South America
North America
Other Facts
- Canada has more lakes than all the other countries of the
world combined. - Kazakistan is the largest landlocked country in the world
- France covers the most time zones, covering 12 time zones
- Most overweight population found in Nauru
- Mongolia is the least densely populated country on Earth
with 4 people per square mile - Saudi Arabia has no river
- Suriname is the most jungle covered country in the world,
with 91% of its land covered in jungle - Papua New Guinea with 820 languages are spoken, is the
most languages spoken country in world - The country with the most neighbors is Russia with 16
neighbors - New Zealand is the first country that gave women the
right to vote in 1893 - The country with the longest shoreline measuring 202,080
km is Canada - Liechtenstein and Uzbekistan is the only two countries in
the world which are doubly landlocked - Vatican is the only country where there was no birth in
1983 - Singapore is the largest country without any farms.
- Nauru is the only country in the world with no official
capital - There are more post offices in India than anywhere else
in the world - New
Zealand is the only country which has every climate in the world