Every now and then media flashes the social trends and people’s responses to the things taking place rapidly. Several surveys are made to gauge the mood of people belonging to every part of the country, representing every generation. But what matter most to every mediaperson are the opinions expressed by the young men and women, as they are collectively thought to be the future of the country. The young generation is exposed to the multitudinous activities being carried out across the country so that the country can walk hand in hand with the world and face the challenges that every development brings in its wake.
The youth are brimming with confidence to give direction to their pent-up ambitions ready to force their way out, but very often they cannot get suitable opportunities to take to the profession they are actually cut out for. In fact, they feel at sea because of lack of guidance and proper knowledge about the areas of their choice. Most of them think that it is not the opportune moment to make efforts. And, unfortunately, there is often nobody ready to tell them that the moment they start making efforts for achieving something is itself the opportune moment. Always remember the famous line of Jean Paul Richter—”Do not wait for circumstances to do good; try to use ordinary situations.” And the same has been the message of Competition Success Review. Have a bird’s eye view and you will find opportunities lying scattered before you. Just tell yourself that you can do what you want to.
For the last 52 years, IAS Paper has been trying to make energetic and ambitious youth like you understand the real value of making a right decision and turning their thoughts and dreams into reality. It has kept itself abreast of the changing needs of every period and revealed the nuances of every career option that can be thought of. In the beginning, there were broadly four or five career options—Civil Services, Railways, Legal Profession, Engineering, Medical Profession and Office Jobs, etc. Now, many new areas have emerged. While Civil Services remain the first option due to power and prestige involved with them, Corporate Jobs tempt the youth on account of the perks and fat pay cheques. Railways being the largest recruiter in the country also becomes a preferred choice. Defence and Legal Services have their own attraction, as they provide the youth an enviable opportunity to show their latent talent. Besides, IT Jobs, Banking Services, Civil Aviation, Hospitality Sector, Fashion Technology along with Jewellery Designing as well as Media and Animation have their own place in the popularity charts of myriad professions.
In a nutshell, an ambitious and energetic youth like you can carve out a career in the way you want. We, at
IAS Paper
are always ready to provide you with the latest update at your will, which you can ask for in our permanent column “Letters From Readers”. Francis Bacon has said, “A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds.” When you think of cracking a competition, and ask yourself if you can, the answer should ever be—”YES, I CAN”.
Eager to hear you say, “Yes, I can turn my dream into reality”,