaching ore with liquids.
  • Hydrometeorology: The study of the occurrence, movement and changes in the state of water in the atmosphere.
  • Hydropathy: The treatment of disease by the internal and external use of water.
  • Hydroponics: The cultivation of plants by placing the roots in liquid nutrient solutions rather than in soil.
  • Hydrostatics: The mathematical study of forces and pressures in liquids.
  • Hygiene: The science of health and its preservation.
  • Limnology : The study of lakes.
  • Lithology : A systematic study of rocks.
  • Mammography: Radiography of the mammary glands.
  • Metallography: The study of the crystalline structures of metals and alloys.
  • Metallurgy:The process of extracting metals from their ores.
  • Meteorology: The science of the atmosphere and its phenomena.
  • Metrology: The scientific study of weights and measures.
  • Microbiology7: The study of minute living organisms, including bacteria, moulds and pathogenic protozoa.
  • Molecular Biology: The study of die structure of the molecules which are of importance in biology.
  • Morphology: The science of organic forms and structures.
  • Mycology: The study of fungi and fungus diseases.
  • Nanotechnology: The technology that is based on the scale of nanometres (10’9m).
  • Neurology: The study of the nervous system, its functions and disorders.
  • Neuropathology: The study of diseases of the nervous system.
  • Nosology : The branch of medicine that deals with the classification of diseases.
  • Numerology: The study of numbers. The study of the date and year of one’s birth and their influence on one’s future life.

Also, Read:

Words Indicating Science Study

Stanford Develops Plastic from Agricultural Waste

Laws of Physics and Chemistry

Rashtriya Ekta Diwas


First Rashtriya Ekta Diwas observed people across India participate in ‘Run for Unity’. On 31st October 2014, Rashtriya Ekta Diwas was observed nationwide to commemorate the 139th birth anniversary of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel.

The decision to observe 31 October as Rashtriya Ekta Diwas or National Integration Day was taken by the Union Government.

The day was inaugurated by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi who paid floral tributes at the statue of Sardar Patel and also flagged off the Run for Unity in New Delhi.

‘Run for Unity’ campaign

The Run for Unity campaign, a nationwide marathon took place on the Rashtriya Ekta Diwas.
It was organized in cities, towns and villages all over India.
This campaign was to pay tribute to the efforts made by Sardar Patel to unite India.
During flagged off occasion, the PM Narendra Modi praised Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel and requested the people to work towards creating Shresth Bharat (Foremost India).

Objective of the Commemoration Rashtriya Ekta Diwas

This day will create awareness among the people about
Sardar Patel’s contribution towards India’s freedom struggle and ensuring
national integration in India.
Sardar Patel played a pivotal role in the merger of princely states with British ruled India to form a sovereign united country called India
It will reaffirm the inherent strength and resilience of our nation to withstand the actual and potential threats to the unity, integrity and security of our country.

Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel

· Sardar Patel was born on 31 October, 1875 at Karamsand, Gujarat.
· He was a barrister with a successful law practice, before he left the law to join the Indian national movement under Gandhi.
· He played a major role in organizing peasants’ movements in Kheda and Bardoli in Gujarat, and during the Quit India movement.
· His biggest contribution to India was his role in the integration of the over 500 princely states with India during 1947-49.
· He is known as the Iron Man of India or Bismarck of India.
· He is also remembered as the Patron Saint of India’s civil servants for establishing modern all-India services.

25 Health Benefits of Lemon


25 Health Benefits of Lemon 

Lemon is one of those super foods with a myriad health and cosmetic benefits. There are a few persons

for whom it is an allergen, so make sure you are not allergic to this natural product, before you start enjoying the many benefits

1. Lemon being a citrus fruit, fights against infection.

It helps in production of WBC’s and antibodies in blood which attacks the invading microorganism and prevents infection.

2. Lemon is an antioxidant which deactivates the free radicals preventing many dangerous diseases like stroke, cardiovascular diseases and cancers.

3. Lemon lowers blood pressure and increases the levels of HDL (good cholesterol) .

4. Lemon is found to be anti-carcinogenic which lower the rates of colon, prostate, and breast cancer.

They prevent faulty metabolism in the cell, which can predispose a cell to becoming carcinogenic.

Also blocks the formation of nitrosamines in the gut.

5. Lemon juice is said to give a glow to the skin.

6. A few drops of lemon juice in hot water are believed to clear the digestive system and purify liver as well.

7. The skin of lemon dried under the sun and then ground to make powder can be applied to the hair for a

few minutes before bath which relieves head ache and cools the body.

