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Food Chain and Food Web


Every living plant and animal must have energy to survive. Plants rely on the soil, water, and the sun for energy. Animals rely on plants as well as other animals for energy. In an ecosystem, plants and animals all rely on each other to live. Scientists sometimes describe this dependence using a food chain or a food web.

Food Chain

A food chain describes how different organisms eat each other, starting out with a plant and ending with an animal.

The lion eats the zebra, which eats the grass. The grasshopper eats grass, the frog eats the grasshopper, the snake eats the frog, and the eagle eats the snake.

Must Read: Classification of Food

Links of the Chain

The names depend mostly on what the organism eats and how it contributes to the energy of the ecosystem.

  • Producers – Plants are producers. This is because they produce energy for the ecosystem. They do this because they absorb energy from sunlight through photosynthesis. They also need water and nutrients from the soil, but plants are the only place where new energy is made.
  • Consumers – Animals are consumers. This is because they don’t produce energy, they just use it up. Animals that eat plants are called primary consumers or herbivores. Animals that eat other animals are called secondary consumers or carnivores. If a carnivore eats another carnivore, it is called a tertiary consumer. Some animals play both roles, eating both plants and animals. They are called omnivores.
  • Decomposers – Decomposers eat decaying matter (like dead plants and animals). They help put nutrients back into the soil for plants to eat. Examples of decomposers are worms, bacteria, and fungi.

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Energy is Lost

All the energy made in the food chain comes from the producers, or plants, converting sunlight into energy with photosynthesis. The rest of the food chain just uses energy. So as you move through the food chain there is less and less energy available. For this reason, there are less and less organisms the further along the food chain.

There is more grass than zebras, and more zebras than lions. The zebras and lions use up energy doing stuff like running, hunting, and breathing. Links higher up in the food chain rely on the lower links. Even though lions don’t eat grass, they wouldn’t last long if there wasn’t any grass because then the zebras wouldn’t have anything to eat.

Must Read: Chloroplasts – Unique Structures Found in Plant Cells

Food Web

In any ecosystem there are many food chains and, generally, most plants and animals are part of several chains. When you draw all the chains together you end up with a food web.

Trophic Levels

Sometimes scientists describe each level in a food web with a trophic level. Here are the five trophic levels:

  • Level 1: Plants (producers)
  • Level 2: Animals that eat plants or herbivores (primary consumers)
  • Level 3: Animals that eat herbivores (secondary consumers, carnivores)
  • Level 4: Animals that eat carnivores (tertiary consumers, carnivores)
  • Level 5: Animals at the top of the food chain are called apex predators. Nothing eats these animals.

