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Vardhana Dynasty (580-652)


Harsha Vardhan : After the decline of Gupta empire, Vardhana Dynasty held its sway in northern India. Of all the kings of the dynasty Harsha Vardhana (606-647), the son of King Prabhakar Vardhan who ascended the throne of Thaneshwar in 606 A.D. was most important.

He subdued the whole region from. Assam to Kathiawad but in the south his efforts to extend his empire beyond Narmada river was defeated by King Pulakesin II (609-642) of Chalukya dynasty.
Harsha Patronized Brahmans, Buddhists and Jains alike. Himself a poet, Harsha encouraged literature. Bana, the great Sanskrit author was his contemporary and his-‘Kadambari’ contains elaborate account of Harsha’s life
Hiuen Tsang : He was a Chinese pilgrim who stayed in India during Harsha’s time and studied at Nalanda, the international Buddhist University which flourished at the time.

Harsha having died heirless, his empire disintegrated. It caused the emergence of petty warring Rajput states. Of them, Prithviraj Chauhan (1172-1191) the ruler of Delhi was important. His defeat at the hands of Mohammad Ghori brought to an end the saga of Hindu rule and ushered in an era of Muslim rule.

 This is all about Vardhana Dynasty.
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Most populous country: 

The largest population of any country is that of China,which has the massive share of the world’s population about 25 percent.The rate of natural increase in population in the People’s Republic of China is now estimated to be 37,000 a day or 13.6 million per year.In mid,-2000 the population of China was estimated to be 1.26 billion.

Least populous country:

The independent State with the smallest population is the Vatican City of Holy see, with 850 inhabitants (est.mid-2000).

Most densely populated country:

The most densely populated country in the world is Monaco with 15,846.5 people sq.km.in 2000.

Number of Countries:

The world comprises of 192 Sovereign States, 189 members of the United Nations and three nonmembers, viz.,China(Taiwan),Switzerland,Vatican City.There are 61 non-sovereign are 6 disputed territories or other territories making a total of 259 in mid-September 1999.

Largest Country:

The country with the greatest area is Russia.With a total area of 17,075,200 sq.km. or 11.5 percent of the world’s total land area.

Smallest Country:

The smallest independent country in the world is Vatican City Which was made an enclave within the city of Rome,Italy on February 11,1929.The enclave has an area of 0.44 sq.km.

Smallest republic:

The worlds smallest republic is Nauru, less than one degree south of the equator in the Western Pacific,which became independent on January 31,1968.It has an area of 21 sq.km. and a population of 11,845 in 2000.

Smallest colony:

The smallest colony in the world is Gibraltar,with an area of 5.8 Square kilometers.Pitcairn Island, the only inhabited island of a group of four has an area of 388 hectares.

Most populous city:

The most populous urban agglomeration in the world is Tokyo, which was listed in the United Nations Prospects of World Urbanisation 1992 as having a population of 25,000,000.It rose to 26,444,000 by 2000.

Largest city of World:

The worlds largest city in the area is Mount Isa, Queensland, Australia which has an administrated area of 41,225 square kilometers.

Highest capital:

The highest capital in the world,before the domination of Tibet by China, was Lhasa,at an elevation of 3,684 metres above sea level. La Paz,the administrative and de facto capital of Bolivia, stands at an attitude of 3,361 metres above sea level.

Highest town:

Wenchuan, the new town founded in 1955 on the Shanghai-Tibet road,located north of the Tangled in China at 5,100 metres above sea level,is the highest town in the world.

Least populous town:

China,the worlds most populous country,has what may be the worlds least populous town.Yemen,in the remote Himalaya region of Tibet,has only three resident an elderly father and his two daughters.
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General Knowledge Special


1.What is the percentage of Fat in the milk of Indian Cow?
(a) 4.5 to 5.5%
(b) 4 to 4.3%
(c) 3.5 to 4.5%
(d  3 to 4%
Ans- (c) 3.5 to 4.5%

2. The royal court of Alauddin was graced by the great poet
(a) Firdausi
(b) Omar Khayyam
(c) Amir Khusro
(d) Ibn Batuta
Ans- (c) Amir Khusro

3.’ Sub-Prime Lending’ is a term applied to the loans made to
(a) Those borrows who do not have a good credit history
(b) Those who wish to take loan against the mortgage of tangible assets
(c) Those who have a good credit history and are known to bank for last 10 years
(d) Those borrowers who are most preferred customers of the bank
(e) None of these
Ans- (a) Those borrows who do not have a good credit history

4. Which of the following is not the name of an Insurance Scheme launched by Government of India?
(a) Janashree Bima Yojana
(b) Krishi Shramik Samajik Suraksha Yojana
(c) Shiksha Sahyog Yojana
(d) Varsha Bima Yojana
(e) National Saving Scheme Programme
Ans- (d) Varsha Bima Yojana

5. Many times, we read about Special Drawing Right(SDR) in newspapers.As per its definition,SDR is a monetary unit of the reserve assets of which of the following organizations/agencies?
(a) World Bank
(b) International Monetary Fund(IMF)
(c) Asian Development Bank
(d) Reserve Bank of India
(e) None of these
Ans- (b)International Monetary Fund(IMF)