8. Applying lemon juice to acne dries the existing ones and prevents from getting more.

9. Lemon juice acts as a natural hair lightner and skin bleach which reduces the pigment melanin and prevents

the risk of chemical allergic reactions which is common with hair dyes and bleaches.

10. Lemon juice is given to relieve gingivitis, stomatitis, and inflammation of the tongue.

11. Lemon juice is given to prevent common cold.

12. Lemon juice is given to prevent or treat urinary tract infection and gonorrhea.

13. Lemon juice is applied to the sites of bites and stings of certain insects to relieve its poison and pain.

14. Lemon juice relieves colic pain and gastric problems.

15. Lemon juice soothes the dry skin when applied with little glycerin.

16. Lemon juice used for marinating seafood or meat kills bacteria and other organisms present in them,

thereby prevents many gastro-intestinal tract infections.

17. Lemon juice with a pinch of salt (warm) every morning lowers cholesterol levels and brings down your weight.

18. Lemon juice is the best drink to prevent dehydration and shock in case of diarrhea.

19. Lemon juice can also be used as a mouthwash. It removes plaque, whitens the teeth and strengthens the enamel.

20. A table spoon on thick lemon syrup everyday relieves asthma.

21. Lemon juice relieves chilblains and itchy skin.

22. Gargling lemon juice relieves throat infection and also used as a treatment for diphtheria.

23. Lemon juice is an excellent treatment for dandruff and greasy hair.

24. Lemon applied over the face removes wrinkles and keeps you young.

25. Lemon juice helps to prevent and cure osteoarthritis.

All Question Asked in IBPS RRB Exam from 6 Sep to 20 Sep


All Question Asked in IBPS RRB Exam from 6 Sep to 20 Sep

Ga Questions Asked in IBPS RRB PO 6 September Morning Shift
1. Capital Of Bhutan-Thimphu
2. Italy Currency- Euro
3. Current CRR- 4%
4. World habitat day- October 6(observed every year on the first Monday of October throughout the world)
5. Minimum limit for RTGS-2 lakh
6. Boeing plane crashed down in which country- Ukraine
7. Current foreign minister- Sushma Swaraj
8. rural population as per census 2011- 68.84 %
9. Length of railway tracks as per railway budget -115,000 km
10. Sania mirza is a brand ambasder of which state- Telangana
11. Mettur Dam on Kaveri River is in which state- Tamil Nadu
12. Role of Banking Ombudsman – resolve complain of customers related with banking services
13.Role of KYC- KYC is used to verify identify of customer to prevent money Laundering
14. Which Author Got Padma Bhushan recently- Ruskin Bond
15. Next G-20 summit (2015) is to be held in – Turkey.
16. Largest consumer of antibiotics- India
17. Who is ISIS- is a Jihadist militant group in Iraq and Syria
18. Where is Cauvery Wildlife Sanctuary located- Karnataka.
19. Parupalli kashyap related to which sport- Badminton
20. Cartoonist pran famous for- Creating Chacha Chaudhary
22. Children above 10 yrs of age are not allowed which facility – Banking Facility
23. Where is SHIGMO festival celebrated – Goa
24. Face to face video communication in which bank – Indusind Bank.
25. First Bank to set up Payment Gateway – SBI
26. India and Brazil agreement 2014 – trade and investment flows.
27. Palestinian Hamas is – Palestinian Islamist political organization and militant group.
28. EBOLA first discovered in which country – Democratic Republic of Congo
29. Aajeevika ” scheme” is also known as – National Rural Livelihoods Mission (NRLM)
Ga Questions Asked in IBPS RRB PO 6 September Evening Shift