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Plant – Living Organism

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Ecology and Environment

Unknown and Surprising facts about Slavery

  • The first official slave owner in America was an Angolan who adopted the European name of Anthony Johnson. He was sold to slave traders in 1621 by an enemy tribe in his native Africa and was registered as “Antonio, a Negro” in the official records of the Colony of Virginia. He went to work for a white farmer as an indentured servant.
  • Many slaves in America refused to eat, wanting to die rather than toil through the regime of slavery. Subsequently, owners either forced their food down their throats, broke their teeth, or shoveled hot molten lead on their heads in an attempt to make them eat food.
  • Infanticide was common among black slave women. Killing their babies, usually by one swift chop with a knife around the infant’s neck, ensured that their sons and daughters would not experience the horrors of the slave trade.
  • Eli Whitney’s invention of the cotton gin greatly increases the demand for slave labor in 1793.
  • President Lincoln issues the Emancipation Proclamation, declaring “that all persons held as slaves” within the Confederate state “are, and henceforward shall be free.”
  • The Civil War ends. Lincoln is assassinated. The Thirteenth Amendment abolishes slavery throughout the United States. On June 19 slavery in the United States effectively ended when 250,000 slaves in Texas finally received the news that the Civil War had ended two months earlier.
  • Children entered the labor force as early as 3 or 4. Some were taken into the master’s house to be servants while others were assigned to special children’s gangs called “trash gangs,” which swept yards, cleared drying cornstalks from fields, chopped cotton, carried water to field hands, weeded, picked cotton, fed work animals, and drove cows to pasture.
  • Slaves constructed more than 9,500 miles of railroad track by 1860, a third of the nation’s total and more than the mileage of Britain, France, and Germany.
  • William Whipple freed his slaves when he signed the Declaration of Independence because he believed that he could not fight for freedom and own slaves
  • U.S. President James Buchanan regularly bought slaves in Washington, D.C. and quietly freed them in Pennsylvania.
  • Harriet Tubman never lost a slave in 19 trips on the Underground Railroad. One of her secrets for not getting caught was drugging kids with opium to keep them from crying.  Harriet Tubman carried a gun with her on the Underground Railroad. If a runaway slave threatened to give up and go back to the plantation, she would point the gun at him and threaten to shoot him dead.
  • The Romans had a celebratory day once in a year where the roles of master and slave were reversed.
  • India has the largest slave population in the modern world with over 14 million slaves.
  • Benjamin Franklin attempted to abolish slavery already in 1790.
  • America’s first slave owner was a black man.
  • A Slave in America in 1850 would cost over US$12,000 in 2013 dollars.
  • Part of the White House was built by slaves.
  • The concept behind the word “cool” might come from the African word “itutu”, brought to America by slavery.
  • Mississippi didn’t ratify the 13th Amendment, abolishing slavery, until2013.
  • Slavery was abolished in Saudi Arabia and Yemen as recently as 1962.
  • Ancient Greeks and Romans often bought slaves with salt.

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History of Slavery in the United States

Brief History of United States of America

Shocking Facts About Stress

Too much stress can lead to physical problems such as heart disease, high blood pressure, chest pain, and an irregular heartbeat. It is not the culprit that causes gray hair; but it does cause hair loss. Laughter is usually the best natural medicine. It lowers levels of adrenaline, and epinephrine, which are stress-aggravating hormones; and it releases feel-good hormones, such as, dopamine.

Shocking Facts About Stress

  • The top most stressful jobs were a surgeon, commercial airline pilot, photojournalist, advertising account executive, and real estate agent. The least stressful jobs were actuary, dietician, astronomer, systems
    analyst, and software engineer.
  • Stress is linked to the six leading causes of death: heart disease, cancer, lung ailments, accidents, liver cirrhosis, and suicide.
  • Chronic stress floods the brain with powerful hormones that are meant for short-term emergency situations. Chronic exposure can damage, shrink, and kill brain cells.
  • Stresses can result in more headaches as a result of the body rerouting blood flow to other parts of the body.
  • During extremely stressful situations, your pupils dilate.
  • Men are more likely to develop stressful-related disorders.These disorders include hypertension, aggressive behavior, and abuse of drugs and alcohol.
  • By positive thinking, affirmations, and visual fantasies, you can lower your stressed levels. Because stresses is often caused by overthinking, changing your thoughts can lead to instant relaxation.
  • Stress adds a lot of “wear and tear” to different areas of your body, causing you to look and feel more run down. The natural results of “aging” can happen earlier for people who are often stressed or overwhelmed.
  • Prolonged, uninterrupted, unexpected, and unmanageable stresses are the most damaging types of stress.
  • Exercise reduces stress and improves health and well-being. Do something that you enjoy doing (like
    walking, jogging, swimming, biking, yoga, or playing) and you will reap the stressed-reducing benefits immediately.
  • Things as simple as laughing, dark chocolate, music, meditation, and sleeping are all proven to reduce the levels of stressfulness and leave you feeling fresh, bright, and rejuvenated.

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Crazy-Interesting Facts About Warren Buffet


Warren Buffet has given his CEOs only two rules: Rule1: Do not lose any of your shareholder’s money. Rule 2: Do not forget Rule 1. When Bill Gates met him for the first time, he did not think he had anything in common with Warren Buffet so he had scheduled his meeting only for half hour.  When Gates met him, the meeting lasted for 10 hours and Bill Gates became a devotee of Warren Buffet.

