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Hockey’s Jadoogar – Dhyan Chand

Dhyan Chand popularly known as hockey's jadoogar. Dhyan Chand was born on 29th August, 1905 at Allahabad. His father was in the British Indian...

Language Tree

Language Tree
Language Tree

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When linguists talk about the historical relationship between languages, they use a tree metaphor. An ancient source (say, Indo-European) has various branches (e.g., Romance, Germanic), which themselves have branches (West Germanic, North Germanic), which feed into specific languages (Swedish, Danish, Norwegian).

Top 10 Most Spoken Languages In The World

Language No. of Speaker Say “Hello”
Mandarin 1 billion+ “Ni hao” (Nee HaOW)
English 508 million “What’s up, freak?”
Hindustani 497 million “Namaste” (Nah-MAH-stay)
Spanish 392 million “Hola” (OH-la)
Russian 277 million “Zdravstvuite” (ZDRAST-vet-yah)
Arabic 246 million “Al salaam a’alaykum” (Ahl sah-LAHM ah ah-LAY-koom)
Bengali 211 million “Ei Je” (EYE-jay)
Portuguese 191 million “Bom dia” (bohn DEE-ah)
Malay-Indonesian 159 million “Selamat pagi” (se-LA-maht PA-gee)
French 129 million “Bonjour” (bone-JOOR)