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Cool and Amazing facts about Animals

  • A newborn Chinese water deer is so small it can almost be held in the palm of the hand. Cool!!
  • Ostriches can run faster than horses, and the males can roar like lions. Amazing!!
  • The female lion does ninety percent of the hunting.
  • The only animal is dog that doesn’t have a pink tongue is the chow.
  • Turtles, water snakes, crocodiles, alligators, dolphins, whales, and other water going creatures will drown if kept underwater too long.
  • Almost half the pigs in the world are kept by farmers in China. Interesting!!
  •  Deer have no gall bladders.
  • The bat is the only mammal that can fly. The leg bones of a bat are so thin that no bat can walk.
  • The chicken and fish are the only animals that are eaten before they are born and after they die. Interesting!!
  • A tarantula spider can survive for more than two years without food. Cool!!
  • For every human in the world there are one million ants. Amazing!!
  • If you lift a Kangaroo’s tail off the ground it can’t hop – they use their tails for balance. Interesting!!
  • If you keep a goldfish. in a dark room, it will become pale!
  • Cows can sleep standing up, but they can only dream lying down.
  • A single elephant teeth can weigh as much as 9 pounds. Amazing!!
  • The turkey is one of the most famous birds in North America.
  • A housefly hums in the key of F.
  • During World War II, Americans tried to train bats to drop bombs.
  • To escape the grip of a crocodile’s jaw, push your thumb into its eyeballs-it will let you go instantly.
  • It is much easier for dogs to learn spoken commands if they are given in conjunction with hand signals or gestures.
  • Even a small amount of alcohol placed on a scorpion will make it go crazy and sting itself to death!
  • Male rabbits are called “bucks,” females are “does. Amazing!!”
  • The flamingo can only eat when its head is upside down.
  • Ants never sleep. Also they don’t have lungs. Amazing!!
  • A group of owls is called a parliament.
  • Apple and pear seeds contain arsenic, which may be deadly to dogs. Amazing!!
  • Cows have four stomachs.
  • The blue whale weighs as much as thirty elephants and is as long as three Greyhound buses. Amazing!!
  • A herd of sixty cows is capable of producing a ton of milk in less than a day.
  •  There is a butterfly in Africa with enough poison in its body to kill six cats!
  • Hippos can run faster than humans!
  •  A Woodpecker can peck 20 times per second. Cool!!
  • Most elephants weigh less than the tongue of a blue whale. Interesting!!
  • The very first bomb that the Allies dropped on Berlin in WW2 hit an elephant.
  • A garden caterpillar has 248 muscles in its head. Cool!!
  • If you cut off a snail’s eye, it will grow a new one. Interesting!!
  • The ostrich has two toes oneach foot which gives it greater speed. Cool!!
  • The most poisonous fish in the world is the Stone fish.
  • Killer Whales are not whales at all, rather a species of dolphin.
  • Goats were the first animals domesticated by man in 10,000 B.C.
  • The fear of animals is called zoophobia.
  • A whale’s heart beats only nine times a minute.
  • A python can swallow a rabbit whole and may eat as many as 150 mice in a six-month period. Cool!!
  •  A large group of goats is called a herd.
  • Squirrels cannot see the colour red.
  • The average chicken lays about 260 eggs per year.
  • A starving mouse will eat it’s own tail.
  • Sharks have been around longer than dinosaurs.
  • A butterfly has 12,000 eyes.
  • The most popular dog breed in Canada, America, and Great Britain is the Labrador retriever.
  • The swan has over 25,000 feathers in its body.
  • The blue whale is the largest of all whales and is also considered the largest animals to have ever existed in the world.
  • Giraffes have no vocal cords.
  • Butterflies can only see the colours red, green and yellow.
  • There are roughly twenty four thousand species of butterflies.
  • Even though a polar bears average body temperature is 37°C; they don’t give off any detectable heat, so they won’t show up in infrared photographs.
  • Dogs can see better when the light is low.
  • 79% of pet owners sleep with their pets. Amazing!!
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Important facts to know about USA

