Tag: Banks


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Facts About Indian Rupee

The first coins were minted (made) around 2500 years ago. Paper money was first used in China over 1000 years ago. The first "rupee” was first...

13 Interesting facts related to Indian Banking

Allahabad Bank is the oldest Joint Stock Bank of India. Andhra Bank was founded by Freedom Fighter Dr. Bhogaraju Pattabhi Sitaramayya Bank of...

Largest banks in the World

Largest banks in the World ranked by Total Assets in –2013 (Total assets, US $ bn & as per Balance sheet on 31.03.2013)1 Industrial &...

Punch lines of Commercial Banks in India

Punch lines of Commercial Banks in India: * Hum Hai Na— ICICI * Good People To Grow With — Indian Overseas Bank * Pure banking nothing else,...

Banking Information

First India bank Got ISO : Canara BankFirst Governor of RBI : Mr. Osborne SmithFirst Indian governor of RBI : Mr. C D DeshmukhFirst...