Crazy-Interesting Facts About Warren Buffet

  • Warren Buffet bought his first share at age 11 and he now regrets that he started too late!
  • At the age of 11, Warren Buffett began to invest in the stock market. His first purchase was of three shares of Cities Service Preferred.
  • He still lives in the same small three bedroom house in mid-town Omaha that he bought after he got married
    50 years ago. He says that he has everything he needs in that house. His house does not have a wall or a fence.
  • He never travels by private jet, although he owns the world’s largest private jet company.
  • His company, Berkshire Hathaway, owns 63 companies. He writes only one letter each year to the CEOs of
    these companies, giving them goals for the year. He never holds meetings or calls them on a regular basis.
  • His advice to young people: Stay away from credit cards and invest in yourself.
  • Nothing feels better than serving the community that you live in. Warren Buffet, pledged that he would donate all his wealth to charity. In USA history, this has been the greatest act of charitable donation so far.
  • Warren Buffet is not an extrovert and avoids socializing with people of his class. His favourite past time is to sit down and watch TV, while having popcorns made by himself.
  • As a teenager, Buffet was often caught lying, shoplifting and stealing golf balls
  • Warren Buffett bought the Buffalo Evening NewsOmaha World-HeraldThe Eagle, the Waco Tribune-Herald, and other newspapers. In total, his firm Berkshire Hathaway owns 28 daily and 42 non-daily newspapers. Though they have turned out to be profitable investments, the main reason Warren Buffett opted to invest is because he loves newspapers.
  • In 2008, he was declared the wealthiest man in the world by Forbes, beating competitors such as Bill Gates and Carlos Slim Helu.

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Renewable Energy

Renewable Energy
Renewable energy is derived from natural processes that are replenished constantly. In its various forms, it derives directly from the sun, or from heat generated deep within the earth. Included in the definition is electricity and heat generated from solar, wind, ocean, hydropower, biomass, geothermal resources, and bio-fuels and hydrogen derived from renewable resources.
In history, the primary sources of traditional renewable energy were human labor, animal power, water power, the wind, in grain crushing windmills, and firewood, a traditional biomass.
Many renewable energy sources are also better for the environment than burning fossil fuels. They produce less pollution which will help protect the environment and provide us with cleaner air and water.

Major Types of Renewable Energy

Wind Power – Large wind turbines generate electricity from the power of the wind.

Solar Energy – The rays from the sun can help to heat a building or a pool. They can also be turned into electricity using solar cells.

Hydropower – Water from a dam or a river can be used to spin turbines and generate electricity.

Wave and Tidal Power – This new technology is working on ways to harness the vast power of the ocean‘s waves and tides.

Geothermal Energy – Heat from inside the Earth can be used to heat homes and buildings with heat pumps. Steam from inside the Earth can also be used to generate electricity.

Biomass Energy – Plants gather energy from the sun by photosynthesis. We can harness this energy by burning plants such as trees as well as creating fuel from plants such as ethanol and biodiesel. Even gas from trash and manure can be used to create energy.

Also Read: Climate Change, Technology and Energy Sustainability

Facts About Renewable Energy

  • Half of the electricity in the United States is still generated by burning coal. Burning coal is a major source of carbon dioxide gas.
  • A single large wind turbine used instead of burning coal can prevent the emission of 5000 tons of carbon dioxide each year.
  • In 2008 only around 10% of the world’s energy came from renewable sources.
  • The United States has around 5 percent of the world’s population but consumes 26 percent of the world’s
  • Around 28% of the energy used in the United States is for transportation. As of 2010, there were around 9
    million cars that were capable of using biofuel.
  • If you could harness the energy from all the sunlight that falls on the Earth in one hour, you would have
    enough energy to supply the world for a year.
  • Around 50% of renewable energy is used to produce electricity.
  • In some areas, you can generate your own renewable energy, like with a solar cell or wind turbine, and
    then sell it back to the local energy company.

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