1. Capital Of Brazil-Brasília
2. World AIDS Day- 1 December
3. Indian Company to cross 5 cr in mrkt- Tcs
4. Austria Currency-Euro
5. Union budget allocated for Sc development – Rs 50,548 cr
6. TARC Committee head- Parthasarathi Shome
7. Saarc 18th summit- Nepal(kathmandu) in November 2014.
8 . Article of Consitution related with Absence of Nominated Member of Rajya Sabha- Article 104
9. Strictly Personal: Manmohan and Gursharan- by Daman Singh
10. ‘Van Bandhu Kalyan Yojna’- for holistic development of tribals
11. Gagan narang is related to which sports- Air rifle shooting
12. Chutak power plant in which state- Jammu and Kashmir
13.Who elected head of Arujna award selection committee – Kapil Dev
14. BBPS Full form – Bharat Bill Payment System
15. Largest solar power plant in which district of MP – Rewa district
16. Commodity market regulator – Forward Markets Commission
17. PLR is also known as – Base Rate
18.Tata SIA airlines known as – Vistara
19.Road development minister? – Nitin Gadkari
20. NTCA Full Form- National Tiger Conservation Authority
21Ebola virus inventor scientist : Peter Piot (Belgium)
22.Rural Population in India according to 2011 census – 83.3 Crore
Ga Questions Asked in IBPS RRB PO 7 September Morning Shift
1. Rural population highest in the state – Uttar Pradesh
2. Capital of Egypt- Cairo
3. The Vijay Mallya Story written -by K Giriprakash
4. Currency of Republic of Finland- Euro
5. SIT head dealing with black money probe- MB Shah
6. ATM Free usage reduced from 5 to 3 in which cities it will come in effect- six metros( Mumbai, Kolkata, New Delhi, Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Chennai.) Pune and Jaipur are wrong answers
7. Tribal Minister from which constituency-Sundargarh constituency of Odisha
8. 1st Skill Development Centre- Jaipur
9. World Diabetes Day-14 Nov.
10. Joshna Chinappa and Dipika Pallikal related with which sports-squash
11. Committe name related with review of bank governance – J P nayak
12. Brics summitt 2015 to be held in- Russia
13. Pongal celebrated in-Tamil Nadu
14. Min paid capital of small payment banks- 100 Crore
15. Chandraprabha wildlife sanctuary located in – Uttar Pradesh
16. RBI panel head who recommend CPI formula – Urjit Patel Committee
17. Railway passenger per day Travel according to Budget- 23 million
18. Comet for which European Space Agency made a Rosetta spacecraft – 67P/C-G
19. E-baat full form – Electonic Banking Awareness and technology
20. FII is registered under which organization – SEBI
21. CNBT full form – Comprehensive Nuclear-Test Ban Treaty
22. Muzaffar Ali winner of Rajiv Gandhi National Sadbhawna award for directed- Umrao Jaan
23. Dhronacharya award committee headed by – Ajitpal singh
24. Physics nobel prizi 2013- Francois Englert + Peter W. Higgs
25. Lanco Udupi Coal Mega Power Plant bought by – Adani group
26. Commercial paper issued in form of- Promissory note
27. FDI must registered under – SEBI
28.Excessive deteriorate notes from fire, water washing – Mutilated notes
Ga Questions Asked in IBPS RRB PO 7 September Evening Shift
1.Currency of Netherlands – Euro
2. Consumer and food affair minister- Ram Vilas Paswan
3. V.k.iyengar who died is related to – Yoga
4. Highest urban population – Maharashtra
5. The Nimoo Bazgo power project in which city- Leh ( Jammu and Kashmir)
6. Who won the prize along with sharad Yadav and arun jaitley given by president- karan Singh
7. Bihu festival related to which state – Assam
8. Roger Federer is related to which Sports- Lawn Tennis
9. First bank to launch EMI on debit cards – ICICI Bank
10. AIMA Full Form-All India Management Association
11. Who won emerging business leader of year award given by AIMA – Godrej group Chairman Adi Godrej
12. The 2014 Summer Youth Olympics was held at? – Najing, China
13. International Human Rights day is celebrated on : December 10th
15. The next IBSA summit will be hosted by which country —India
16. What is Stale Cheque- Cheques that are dated as old as 3months
17. Who is Food Processing Minister – Harsimrat Kaur Badal
18. RBI given license to which micro finance institute- IDBI & Bandhan
19. Forward and Future Market Regulator – Forward Markets Commission
20. Who is administerd “Varishtha Pension Bima Yojana” = LIC
21. Prime Minister Narendra Modi commissioned________at the Naval base and most powerful
guided missile-destroyer – INS Kolkata
22. How much amount for ” Deen Dayal Upadhyay Gram Jyoti Yojana”- Rs. 500 cr.
23. Surya Kiran-7 military exercise is being held between india and- Nepal