  • The United States of America is also called the USA, US, United States or sometimes America.
  • On July 4, 1776, the Declaration of Independence was issued, establishing the United States of America.
  • The US is the 4th largest country in the world by land area and 3rd by population.
  • The US is a diverse country with a multicultural society.
  • The US has the world’s largest economy.
  • The US developed the first nuclear weapons, using them on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
    near the end of World War 2.
  • The Mississippi and Missouri Rivers combine to form the longest river system in the US and the fourth
    longest in the world.
  • The tallest mountain the US is Mt McKinley, located in the state of Alaska it reaches 20,320 ft (6,194 m) above sea level.
  • Alaska was purchased from Russia in 1867 and is the largest state in the US by land area.
  • Hawaii is the most recent of the 50 states in the US (joining in 1959) and is the only one made up entirely of islands.
  • Most of the world’s tornadoes occur in the Midwest region of the US known as Tornado Alley.
  • The most populated city in the US is New York City, followed by Los Angeles and Chicago.
  • English is the most commonly spoken language in the US, followed by Spanish.
  • The first man to walk on the moon was American Neil Armstrong (July 21, 1969).
  • The US consumes more petroleum than any other country in the world.
  • The most popular team sports in the US are American football, baseball, basketball and ice hockey.
  • Most people think that .com is the US top level domain, but this is actually a global one – the US one is .us, although it also controls .mil, .gov and .edu
  • The US has no official federal language, although more than half of its states have English as their official language and most Americans speak English. Spanish is another major language, particularly in the South West.
  • Citizens of the USA are called Americans. The USA is located in the continent of North America.
  • The dialing code to call the USA internationally is 1.
  • The USA declared independence on July 4th, 1776 from Britain. This was recognized on September 3rd, 1783.
  • The USA is bordered to the North by Canada and to the South by Mexico. It has a free trade agreement with these countries called NAFTA.
  • The national motto of the USA is In God We Trust.
  • The national bird is the Bald Eagle.
  • The national flower is the Rose.
  • The national anthem is entitled The Star-Spangled Banner.
  • The USA only has had 43 presidents despite Barack Obama being the 44th! This is because Grover Cleveland was President twice, 22nd and 24th.
  • The USA has 50 states plus various territories. Recently Puerto Rico voted to become a state too.
  • Alaska is the state with the highest percentage of people who walk to work.
  • The seven rays on the crown of the Statue of Liberty represent the seven continents. Each measures up to 9
    feet in length and weighs as much as 150 pounds
  • The American one-dollar bill contains several hidden images, including a spider in the upper right-hand
  • John Adams and Thomas Jefferson both died on July 4, 1826 – 50 years to the day after the signing of
    the Declaration of Independence.
  • The Liberty Bell was last rung on George Washington’s Birthday in 1846. It received its fatal crack a few
    hours later.
  • US Highway 550 in Colorado became known as Million Dollar Highway because its roadbed was paved with
    low-grade gold ore.
  • The United States has the highest divorce rate on the globe by a wide margin.  Puerto Rico is number two.  Perhaps Puerto Rico really would fit in as the 51st state.
  • There are three towns in the United States that have the name “Santa Claus“.
  • The original name of the city of Atlanta was “Terminus“.
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Fun facts about Horses

