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GK For Various Entrance Examination


1. In order of their distances from the Sun, which of the following planets lie between
Mars and Uranus?
(a) Earth and Jupiter
(b) Jupiter and Saturn
(c) Saturn and Earth
(d) Saturn and Neptune
Answer. (b)

2. Comets revolve around:
(a) Sun
(b) Earth
(c) Venus
(d) No single heavenly body
Answer. (a)

3. Which one of the following is correct? Great Bear is a
(a) Galaxy
(b) Planet
(c) Star
(d) Constellation
Answer. (d)

4. The hottest planet is:
(a) Mercury
(b) Venus
(c) Jupiter
(d) Saturn
Answer. (b)

5. Which of the planets is nearest to the earth?
(a) Jupiter
(b) Venus
(c) Mercury
(d) Mars
Answer. (b)

6. Which one of the following planets takes the same number of days
for rotation And revolution?
(a) Mars
(b) Venus
(c) Mercury
(d) Jupiter
Answer. (b)

7. Which of the following planets of the solar system has the longest day?
(a) Mercury
(b) Jupiter
(c) Venus
(d) Earth
Answer. (c)

8. Which planet of the solar system spins on its axis at the fastest rate?
(a) Mercury
(b) Earth
(c) Jupiter
(d) Satum
Answer. (c)

7. Which planet looks reddish in the night sky?
(a) Mercury
(b) Mars
(c) Jupiter
(d) Saturn
Answer. (b)

8. Which of the following is the largest of the inner planets?
(a) Venus
(b) Mercury
(c) Mars
(d) Earth
Answer. (d)

9. A black hole is a:
(a) Contracted star with intense gravitational pull
(b) Star with very low surface temperature
(c) Star with no atmosphere
(d) Pulsating star
Answer. (a)

10. Asteroids have their orbits between the planets:
(a) Mercury and Venus
(b) Earth and Mars
(c) Mars and Jupiter
(d) Jupiter and Saturn
Answer. (c)

11. The orbits of planets around the Sun, or of satellites around the Earth, can be:
(a) Circular and elliptic
(b) Circular and hyperbolic
(c) Elliptic and parabolic
(d) Parabolic and hyperbolic
Answer. (a)

12. NASA’s Deep Impact space mission was employed to take detailed pictures of which comet nucleus?
(a) Halley’s Comet
(b) Hale-Bopp
(c) Hyakutake
(d) Temple
Answer. (d)

13. Foucault experiment is proof of which one of the following?
(a) Revolution of Earth
(b) Rotation of Earth
(c) Rotation of Moon
(d) Revolution of Moon
Answer. (b)

14. The earth rotates around its axis from:
(a) North to south
(b) East to west
(c) South to north
(d) West to east
Answer. (d)

15. “Mohs’ Scale” is used to indicate the:
(a) Degree of brittleness of a substance
(b) Degree of hardness of minerals.
(c) Degree of viscosity of a liquid
(d) Degree of elasticity of a material
Answer. (b)

20 less known but interesting facts


World is full of amazing surprises and interesting facts. Here you may find 20 such interesting facts for your information.

  1. Money isn’t made out of paper. It’s made out of cotton.
  2. The world’s highest cricket ground is in Himachal Pradesh. It was built after a hill was leveled at over 2,400 meter above sea level.
  3. Red is the color of good luck and is usually worn for weddings and other celebrations and festivals.
  4. The world’s largest Montessori school is in India. It has over 26,000 students.
  5. Until 1986, the only place where diamonds had been officially found was in India.
  6. The world’s largest road network is in India—over 1.9 million miles of roads cover the country.
  7. There are only two words in the English language that have all five vowels in order: “abstemious” and “facetious.”
  8. When the moon is directly overhead, you will weigh slightly less.
  9. The shortest war in history was between Zanzibar and England in 1896. Zanzibar surrendered after 38 minutes.
  10. TYPEWRITER is the longest word that can be made using the letters on only one row of the keyboard.
  11. The liquid inside young coconuts can be used as a substitute for blood plasma.
  12. Dolphins can swim and sleep at the same time, as they sleep with one eye open.
  13. When going to battle Indian kings would make their horses wear trunks. The other side’s elephants would refuse to attack the horses thinking that the horses were baby elephants.
  14. Babies are always born with blue eyes. The melanin in their eyes needs time to be fully deposited or to be darkened by ultraviolet light to reveal the baby’s true eye color.
  15. Shani Shingnapur is one of the most amazing village of India. All houses in the village didn’t have doors including their shops and halls. They have never kept their valulable things in lock and key. No theft has been reported yet in the village, it is the most amazing fact about India. This village is situated in Nevasa taluka of Ahmednagar district of Maharashtra state in India.
  16. ‘Navi Mumbai’ is the largest planned township on the planet which was developed in 1972.
  17. Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) has developed first rocket with other research organization. They have used cycle as their medium of transportation.
  18. It is known that Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam is widely popular as the people’s president in the country.
  19. It is impossible to lick your elbow. Over 75% of people who read this will try to lick their elbow.
  20. If you keep your eyes open by force when you sneeze, you might pop an eyeball out.



This story begins when I was a child. I was born poor. Often we didn’t have enough food to eat. Whenever we had some food, mother often gave me her portion of rice. While she was transferring her rice into my plate, she would say “Eat this rice son, I’m not hungry”.

This was Mother’s First Lie.
As I grew, Mother gave up her spare time to fish in a river near our house, she hoped that from the fish she caught, she could give me a little bit more nutritious food for my growth. Once she had caught just two fish, she would make fish soup. While I was eating the soup, mother would sit beside me and eat what was still left on the bone of the fish I had eaten. My heart was touch when I saw it. Once I gave the other fish to her on my chopstick but she immediately refused it and said, “Eat this fish, son! I don’t really like fish”.