24. what we call ——-(some story telling) in A.P and Telangana – Hari Katha
25. How much capital to be infused in banks to meet Basel-III norms by 2018 as per union budget – Rs 2.40 lakh crore
26. Capital of Australia- Canberra
Ga Questions Asked in IBPS RRB PO 13 September Morning Shift
1. NDTL full form- Net Demand and time Liability
2.Capital of ethiopa – Addis Ababa
3. World Red Cross day- May 8
4. Currency of libya- Libyan dinar
5. What is INS Kamrota?-anti-submarine
6. New PAC Chairman-Congress leader K V Thomas
7. Director of movie Gandhi who died recently-Richard Attenborough
8. Cartonist Pran was famous for which cartoon character- Chacha Chaudhary
9. Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Minister- Kalraj Mishra
10. Rashtriya Khel Protsahan Puraskar – ONGC
11. New Deputy Governor of RBI-.S.S mundra
12 Drug for Ebola Virus- ZMapp
13. Shiva Trilogy Author- Amish Tripathi
14. Jan Dhan yojna Insurance cover- Rs 1 lakh
15.Eco tourism in railway announced in which state- Northeast states
16. Ragala venkat Rahul is associated with which sports- Weightlifter( won first medal for India at second Youth Olympic Games)
17. Which country celebrated 95th independence day- Afghanistan
18. Kruger National Park- South Africa
19. Where is jagannath rath yatra took place- Puri Orrisa
20. Sunidhi chauhan awarded dada phalke award for which song- Kamli from the film Dhoom 3
21. which commission abolished by pm modi- Planning Commission
22. IIEST full form- Indian Institutes of Engineering Science and Technology
23. where Nivea installed manufacturing Plant- Sanand, gujarat
24. Who has written the book Hard Choices- Hillary Rodham Clinton
25. RuPay card is launched by- National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI)
26. Name of transaction in which we doesn’t swipe card, but use details of card – Online transaction
27. Which agency set standards for individual customers and SME- BCSBI
Ga Questions Asked in IBPS RRB PO 13 September Evening Shift
1.Who is women and child development minister- menaka gandhi
2. Capital of uzbekistan- Tashkent
3. Currency of portugal- Euro
4. Total number of districts in India according to Census 2011: 640
5. Neeranchal to give impetus to watershed development in the country with an initial outlay of – Rs 2,142 crore
6. World Vitiligo Day: 25 June
7. Slumdog Millionaire director- Danny Boyle
8. Hydroelctric Power Plant in Kargil Distrcit : Chutak Hydroelectric Plant
9. According to railway minister in rail budget how many people travel daily by train- 23 million
10. INS kolkata is developed by- Defence Research Development Organisation (DRDO) and made by Mazagon Dock Limited
11. To which telecom company reliance is linked up- tata docomo and aircel
12. What is Over drat limit for jan dhan yojana- Rs 5000
13. Telangana official festival- Bathukamma
14.EMI full form- Equated Monthly Installment
15. Dronacharya award for wrestling given to- Mahabir Prasad
16.Neeranchal amount allocation in budget – Rs. 2142 Crore
17. one question about naval exercise recntly conducted by India and -China
18. Padma bhushan awardee jayant mahelakar related to which field- Science and technology( Ahe is a chemical engineer)
Ga Questions Asked in IBPS RRB PO 14 September Morning Shift
1. Currency of Germany- Euro
2. Irom Chanu Sharmila belongs to which state- Manipur
3. Ozone day was observed on- September 16th
4. Romancing with life is the autobiography of which actor- Dev Anand
5. financial inclusion scheme- jan dhan yojna
6. Ireland capital- dublin
7. Smart city fund- 7060 crore
8.8. khel protsahan puraskaar for nurturing and budding youth talent -Jindal Steel Works
9.state with 93.91% literacy rate? Kerela
10. BSBDA max investment in one year? – 1 lakh
11 Where is Mullaperiyar Dam situated ? Idukki District of Kerala,
12. Full form of FATF? Financial Action Task Force
12-member selection panel, headed by legendary cricketer Kapil Dev,did not recommend anyone one for which award?Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna.award
14.Information and Broadcasting union minister-Prakash Jawarker
15. Sushil kumar , bajarang related to sport- Wrestling
16.Committee on Obsolete Laws is headed by – Ramanujam
17.Recently, Ice Bucket Challenge is more often in news. Why is this being organized? – To donate to people suffering from Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
18.Next New Coin May Be come by Rbi.. Rs 100
19. Who became the ambassador of turn back crime campaign of interpol — Shah rukh khan