6. A Concave lens always forms an image which is:
(a) Real and erect
(b) Virtual and erect
(c) Real and inverted
(d) Virtual and inverted
Ans- (b)Virtual and erect

7. The Magsaysay Award is given for proficiency in which of the following?
(a) Literature
(b) Mountaineering
(c) Science
(d) Social Science
Ans- (a)Literature

8. The president of the Palestine recently emphasized that his country will not resume peace talks until Israel fully      halts settlement building in the__________
(a) West Bank
(b) Haifa
(c) Gaza
(d) Tel-Aviv-Yafo
(e) Jerusalem
Ans- a)West Bank

9. In which one of the following countries was the recent Commonwealth Meet(CHOGM) held?
(a) Trinidad
(b) Canada
(c) Australia
(d) Jamaica
(e) U.K.
Ans- (a)Trinidad

10. An ancient cave containing a mural of 55 panels on the file of Buddha has been recently discovered at
(a) Sanchi
(b) Bodh Gaya
(c) Mustang (Nepal)
(d) Lhasa (Tibet)
Ans-(c) Mustang (Nepal)

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General Knowledge Facts File

General Knowledge Compendium

Human Rights

Human rights refer to those basic rights and freedoms to which all humans are entitled, right to life and liberty, freedom of expression equality before law etc are some of these rights. The Magna Carta is an English charter of 1215 is one of the worlds first documents to contain human rights.
In the modern history the Geneva conventions which came into being between 1864 and 1949 as a result of efforts by Henry Dunant, the founder of the International Committee on the Red Cross is the first at-tempt to recognize and safeguard the human rights of the International Community.
The United Nations organisation was established on 24 October 1945. Immediately after its establishment

Human Rights

1215 – Magna Carta, world first document to con tain Human Rights.
1864-1949 – Genevral Convention on Human Rights.
1948 – Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
1948 – United Nations Commission on Human Rights was set up.
2005 – United Nations Human Rights Commission was founded.
Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) is a non-binding declaration adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 1948. UDHR urges member nations to promote a number of human, civil, economic and social rights.
The Commission on Human Rights had drafted the International Bill of Human Rights and it was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 10 December 1948 as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

10 December is globally celebrated as Human Rights Day.


The United Nations Human Rights Council was founded in 2005. It was founded to replace the United Nations Commission on Human Rights.

  1. UNHRC is a subsidiary body of the United Nations General Assembly and reports directly to it.
  2. UNHRC has fifty-three members out of total members of the United Nations General Assembly. Its members are elected by simple majority in a secret ballot of the United Nations General Assembly. Its Members are elected for the term of six years.
  3. UNHRC has its headquarter at Geneva.
  4. UNHRC can appoint independent experts to investigate alleged human rights abuses and to provide the council reports.
  5. UNHRC may request that the Security Council take action when human right violations occurs, this action may be direct action, or may involve sanctions and Security Council may also refer cases to the International Criminal Court (ICC).
  6. Besides UNHRC. Amnesty International and Red Cross Society also works for the protection and pro-motion of human rights internationally.

7 wonders of world

The Seven Wonders of the World were first designated by Antipater of Sidon in the second century AD.Not all classical writers list the same items as the Seven wonders but most of them agree on the following :

The Pyramids of Egypt :

These are the group of the three pyramids, Khufu, Khafra and Menkaura at Giza to a southern limit 96 km distant are often called Zoser,at Saggara,built about 2,700 B.C.The Great Pyramid of Cheops covers more than 12 acres and was originally 146.61 metres in height and 230.43×230.23 metres at the base.

The Hanging Gardens of Babylon :

Adjoining Nebuchadnezzar’s place,96 km south of Baghdad,the AGrdens was build in the 16th Century B.C.Terraced gardens,ranging from 23 to 91 metres above ground level,Watered from the storage tank on the highest terrace.

The Tomb of Mausolus :

At Halicarnassus,in Asia Minor.Build by the windowed Queen Artemisia about 350 B.C.The memorial originated the term mausoleum.

The Temple of Diana at Ephesus :

This temple was erected about 350 B.C. in honour of a not-Hellenic goddess who later became identified with the Greek goddess of the same name.The temple with ionic columns 18 metres high,was destroyed by invading Goth in 262 A.D.

The colossus of Rhodes :

A Bronze statue of Apollo,set up about 280 B.C.Accoding to legend it stood at the harbour entrance of sea-port of Rhodes.It was destroyed during an earthquake in 224 B.C.
Read Also: Major Ports in India

The Statue of Jupiter Olympus :

At Olympia in the plain of Ellis constructed of marble in-laid with ivory and gold by the sculptor Phidias,about 430 B.C.All trace of it is lost,except for reproduction of coins.

The Pharos of Alexandria :

A marble watch tower and lighthouse on the island of Pharos in the harbour of Alexandria, built by Sostratus of Cnidus during the 3rd century B.C. it was destroyed by an earthquake in the 13th century.
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