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Introduction of Events in the Olympics

1900 at Paris (but not held from 1924-1968)
1896 at Athens
1992 at Barcelona
1904 and 1928 – a demonstration event
1936 at Berlin as a medal event
1904 at St Louis
1936 at Berlin (for men)
1948 at London (for women)
1896 at Athens (but not held in 1904)
1900 at Paris (but not held in 1904 and 1908)
1896 at Athens (for men)
1924 at Paris (for women)
1900 at Paris (but not held in 1932)
1896 at Athens
1936 at Berlin as outdoor handball
1952 at Helsinki as demonstration games
1972 at Munich as a medal event
1908 at London (but not held in 1912 and 1924) for
1980 at Moscow for women
1964 at Tokyo (but not held in 1968)
Modern Pentathlon
1912 at Stockholm as individual competition
1952 at Helsinki as team event
1896 at Athens
1976 at Montreal for women
1896 at Athens (but not held in 1904 and 1928)
1896 at Athens for men
1908 at London, diving for men
1912 at Stockholm, swimming and diving for women
1900 at Paris (water polo)
1924 at Paris (but not held later)
1988 at Seoul (returned as medal event)
Table Tennis
1988 at Seoul
1964 at Tokyo for men and women
1896 at Athens
1896 at Athens (Greco-Roman)
1904 at St Louis (Free style)
1900 at Paris


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India and Indians at the Olympics

Introduction of Events in the Olympics

Legendary Sports Personalities of the World

Computer Devices & their Inventors


Computer Devices & their Inventors
=>Key board— Herman Hollerith first keypunch devices in 1930’s

=>Transistor— John Bardeen, Walter Brattain & Wiliam Shockley ( 1947-48)

=>Integrated Circuit— Jack Kilby & Robert Noyce( 1958)

=>Trackball— Tom Cranston and Fred Longstaff (1952)
=>Computer Mouse — Douglas Engelbart (1964)

=>Microprocessor – Intel 4004 Computer

=>Microprocessor— Faggin, Hoff & Mazor (1971)

=>Floppy Disk— Alan Shugart &IBM

=>RAM— An Wang at Harvard University’s Computation Lab and Jay Forrester at MIT.1951

=>Laser printer— Gary Starkweather at XEROX in 1969.

=>Hard Disk— The IBM Model 350 Disk File by IBM in 1956 (was the first hard disk drive and was part of the IBM 305 RAMAC computer that IBM started delivering in)

=>First PC— the IBM 5100 Portable Computer by IBM

=>First laptop— Grid Compass 1100 (called the Grid) and was designed in 1979 by a British industrial designer, Bill Moggridge.

Also, Read:

Saina, Srikanth rise in Badminton World Federation rankings


Saina, Srikanth rise in Badminton World Federation rankings
Riding on their recent China Open title victories in Fuzhou, India’s Saina Nehwal and Kidambi Srikanth rose up the ladder in the latest Badminton World Federation (BWF) rankings released on Thursday.

While Olympic bronze medallist Saina jumped a place to No 4 in women’s singles, Srikanth, who defeated two-time Olympic champion Lin Dan in the final on Sunday, made a leap of six places in the men’s singles rankings to be positioned at No 10, his highest ever ranking.

Based on consistent performances in recent tournaments, HS Prannoy also made a rise of three places to be ranked No 24, his best ever ranking, while Parupalli Kashyap retained his No 17 position.

Meanwhile, two-time World Championship bronze medallist PV Sindhu stayed No 10 in the women’s singles rankings.

Jwala Gutta and Ashwini Ponnappa also moved up a place to No 19 in women’s doubles.

