We all know that we should start to prepare for exam day well in advance. But we all get stressed during exam day irrespective of our level of preparation, we often bring so many negative thoughts with us by starting our day. “I don’t have much time left”, “I can’t complete this topic”, “I don’t like this specific subject”, It is not so easy to get out through these voices out of our heads, but we can try to approach our work differently.
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General Preparation for Building Confidence Before Exam Day are:
- Review your personal skills
- Develop good study habits and strategies
- Manage time
- Organize material to be revised and learned
- Improve and learn from past test performance experience
- Remember that tests are held to see what you know and what you don’t know. So study what you can and don’t stress yourself.
- Remember to do the best you can. If you studied hard before and did everything you possibly could before the test, then you’ve done the best you can do.
- Always think positive and before the test whisper to yourself “I can do it!”
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Stress before an exam is completely normal. However, too much stress will hinder your performance and your results could suffer. Here are some tips to help you stay calm during exams, so that you can reach your potential.
- Use any ‘good luck charms’ that might help you to feel confident and calmer.
- Dress in a way that helps you to feel smart, confident and good about yourself.
- Get a good night’s sleep before the exam day
- Eat sensibly before the exam day.
- Stop studying about an hour before the exam.
- Know the time and place of the exam day.
- Develop positive self-talk.
- Don’t talk about the exam with your classmates
- Read over the questions carefully and plan your approach.
- Don’t hesitate to ask for clarification.
- Don’t get stuck to any one of the question.
- Wear your watch and keep track of time.
- Study calm before your test
- Relax yourself during the exam.
- Pay attention only to the exam.
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If panic starts to develop in the exam hall.
Make yourself comfortable. Check that you are not too hot or too cold. Take a few deep breaths and sighs of relief to reduce tension. Sit with your eyes closed for a little while. Most people feel tense at this point. Whatever is your state of preparation, your task is now to do your best.
- Take your time to go through all the questions and read instructions carefully. Do it at least twice, to make sure that you get a firm grasp of the questions.
- Pick out the questions that relate to your revision and are well known. Taking adequate time at this point will pay off handsomely. If you can’t decide which questions to answer, pick out those you can answer easily and come back to the others later.
- Plan your answers properly. This is really important! Five minutes spent on a plan and rough notes will help your thoughts to flow.
- Do your best to ignore everyone else while you are at the planning state. Its not easy, but it really helps.
- Do you want to answer the “difficult” or “easy” question first? Doing an easier one can boost your confidence and relax you throughout. Tackling a more difficult one while you are still alert may be best for you.
- Manage your time. Keep an eye on the time, so that you have enough time for your final answer.
- If your panic gets worse stop, put down your pen, and relax. Breathe slowly; close your eyes for a few moments. If it helps, put your head on the desk. Shake your arms. Move your head slowly from side to side to relieve tension. Say something positive and encouraging to yourself. Imagine yourself somewhere else (where you feel happy and relaxed).
- If you feel unwell, ask the invigilator if you may leave the room for a short while. Taking a few deep breaths of fresh air or a drink of water may be just what you need to calm down.
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