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50 United States Abbreviation



US State: Abbreviation:
Alabama              AL
Alaska              AK
Arizona              AZ
Arkansas      AR
California      CA
Colorado      CO
Connecticut      CT
Delaware      DE
Florida              FL
Georgia              GA
Hawaii              HI
Idaho              ID
Illinois      IL
Indiana              IN
Iowa              IA
Kansas              KS
Kentucky      KY
Louisiana      LA
Maine              ME
Maryland      MD
Massachusetts      MA
Michigan      MI
Minnesota      MN
Mississippi      MS
Missouri      MO
Montana              MT
Nebraska      NE
Nevada              NV
New Hampshire      NH
New Jersey      NJ
New Mexico      NM
New York      NY
North Carolina      NC
North Dakota      ND
Ohio              OH
Oklahoma      OK
Oregon              OR
Pennsylvania      PA
Rhode Island      RI
South Carolina      SC
South Dakota      SD
Tennessee      TN
Texas              TX
Utah              UT
Vermont              VT
Virginia      VA
Washington      WA
West Virginia      WV
Wisconsin      WI
Wyoming              WY

Commonwealth/Territory:     Abbreviation:
American Samoa                  AS
District of Columbia          DC
Federated States of Micronesia  FM
Guam                          GU
Marshall Islands          MH
Northern Mariana Islands  MP
Palau                          PW
Puerto Rico                  PR
Virgin Islands                  VI

Military “State”: Abbreviation:
Armed Forces Africa     AE
Armed Forces Americas     AA
Armed Forces Canada     AE
Armed Forces Europe     AE
Armed Forces Middle East    AE
Armed Forces Pacific     AP

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Laws of Physics and Chemistry


Archimedes Principle : the apparent loss in weight of a wholly or partially submerged body in a fluid, is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by it.

Newton`s Law of Gravitation : All particles of matter mutually attract each other by a gravitation force which is proportional directly to the product f their masses and inversely t o the square of the distance between them.

Newton`s FIRST Law of Motion : A body in a state of rest cannot move by itself or a body in a state of uniform motion cannot stop by itself unless an external force acts upon it to change its state of uniform motion.

Newton`s  Second Law of Motion : The rate of change of momentum of a body is directly proportional to the force applied and takes place in the direction in which the force acts.

Newton`s Third Law of Motion : To every action there is equal and opposite reaction.

Newton`s Law of Cooling : The rate at which the body cools or loses heat to its surrounding is directly proportional to the excess  of mean temperature of the body provided the excess is small.

Law of Flotation of Body : A body when wholly or partly immersed in a fluid experience an upthrust which is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the floating body .

Law of Conservation of Energy : Energy can neither be created nor be destroyed , but can be converted from one form to another . the sum total of all the energy  in the system remains constant.
Law of Conservation of mass or matter : Matter can neither be created nor destroyed. T be the sum total of all the matter or mass in a system always remains constant without any increase or decrease on their quantity.

Einstein`s Law of the equivalence of mass and energy : According to him , the mass and energy are inter convertible aspects of the same property ,and when a body gives up energy, it also losses mass. Numerically this law has been stated as E=mc2   .

Principle of Lever: In case, of equilibrium of a rod (called lever) under two forces, the forces are to each other inversely as the lengths of lever arms from the fulcrum , i.e. the products of the forces  by the length of their lever arms are equal .

Ampere`s swimming rule : If a man sets himself floating in the direction of the current facing the coil, then the north of a magnetic needle is directed towards his left hand.

Laws of Refraction of Light:
I. A ray of light pains from a rarer medium into a denser medium is deviated towards the normal at the point of striking the common surface of two media. The ray is deviated away from the normal when it passes from denser to the rarer media.
II. The ratio of the sine of the angle of incidence to the sine of the angle of refraction is constant and is called the refractive index of the second medium with respect to the first. The second Law is called the SNELL`S LAW.

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Practical unit of electric current


Practical unit of quantity of electricity


Unit of atmospheric pressure in C.G.S system

Board of trade unit (B.T.U)

Unit of electric  power

British Thermal

Unit of quantity of heat in F.P.S  unit(B.TH.U)


Unit of quantity of heat in C.G.C system

Candle power

Unit of illuminating power of a source of light


Unit of temperature in C.G.S system


Unit of length in C.G.S SYSTEM


Unit of power of a lens


Unit of force in C.G.S system


Unit of energy


Unit of work in C.G.S system


Unit of temperature in F.P.S system


Unit of length in F.P.S system


Unit of intensity of illumination (=one lumen per sq. foot)


Gravitational unit of work


Unit of work in F.P.S system


Unit of mass in C.G.S  system


Gravitational unit of force in a C.G.S system


Unit of power in F.PS (HP) system

Kilogram (Kg)

Unit of mass in M.K.S  system (= 100 grams)


Unit of electric power (=1000 watts)


Board of trade unit (B.T.U)


Practical unit of electric power


Unit of speed (=nautical mile per hour)


Unit of brightness

Light year

Unit of distance for measuring astronomical distances


Unit of volume capacity in M.K.S system


Unit of distance in M.K.S system (=1000 cms.)


Unit of work in M.K.S. system


Practical unit of electric  resistance

Pound (lb.)

Unit of mass in F.P.S system


Unit of force in F.P.S system


Gravitation unit of force in F.P.S system


Practical unit of electric potential and electro motile force of cell


Unit of power in C.G.S system

X-unit (X.U.)

Unit of length in expressing X-ray waves –lengths
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The Stockholm Declaration 1972 and India

The United Nations Conference on Human Environment was convened at Stockholm in 1972: and this pioneering global initiative laid down the basics of environmental reform to be followed in signatory countries including India:

  1. Man has the fundamental right to freedom, equality and adequate conditions of life in an environment of quality that permits a life of dignity and well-being; and
  2. Man bears a solemn responsibility to protect and improve the environment for present and future generations.

The Stockholm Declaration was adopted by the UN General Assembly on 15 December 1972, which designated June 5 as the World Environment Day. All the countries are required to reaffirm on that day their pledge to conserve and improve the environment. This applies to all of us.

Mrs. Indira Gandhi, the then Prime Minister of India had participated in that Conference and that she was sufficiently inspired by these developments became clear when the provisions regarding the protection of the environment were incorporated into the 42nd Constitutional Amendment Act passed in 1976. This appears as Article 48-A in the Chapter on Directive Principles of State Policy, which reads as below:
“It shall be the duty of every citizen of India to protect and improve the natural environment including forests, lakes, rivers, and wildlife, and to have compassion for living creatures.”
The Wildlife Protection Act was followed by the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981. There is no dearth of legal enactments to protect the environment, but the implementation of legislative provisions has either been slow or a non-starter. It was the Bhopal Gas Disaster of 3 December 1984 (in which over 3,500 people were killed and as many as 2 lakhs were injured and the victims are fighting till date for health care facilities and compensation) that precipitated the passage of the Environment (Protection) Act in 1986. Even this Act (including other related ones) finds it difficult to provide relief to the affected people. That is where the Indian judiciary has effectively stepped in and ordered closure to dangerous limestone quarries, tanneries, shifting of hazardous industries operating in residential areas of Delhi so on and so forth in the course of disposal of Public Interest Litigation cases.
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