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Ans – Mumbai
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Ans – The mortgage financier HDFC
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Ans – Indian-American Nikki Haley
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Ans – The Italian physicist Fabiola Gianotti
[5] Who won LG People’s Choice Award 2014?
Ans – Cricketer Bhuvneshwar Kumar
[6] Who was named as the as best-performing CEO in the world by Harvard Business Review (HBR)?
Ans – CEO of Amazon Jeff Bezos
[7] Who was honoured Czech Republic’s Order of the White Lion?
Ans – Sir Nicholas Winton
[8] Who announced to invest 627 million US dollar in Snapdeal?
Ans – Japanese telecom giant Softbank
[9] When was World Polio Day observed across the world?
Ans – 24 october
[10] Who was elected Vice-President (VP) of Asia Pacific Broadcasting Union (ABU) in Macau?
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Afghanistan — Shoora
Andorra — General Council
Albania — People’s Assembly
Azerbaijan — Melli Majlis
Algeria — National People’s Assembly
Angola — National People’s Assembly
Argentina — National Congress
Australia — Federal Parliament
Austria — National Assembly
Bahamas — General Assembly
Bahrain — Consultative Council
Bangladesh — Jatiya Sansad
Belize — National Assembly
Bhutan — Tshogdu
Bolivia — National Congress
Brazil — National Congress
Brunei — National Assembly
Botswana — National Assembly
Britain — Parliment (House of Common’s & House of Lords)
Bulgaria — Narodno Subranie.
Cambodia — National Assembly
Congo Democratic — Rep. of National Legislative Council
Colombia — Congress
Canada — Parliament
China — National People’s Congress
Chile — Chamber of Deputies and Senate
Comoros — Legislative Council and Senate
Costa Rice — Legislative Council and Senate
Crotia — Sabor
Cuba — National Assembly of People’s Power
Czech Republic — Chamber of Deputies and Senate
Denmark — Folketing
Ecuador — Natinal Congress
El Salvador — Legislative Assembly
East Timor — Constituent Assembly
Ethiopia — Federal Council and House of Representative
Egypt — People’s Assembly
Fiji Islands — Senate & House of Representative
France — National Assembly
Finland — Eduskusta (Parliament)
Germany — Bundestag(LowerHouse),Bundesrat(UpperHouse)
Guyana — National Assembly
Greece — Chamber of Deputies
Hungary — National Assembly
Iceland — Althing
India — Parliament
Indonesia — People’s Consultative Assembly
Iran — Majlis
Iraq — National Assembly
Israel — Knesset
Italy — Chamber of Deputies and Senate
Japan — Diet
Jordan — National Assembly
Korea(North) — Supreme People’s Assembly
Korea(South) — National Assembly
Kuwait — National Assembly
Kenya — National Assembly
Laos — People’s Supreme Assembly
Labanon — National Assembly
Lesotho — National Assembly and Senate
Lithuania — Seimas
Luxembourg — Chamber of Deputies
Liberia — National Assembly
Libya — General People’s Congress
Malaysia — Dewan Rakyat and Dewan Negara
Maldives — Majlis Madagascar — National People’s Assembly
Mongolia — Great People’s Khural
Montenegro — Federal Assembly
Mozambique — People’s Assembly
Myanmar — Pyithu Hluttaw
Nepal — National Panchayat
Netherlands — The State General
Norway — Storting
New Zealand — Parliament (House of Representative)
Oman — Monarchy
Pakistan — National Assembly & Senate
Paraguay — Senate & Chamber of Deputies
Philippines — The Congress
Papua New Guinea — National Parliament
Poland — Sejm
Romania — Great National Assembly
Russia — Duma & Federal Council
Serbia — Federal Assembly
Senegal — National Assembly
Seychelles — People’s Assembly
Somalia — People’s Assembly
South Africa — Rep. House of Assembly
Spain — Cortes
Sweden — Riksdag
Saudi Arabia — Majlis Al Shura
Sudan — National Assembly
Switzerland — Federal Assembly
Syria — People’s Council
Turkey — Grand National Assembly
Tunisia — National Assembly
USA — Congress
Vietnam — National Assembly
Venezuela — National Congress
Zaire — National Legislative Council
Zambia — National Assembly