This was Mother’s Second Lie.
Then, in order to fund my education, mother went to a Match Factory to bring home some matchboxes, which she filled with fresh matchsticks. This helped her get some money to cover our needs. One winter night I awoke to find mother filling the matchboxes by candlelight. So I said, “Mother, go to sleep, it’s late, you can continue working tomorrow morning”, mother smiled and said, “Go to sleep, son! I’m not tired.”

This was Mother’s Third Lie.
When I had to sit for my Final Examination, Mother accompanied me. After dawn, Mother waited for me for hours in the heat of the sun. When the bell rang, I ran to meet her. Mother embraced me and poured me a glass of tea that she had prepared in a thermos. The tea was not as strong as my Mother’s love. Seeing Mother covered with perspiration, I at once gave her my glass and asked her to drink too. Mother said, “Drink, son! I’m not thirsty”.

This was Mother’s Fourth Lie.
After Father’s death, Mother had to play the role of a single parent. She held on to her former job, she had to fund our needs alone. Our family’s life was more complicated. We suffered from starvation. Seeing our family’s condition worsening, my kind uncle who lived near our house came to help us solve our problems big and small. Our neighbors saw that we were poverty stricken so they often advised my mother to marry again. But my mother remarry saying, “I don’t need love.”

This was Mother’s Fifth Lie.
After I finished my studies and gotten a job, it was time for my old Mother to retire but she carried on, going to the market every morning just to sell a few vegetables. I kept sending her money but she was steadfast and even sent the money back to me. She said, “I have enough money.”

This was Mother’s Sixth Lie.
I continued my part-time studies for my Master’s Degree , funded by the American Corporation for which I worked, I succeeded in my studies. With a big jump in my salary, I decided to bring Mother to enjoy life in America but Mother didn’t want to bother her son, she said to me, “I’m not used to high living.”

This was Mother’s Seventh Lie.
In her dotage, Mother was attacked by cancer and had to be hospitalized. Now living far across the ocean, I went home to visit Mother who was bedridden after an operation. Mother tried to smile but I was heartbroken because she was so thin & feeble but Mother said, “Don’t cry, son! I’m not in pain.”

This was Mother’s Eighth Lie.
Telling me this, her eighth lie, she died. YES, MOTHER WAS AN ANGEL! She didn’t think she is an Angel.
M” is for the Million things she gave me,
O” means Only that she’s growing old,
T” is for the Tears she shed to save me,
H” is for her Heart of gold,
E” is for her Eyes with love-light shining in them,
R” means Right, and right she’ll always be.
Put them all together, they spell “MOTHER” a word that means the world to me.

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समय का सही इस्तेमाल


कल्पना कीजिये एक बैंक अकाउंट की जिसमे रोज सुबह आपके लिए कोई 86,400 रुपये जमा कर देता है । लेकिन शर्त ये है की इस अकाउंट का बैलेंस कैर्री फॉरवर्ड नहीं होगा, यानि दिन के अंत में बचे पैसे आपके लिए अगले दिन उपलब्ध नहीं रहेंगे ।

और हर शाम इस अकाउंट में बचे हुए पैसे आपसे वापस ले लिए जाते हैं।
ऐसे सिचुएशन में आप क्या करेंगे ? जाहिर है आप एक-एक पैसा निकल लेंगे। है ना ?
हम सब के पास एक ऐसा ही बैंक है, इस बैंक का नाम है ” समय”.
हर सुबह समय हमको 86,400 सेकण्ड्स देता है।

और हर रात्रि ये उन सरे बचे हुए सेकण्ड्स जिनको आपने किसी बहतरीन मकसद के लिए इस्तेमाल नहीं किया है, हमसे छीन लेती है। ये कुछ भी बकाया समय आगे नहीं ले जाती है।
हर सुबह आपके लिए एक नया अकाउंट खुलता है, और अगर आप हर दिन के जमा किये गए सेकण्ड्स को ठीक से इस्तेमाल करने में असफल होते हैं तो ये हमेशा के लिए आपसे छीन लिया जाता है।

अब निर्णय आपको करना है की दिए गए 86,400 सेकण्ड्स का आप उपयोग करना चाहते हैं या फिर इन्हें गवाना चाहते हैं, क्यूंकि एक बार खोने पर ये समय आपको कभी वापस नहीं मिलेंगे।
आप हर दिन दिए गए 86,400 सेकण्ड्स का बेहतरीन इस्तेमाल कैसे करना चाहेंगे?? हमें भी बताएं!! –


** Combined Graduate Level Exam Model Questions **

1. The Secretary General of the Lok Sabha is appointed by:
Answer. The Speaker of the Lok Sabha
2. The Author of ‘Snakes and Ladders’ is:
Answer. Gita Mehta
3. The first Indian satellite ‘Aryabhata’ was launched in the year:
Answer. 1975
4. The first World Cup Football tournament was held in:
Answer. Uruguay
5. The rear view mirror used in vehicles is:
Answer. Convex
6. Which country is known as ‘Land of Thousand Lakes’?
Answer. Finland
7. The free operating system Linux was developed by:
Answer. Linus Torwalds
8. New York City is on the bank of the river.
Answer. Hudson
9. How many vertebrae are there in a giraffe’s neck?
Answer. 7
10. Who is the founder of the Khilji dynasty?
Answer. Jalaludheen Khilji
11. When did television transmission begin in India?
Answer. 1959
12. The first battle of Panipat was in:
Answer. 1526
13. India Gate was earlier known as:
Answer. All India War Memorial
14. Vitamin B2 is also known as:
Answer. Riboflavin
15. The capital of Nigeria is:
Answer. Abuja
16. Mesopotamia is now known as:
Answer. Iraq