 Horse hooves grow approximately 0.25 in a month, and take nearly a year to grow from the coronet band to the ground. In the state of Arizona, it is illegal for cowboys to walk through a hotel lobby wearing their spurs. Cross-country jumps are marked with a red flag on the right side and a white flag on the left side; the horse has to jump through these two flags or it is considered out of bounds and you are disqualified.
  • A healthy adult horse should have a pulse of between 36 and 40 beats per minute while at rest
  • Arabians have one less rib, one less lumbar bone, and one or two fewer tail vertebrae than other horses.
  • One of the first horses was called a Hyracotherium. It lived about 50 million years ago and was as tall as a fox. It had toes! This horse changed over millions of years to become a modern horse.
  • Camargue horses are completely white as adults. Their babies are pure black when they are born.
  • There is a breed of horse from Russia called Akhal-Teke. It can go for days without food or water.
  • You measure a horse’s height in hands. Each hand equals four inches. If you say a horse is 16.2 hands high, the 2 stands for 2 fingers.
  • You can tell how old a horse is by how many teeth it has. A horse gets all of its teeth by the time it is five years old. After that, they just get longer.
  • A female horse is called a mare. In the wild it is the mare that decides when the herd moves on to another spot to find food.
  • A male horse is called a stallion. Usually only one stallion will stay with a herd.
  • Any marking on a horse’s forehead is called a star, even if it is not shaped like a star.
  • Horses and ponies feel safer when they are in a herd.
  • A hoof is like a fingernail. It is always growing and needs to be clipped so that it won’t be uncomfortable for the horse.
  • A farrier is a person who makes horse shoes and fits them on your horse. They also clip hooves to keep them from getting overgrown.
  • A horse can move in four ways: walk, trot, canter, and gallop. A gallop is the fastest gait.
  • The fastest recorded sprinting speed of a horse was 88 kph (55 mph).
  • A young male horse is called a colt.
  • A young female horse is called a filly.
  • Horses can sleep both lying down and standing up.
  • Horses can run shortly after birth.
  • Domestic horses have a lifespan of around 25 years.
  • A 19th century horse named ‘Old Billy’ is said to have lived 62 years.
  • Horses have around 205 bones in their skeleton.
  • Horses have bigger eyes than any other mammal that lives on land.
  • Because horse’s eyes are on the side of their head they are capable of seeing nearly 360 degrees at one time.
  • Horses do not have a gall bladder.
  • Stallions will fight over females but generally not over territory.
  • Horses have better memories than elephants.
  • A horse’s teeth take up more space in their head then their brain.
  • Adult male horses generally have 40 teeth and females 36
  • In Australia, there were no horses until 1788
  • The American Quarter Horse is The World’s Most Popular Breed
  •  Horses Were Domesticated By Humans About 3500 BC
  • The rarest breed of horse, which is likely to become extinct, is the Abaco Barb from the Bahamas. In October 2010, only five were in existence and attempts to increase the herd have not been successful
  • The smallest horse in the world is only 14 inches tall. His name is Einstein and he was born in New Hampshire, USA.

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Cool and Amazing facts about Animals

Crazy & Interesting facts about Dolphins

Cool Facts about George Washington

George Washington
George Washington became America’s first president. George Washington was born on February 22, 1732, in Westmoreland County, Virginia. He became the first president of the United States, serving from 1789 to 1797. Much of his family’s wealth was lost during the Puritan revolution.

Facts About George Washington

  • George Washington did not have a middle name.
  • His great-grandfather came to America from England in 1657 aboard a ship named Sea Horse of London.
  • The death of Washington’s father in 1743 ended George’s formal education and did not attend college.
  • George Washington learned to be a surveyor
  • Washington wanted to join the Royal Navy, but his mother would not let him
  • George Washington’s father died when he was 11 and he became the ward of his half-brother, Lawrence
  • Toothaches bothered him for years. When he was 57, he had all his teeth pulled. From then on, he wore ivory
    false teeth set in a silver plate.
  • At 26, he married Martha Dandridge Custis, a widow who already had two children, Jackie and Patsy.
    Washington never had any children of his own.
  • In 1748, when he was 16, George travelled with a surveying party plotting land in Virginia’s western territory.
  • George Washington has been the only president in the history of the American presidency to be unanimously
    elected to the office.
  • At six feet, two inches tall, and 200 pounds, he was one of our biggest presidents.
  • He bred hound dogs that he treated like members of the family. He gave some of them unusual names: Tarter,
    True Love, and Sweet Lips.
  • His Farewell Address on Sept. 17, 1796 (published but never delivered) rebuked party spirit and warned against “permanent alliances” with foreign powers.
  • Less than three years after leaving office, he died at his Virginia plantation, Mount Vernon
  • He died in Mount Vernon on Dec. 14, 1799.
  • Some of his favorite dishes were the cream of peanut soup mashed sweet potatoes with coconut, and string beans with mushrooms.
  • George Washington inherited ten slaves from his father when he was just 11 years old. By the end of Washington’s life, over 300 African-American slaves lived in bondage at Mount Vernon.
  • In 1754 Washington led an attack that started a world war stretching to Europe, West Africa, India and the Philippines.
  • Washington was known as an energetic and excellent dancer
  • Washington was first elected to public office in 1758
  • Washington was appointed as commander of the Continental Army in 1775
  • Washington lost more battles than he won, but his leadership helped secure American independence
  • Washington had many close calls but was never seriously wounded in battle
  • Washington designed and oversaw the expansion of Mount Vernon
  • Washington was an investor in a company that built a canal around the Great Falls of the Potomac
  • Washington came to own tens of thousands of acres in North America. George Washington became one
    of the largest landholders in the United States at the time.
  • Washington was the first to sign the Constitution. As the President of the Constitutional Convention, George Washington was permitted to be the first to sign this important document.
  • Washington was unanimously elected President of the United States, twice
  • Washington’s presidency founded the United States Navy, established the nation’s official currency, created the State Department and established the Supreme Court
  • Washington never occupied the White House
  • Washington was a quietly religious man
  • Washington helped promote the use of mules in the United States
  • George Washington operated one of the largest distilleries in America at its time
  • Martha Washington chose to burn all the letters that she received from George Washington
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Crazy – Interesting Facts About Dolphins


