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CTS-Cheque Truncation System


CTS : Cheque Truncation System According to a report released on March 18, 2013, the Reserve Bank of India has asked banks to stop collecting fresh post-dated cheques or equated monthly instalment cheques in any centre where electronic clearing service (ECS) facility is available. The directions are part of the central bank’s latest directive on cheque truncation system which extends the validity of cheques issued in the old format until July 31, 2013. Cheque Truncation System (CTS) refers to RBI’s plan to discontinue routing paper cheques all the way from the drawee’s bank branch to the issuers branch. RBI had originally set March 31, 2013, as the deadline until which cheques issued in the old format would be valid.

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Lightning occurs when a massive electrical discharge takes place between two oppositely charged clouds. It may also occur when this discharge is between the ground and a charged cloud.The charges develop in thunder clouds due to the friction of water droplets with air as the droplets move up and down with the rising and descending air currents within the cloud. During a bolt of lightning, thousands of amperes of electricity flows through the air in a fraction of a second. This rapidly heats up die air along its path which expands very fast producing shock waves which we hear as thunder. Although the lightning and thunder are produced at the same instant, we hear the thunder later because light (3,00,000 km per second) travels faster than sound (343.2 metres per second).

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Robert E. Peary, who explored Greenland’s coast in 1891-92, tried for North Pole in 1893. In 1900, he reached northern limits of Greenland and 83° 50′ N. In 1902, he reached 84° 06′ N. In 1906, he went from Ellesmere Island to 87° 06′ N. He sailed in the Roosevelt in July 1908 to winter off Cape Sheridan, Grant Land. The dash for the North Pole began on March 1 from Cape Columbia, Ellesmere Land. Peary reached the pole, 90° N on April 6, 1909.

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