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Fruit od coco-plant.The oil from coconuts is used to make soaps and candles.


A beverage obtained from a tropical plant which bears seeds called coffee beans, which are roasted and groung to make coffee.
Also Read: Fascinating facts about Coffee


A fluffy mass around the seeds of the cotton plant.


A strong fibre obtained from the tropical plant, used from making gunny bags and ropes.


An elastic substance obtained from the milky juice of various tropical plants.


Fragrant wood from a small evergreen tree, distilled for aromatic oil.
Don’t Miss: Useful facts about Forests


A beverage made from a plant grown in India, Pakistan, Ceylon, Java and China.

Must Read: 

Biotechnology Impact on Cotton Production

Flowering Plants

Wonder Foods

Wonder Foods
Triphala—Triphala is a matchless herbal formulation that has been a gift of Ayurveda to this world. It is one of the most powerful antioxidants and has unique properties by which it can scavenge free radicals.
Triphala powder is a combination of harar, behar and amla. These herbs act upon the intestine and have a mild cleansing and detoxifying effect. Triphala also works to remove excess fat from the body, and detoxifies the liver. Because of its high-vitamin content, Triphala is often used as a food supplement like vitamins are in Western countries.
Papaya and Pineapple—Papaya is a wonder fruit, low in glycemic index, helpful for diabetics and those with arthritis and obesity. The fruit contains an enzyme called ‘papain’ which helps break down foods and get digested so they do not turn toxic in the stomach. So by ensuring that the intestinal tract remains healthy and cleansed, it actually keeps excess weight in check.
Pineapple is another fruit which helps to lose weight.The active component in the fruit ‘bromelain’ has many benefits. It aids the digestion of tough proteins, particularly meats and paneer. Usually, undigested protein is the number one reason for gas, acidity, and the creation of toxins in the body.
Don’t Miss:

Raw horse gram a boon for diabetics

Raw horse gram a boon for diabetics

Scientists from the Indian Institute of Chemical Technology have found that unprocessed raw horse gram seeds not only possess anti-hyperglycemic properties but also have qualities which reduce insulin resistance. According to a report published on April 25, 2013, the scientists made a comparative analysis between horse gram seeds and their sprouts and found that the seeds would have greater beneficial effects on the health of hyperglycemic individuals. Dr. Ashok Kumar Tiwari, Principal Scientist and lead author of the study said that increased consumption of highly processed foods was contributing to spiked levels of blood glucose and lipid levels. Describing horse gram (Kulthi in Hindi, Kollu in Tamil, Ulavalu in Telugu) as a poor man’s pulse crop in South India, he said it was an anti-oxidant rich food grain. The authors of the study, which was published recently in Nutrafoods, said that traditional medicinal texts describe its use for asthma, bronchitis, leucoderma, urinary discharge, kidney stones and heart disease.
Dr. Tiwari said the study found that raw horse gram seed was rich in polyphenols, flavonoids and proteins, the major anti-oxidants present in fruits and other food materials.

Indian Defence Awards


For the purpose of classification, Indian honours and awards can be divided into two categories:
(a) Gallantry awards.
(b) Non-gallantry awards.

The gallantry awards are again divisible into two categories:
(a) Those for gallantry in the face of the enemy.
(b) Those for gallantry other than in the face of the enemy.

The first category of the gallantry awards comprises :
1. Param Vir Chakra
2. Maha Vir Chakra
3. Vir Chakra
4. Sena, Nao Sena and Vayu Sena Medal
5. Mention in Dispatches
6. Chiefs of Staff Commendation Card

The second category of the gallantry awards comprise the following :
1. Ashoka Chakra *
2. Kirti Chakra *
3. Shaurya Chakra *

* These were originally named Ashoka Chakra Class I, Class II, Class III

Among non-gallantry awards, the following can be mentioned :

1. Bharat Ratna
2. Padma Vibhushan
3. Padma Bhushan
4. Param Vishisht Seva Medal
5. Padma Shri
6. Sarvottam Yudh Seva Medal
7. Uttam Yudh Seva Medal
8. Ati Vishisht Seva Medal
9. Yudh Seva Medal
10. Vishisht Seva Medal
11. 30 Years Long Seva Medal
12. 20 Years Long Service Medal
13. 9 Years Long Service Medal
14. Meritorious Service Medal
15. Long Service and Good Conduct Medal
16. General Service Medal – 1947
17. Samar Seva Medal
18. Sainya Seva Medal
19. Videsh Seva Medal
20. Commendation Card
21. Raksha Medal
22. Poorvi Star
23. Paschimi Star
24. Sangram Medal
25. Wound Medal
26. 25th Independence Anniversary Medal

Total Awards won:-

Param Vir Chakra – 21
Maha Vir Chakra – 220
Vir Chakra – 1342




Simple aquatic plants possessing chlorophyll.


Flowering plants with seeds enclosed in fruits.


A plant which lives for only  one season.


A plant that lives for two seasons.


The green pigments in green plants which help in the manufacture of food.
Read Also: Chloroplasts


Flowerless plants.


A Plant that grows upon another plant but does not derive nourishment from it.


The food store in a seed outside the embryo.


The whole assemblage of the plant life of a region.


simple plants without chlorophyll.


Plants with naked seeds i.e. seeds not enclosed in fruits.


Decaying plant or animal matter in the soil.


A plant adopted from growth in water or in a wet soil.


A system of growing plants through water culture methods.


Response of plant organism to moisture or water.


An organism that derives its nourishment from another living organisms.


A plant that lives for more than two years.


Flowering plants.


A process in green plants with which food is manufactured from carbon dioxide and water in the presence of light.
Read Also: Photosynthesis


An automatic response of plant organism to light.


The process of transference of pollen from another to stigma of flowers.


The living matter of which organism are formed.


A disease caused by the fungus in wheat plant.


An organism living on dead or decaying organic matter.


A disease found  in the cereals caused by a fungus.


A group of plant having simple plant body without root, stem and leaves e.g. algae, fungi, bacteria  etc.


 A plant adopted to live in dry place.
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