Positive self-talk is the dialogue that goes on in your mind. It is where you believe in yourself and are confident in your capabilities to the point that you are certain that you will succeed. Here is a list of steps you can take to create positive self-talk to get ahead in life.
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Positive Self-Talk Leading to Your Success
It helps boost your confidence
Positive self-talk can help you get through this – thus making you feel more confident. Confidence is so important to
success that many psychologists believe that it is one of the primary pre-requisites to personal and professional success.
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It can help you improve your performance in anything you do.
Continuous positive self-talk can help an athlete enhance his overall performance. If you are getting ready for a big presentation or trying to accomplish a personal goal of amassing wealth, positive self-talk will give you the right mindset to do so. You need to know yourself and master your own your thoughts.
Focus on the facts
Focus your attention on positive, uplifting, and encouraging words to say to yourself. Think about the good things in your life along with the challenges and to give yourself credit for each success, big or small. Each experience counts.
Enjoy the journey
Be wary of words like “should,” “ought,” “must,” and “have to.” Learn to be flexible and compassionate with yourself during your journey, instead of focusing solely on the destination. This will allow you to appreciate the process and your own path of development.
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Practice persistence.
It is a progress that will require your effort. Continue to find ways to remind you to stop and analyze any negative self-talk and to counter it with a positive message to yourself. Building your positive self-talk will actually become second nature.
Reframe your Thinking
Become aware of having a negative thought, give it a positive spin. Focus on how you can avoid doing the behaviour again.
Stop the Thought.
While you are in the middle of listening to your negative self-talk, stop your thoughts mid-stream by saying “Stop”. The physical act of saying “stop” out loud will make you better aware of the frequency in which you are stopping negative thoughts, when it happens, where you are when it happens, and what is happening right before it.
Learn Discipline
There will also be days where you are not motivated to keep track of your negative self-talk or counter it with positive messages. Doing it however helps us develop our discipline and drive.
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