Dolphins are mammals; this means that they nurse their babies with milk from the mothers. Dolphins can swim up to 260 m. below the surface of the ocean and can stay up to 15 minutes under water, but they cannot breath under the water.

Facts About Dolphins

  • Dolphins use a technique called echolocation to find food and navigate.
  • Dolphins live in groups formed by 10 to 12 individuals.
  • There are 32 different kinds of ocean dolphins and 4 species of river dolphins.
  • The largest dolphin is the “killer whale” (also known as Orca).
  • The most known dolphin is the “ bottlenose dolphin”.
  • Dolphin are warm-blooded.
  • Dolphin communicate through sounds and whistles.
  • Dolphin eat fish and squid.
  • The dolphin is the only mammal that gives birth with the tail first instead of the
  • Young dolphin will remain with their mother for a period of 2 or 3 years.
  • There are two stomachs for dolphins just like for cows. The first one stores the food for them and the
    second one is where digestion takes place.
  • A dolphin may be able to dive up to 1,000 feet.
  • The dorsal fin on every dolphin is very unique and it can be used to identify them from each other
  • Dolphins can swim at a speed of up to 25 miles per hour for a long time. This is about 3 times faster than
    the fastest humans in the world.
  • The average lifespan of a dolphin is 17 years. However, some of them that have been observed in the wild
    lived about 50 years.
  • Most species of dolphin live in saltwater but some of them thrive in freshwater.
  • A dolphin needs to get air at different intervals. Some need air every 20 seconds but others only need it
    every 30 minutes.
  • A group of dolphins is called a pod.
  • Compared to other animals, dolphins are believed to be very intelligent.
  • Female dolphins are called cows, males are called bulls and young dolphins are called calves.
  • Dolphin often display a playful attitude which makes them popular in human culture. They can be seen jumping out of the water, riding waves, play fighting and occasionally interacting with humans swimming in the water.
  • Dolphin use a blowhole on top of their heads to breathe. The blowhole is an evolved nose that has
    moved upward to the top of the dolphin’s head.
  • They are able to see well in the water due to the retina gathering light in a unique way.
  • The skin of the dolphin is very delicate and it can easily be damaged by contact with other surfaces.
  • The Boto is the largest of the dolphins that can live in freshwater. They can be up to 10 feet long.
  • Dolphin often use a hunting tactic of circling the fish in a school so that they make a tight ball. Then they will take turns going through the center of the ball to feed as they do so.
  • Only one side of the dolphin’s brain sleeps at a time. This allows them to be able to breathe and to be able to watch for threats even while they are resting.
  • Dolphin enjoy socializing and playing. They play with seaweed or with other members of the pod. Sometimes,
    they will tease other living creatures in the water.
  • Global warming continues to be a problem for dolphins as it has reduced their food supply significantly.
  • The smallest dolphin are about 4 feet long with the longest being 30 feet long. They can weigh from 90
    pounds to more than 11 tons.
  • The fluke is the name for the tail on a dolphin.
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