- If you announce your goals to others, you are less likely to make them happen because you lose motivation.
- Your mind “rewrites” monotonous speech of boring people to make it sound more interesting.
- There are more than400 distinct phobias well recognised by psychologists.
- Your favourite song is probably your favourite because you associate it with an emotional event in your life.
- The type of music you listen to affects the way you perceive the world.
- Spending money on others yields more happiness than spending it on you.
- Phobias may be memories passed down through generations in DNA.
- 30% of pregnant women crave non-food items, an eating disorder called pica.
- Phobophobia is the fear of having a phobia.
- Researchers are debating on adding Internet addiction to the list of mental disorders.
- 1 in 5 people in France have experienced depression making it the most depressed
country in the world. - There is a gene that can cause you to be negative most of the time.
- The Truman Syndrome is a condition in which patients believe that they’re living in a reality TV show.
68% of the people suffer from Phantom Vibration Syndrome, the feeling that one’s phone is vibrating when it’s not. - Paris Syndrome is a disorder, mainly suffered by Japanese people, caused after realizing Paris isn’t what they expected.
- When she is happy, she can’t stop talking, when she is sad she doesn’t say a word.
- Clinomania is the excessive desire to stay in bed all time.
- If you are always worried about what others think of you, you will never be happy.
- People with generally high levels of anxiety are more likely to remember pictures of threatening faces than calmer people.
- Trypanophobia – Fear of injection
- People who spend more time in the sun are likely to be happier and happy people are more likely to fall in love because their happiness makes other people happy.
- If someone makes eye contact with you for 60% of a conversation they’re bored, 80% and they’re attracted to you and 100% of the time then they are threatening you.
- Clothes – What we wear affects how we behave.
- When crying from happiness the first tear will come from the right eye but if you are crying from sadness it will come from the left.
- The word psychology comes from the Greek word psyche meaning ‘breathe, spirit, soul’ and the logia meaning ‘study of.’
- The brain is made up of 75% water.
- Your sense of smell is the sense which is best attached to your memory.
- People who spend a lot of time on internet are more likely to be depressed, lonely and mentally unstable!
- Lack of sleep leads to sugar carving!
- You can’t read in a dream because reading and dreaming are functions of different sides of the brain, which don’t cooperate while dreams!
- 80% of people feel better after Sleeping.
- Psychology says, the person who brings out the best in you and makes you strong, is actually your weakness.
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