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Hockey’s Jadoogar – Dhyan Chand

Dhyan Chand popularly known as hockey's jadoogar. Dhyan Chand was born on 29th August, 1905 at Allahabad. His father was in the British Indian...
HomeKnowFactsValuable Facts About Hurricanes

Valuable Facts About Hurricanes

Hurricanes are large, spiraling tropical storms that can pack wind speeds of over 160 mph and unleash more than 2.4 trillion gallons of rain a day. The man who first gave names to hurricanes was an Australian weather forecaster named C. Wragge in the early 1900s.

Valuable Facts About Hurricanes

  • The deadliest U.S. hurricane on record was a Category 4 storm that hit the island city of Galveston, Texas, on
    Sept. 8, 1900. Some 8,000 people lost their lives when the island was destroyed by 15-ft waves and 130-mph winds.
  • When they come onto land, the heavy rain, strong winds, and heavy waves can damage buildings, trees, and cars. The heavy waves are called a storm surge.
  • Every second, a large hurricane releases the energy of 10 atomic bombs.
  • Hurricane season is from June to November when the seas are at their warmest and most humid, which are ripe conditions for a hurricane to develop.
  • The planet Jupiter has a hurricane which has been going on for over 300 years. It can be seen as a red spot on the planet. This hurricane on Jupiter is bigger than the Earth itself.
  • The first time anyone flew into a hurricane happened in 1943 in the middle of World War II.
  • Hurricanes in the Pacific Ocean are known as typhoons.
  • Hurricanes gather heat and energy through contact with warm ocean waters.

Must Read: Monsoon, Floods, and Droughts

Category of Sustained Winds

Hurricanes are classified into five categories, based on their wind speeds and potential to cause damage.

One—Winds 74-95 miles per hour

Two—Winds 96-110 miles per hour

Three—Winds 111-130 miles per hour

Four—Winds 131-155 miles per hour

Five—Winds greater than 155 miles per hour

Few More Facts About Hurricanes

  • Hurricanes are named by the National Weather Service. Some recent hurricanes have been named Opal, Andrew, Marilyn, Hugo, and Fran.
  • Christopher Columbus wrote the first known report of a hurricane in 1495.
  • Hurricane in the Southern Hemisphere spin in a clockwise direction. Hurricane in the Northern Hemisphere turns counterclockwise.
  • Hurricane never form at the equator because they need the Coriolis Force, which is very weak at the equator, to spin.
  • Hurricane names from six alphabetical lists, each alternating male and female names.

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