20.Name of the traditional tea offered to PM Narendra Modi by Japanese PM – Chanayu…..
21. What is the minimum pension – Rs. 1000
22. which state of Highest percentage of Literate- Kerala
23. .Railway total employee- 13.1 lakh
Ga Questions asked in IBPS RRB Clerk 14 September Evening Shift (1.Arvind Mayaram Committee is related to – FDI
2. US open 2014 Men’s Runner up NISHIKORI Belongs to – JAPAN
3. GDP rate of India as per ADB – 5.5%
4. Agriculture rate as per Union Budget 2014-15 – 3.6%
5. Chairman of Indian Agricultural Research Institute- Dr. H S Gupta
6.Full form of ISRO – The Indian Space Research Organisation
7.Currency of China – Yuan
8. Sex ratio as per Census 2011 – 940: 1000
9. Sania Mirza is become brand Ambassdor of which state- Telengana
10. Dificiency of Vitamin D is called – osteomalacia
11. Neel Mukherjee is Famous for-Author
12. Power, Coal, New and Renewable Energy Minister– Piyush Goyal
13. WHich Film got the National flm Award in ‘’ Best Children’s Film” CATEGOTY? -KAPHAL
14.Who is Chairman of 14th Finace Commission- Dr. Y.V.Reddy
15. Palakkad District is famous for? – 100% Banking
16. Which state is suffering from Landslide problems- TAMIL NADU
17.What is EBOLA? – Virus
18. Full form of CSAT-Civil Services Aptitude Test
19. Who won the first battle of Panipat – Babur(The First Battle of Panipat (1526), between the Mughal Babur and the Delhi Sultan Ibrahim Lodi, resulting in a Mughal victory.)
IBPS RRB Clerk 17 September Morning Shift Ga Questions
1. Bankok is the capital of which country- Thailand
2. Telangan’s state brand ambassador – Sania Mirza
3. Age limit for juvenile to be carried in court for heinous crime- 16 years
4. India’s rank in CWG 2014 -5th
5. Number one country in human development Index- Norway
6. A book Strictly Personal, Manmohan and Gursharan written by- Daman Singh
7. Who is civil Aviation Minister- Ashok Gajapathi Raju
8. Parupalli Kashyap is related to with which game – Badminton
9. K. Sanjita chanu belongs from which state – Manipur
10Tiger wood is related with which game- Golf
11. Novok Djokovic is related to which game – Tennis
12. According to Union budget 2014-15, Agricultural university will open in which state – Andhra Pradesh & Rajasthan
13.Gandhi Nagar is the capital of which state- Gujarat
14. What is current CRR Rate – 4%
15. HUCK term related to which game- Ultimate Frisbee
16. Jitu Rai is associated with – Shooting
17. Ban Ki -moon is the Secretary-General of – UN
IBPS RRB Clerk 17 September Evening Shift Ga Questions
1. Capital of Maldives- Malé
2. Roger Feredar is related to which game – Tennis
3.Which country tops medal tally in CWE 2014 games – England
4.Which country finished 2nd rank in medal tally in CWE 2014 games -Australia
5. Nalanda university is located in which state –Bihar
6. ISIS is active in which state – Iraq
7. Mars Orbiter Mission, informally called – Mangalyaan
8. Which state has large number of tigers- Karnataka
9. What is the age limit for voting right- 18 years
10. Who is the head of UNESCO – Irina Bokova
11. Rainfall density is highest in which state- Cherrapunji, Meghalaya
12. What is HAL Dhruv – It is a utility helicopter developed and manufactured by India’s Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd.
13. Governor of U.P – Ram Naik
14. Which organisation gives loan to landless farmer- NABARD
15. BRICS bank head office will be located in which country- Shangai, China
16.How much % SLR cut down in monetary policy – 0.5%
17.Minimum paid-up capital for payment banks – Rs 100 Crore
IBPS RRB Clerk 20 september Ga Questions Morning Shift
1. Home Minister of India- Rajnath Singh
2. Current CRR- 4%
3. Agartala is capital of- Tripura
4. Yogeshwar Datta related with which Sport – wrestler
5. who is H.R. Khan- Deputy governor of RBI
6. Bihar Chief Minister- Jitan Ram Manjhi
7. Oslo is the capital of- Norway
8. OP Kohli Governor of which State- gujrat
9. In Monetary policy which rate change- SLR
10. fullform of SEBI- Securities and Exchange Board of India
11. Christine Lagarde is related with- IMF
12. Founder of congress- Allan Octavian Hume
13. How many aims dicided to make in budget- 5
14. Who is the railway minister- D V Sadananda Gowda
15.K R kamath is the CMD of- PNB
16. Rory mcllroy related with which game- Golf
17. ulberg hill stattion situated in – Kashmir
18. Modi visited which country in august 1st week- Nepal
19.PSLV-23 is launched from- Shri Harikota
20. Semi high speed train route- Delhi-agra