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Outstanding Unbelievable Facts

Unbelievable facts

Here are Outstanding Unbelievable facts to start you off…

  • If you are struck by lightning, your skin will be heated to 28,000 degrees Centigrade, hotter than the surface of the Sun.
  • The average distance between the stars in the sky is 20 million miles.
  •  It would take a modern spaceship 70,000 years to get to the nearest star to earth.
  • An asteroid wiped out every single dinosaur in the world, but not a single species of toad or salamander was affected.
  • If you dug a well to the centre of the Earth and dropped a brick in it, it would take 45 minutes to get to the bottom – 4,000 miles down.
  • Your body sheds 10 billion flakes of skin every day.
  • Honey is the only food consumed by humans that doesn’t go off.
  • A donkey can sink into quicksand but a mule can’t.
  • Every time you sneeze your heart stops a second.
  • There are 22 miles more canals in Birmingham UK than in Venice.
  • Potato crisps were invented by a Mr Crumm.
  • Facetious and abstemious contain all the vowels in their correct order.
  • Eskimos have hundreds of words for snow but none for hello.
  •  The word “set” has the most definitions in the English language.
  • The only 15 letter word that can be spelled without repeating its letters is uncopyrightable.
  • Windmills always turn counter-clockwise.
  • The “Sixth Sick Sheik’s Sixth Sheep’s Sick” is the hardest tongue-twister.
  •  The longest English word without a vowel is twyndyllyngs which means “twins”.
  • The word “dreamt” is the only common word in the English language that ends in “mt”.
  •  Albert Einstein never wore any socks.
  • The average human will eat 8 spiders while asleep in their lifetime.
  • In space, astronauts cannot cry because there is no gravity.
  • Hummingbirds are the only creatures that can fly backwards.
  •  An ostrich’s eye is bigger than its brain.
  • Cockroaches can live 9 days without their heads before they starve to death.
  •  A flamingo can eat only when its head is upside down.
  • The average left-handed person lives 7 years LESS than a right-handed person.
  • The average person has over 1,460 dreams a year!
  • Scientists with high-speed cameras have discovered that rain drops are not tear shaped but rather look like hamburger buns.
  • The first Internet domain name ever registered was Symbolics.com on March 15, 1985.
  • When Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone back in 1876, only six phones were sold in the first month.
  • Business.com is currently the most expensive domain name sold: for $7.5 million.
  • In 2001, the five most valuable brand names in order were Coca-Cola, Microsoft, IBM, GE, and Nokia.
  • In Canada, the most productive day of the working week is Tuesday.
  • In a study by the University of Chicago in 1907, it was concluded that the easiest colour to spot is yellow. This is why John Hertz, who is the founder of the Yellow Cab Company picked cabs to be yellow.
  • It takes about 63,000 trees to make the newsprint for the average Sunday edition of The New York Times.
  • The largest employer in the world is the Indian railway system in India, employing over 1.6 million people.
  • Warner Chappel Music owns the copyright to the song “Happy Birthday.” They make over $1 million in royalties every year from the commercial use of the song.
  • All babies are colour-blind when they are born.
  • Children grow faster in the springtime than any other season during the year.
  • Each nostril of a human being registers smells in a different way. Smells that are made from the right nostril are more pleasant than the left. However, smells can be detected more accurately when made by the left nostril.
  • Humans are born with 350 bones in their body, however when a person reaches adulthood they only have 206 bones. This occurs because many of them join together to make a single bone.

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Facts to know about Sunflower


The scientific name of sunflower is Helianthus, Helia for sun and Anthus for flower. This flowers are a great choice for planting to attract birds to your yard. They are one of the fastest growing plants and can grow 8 to 12 feet tall in rich soil within six months.

  • Do you know what Netherlands country grew the tallest sunflower? (25′ 5.5″ tall) grown in 1986 by M. Heijmf.
  • It requires only 90 to 100 days from planting to maturity.
  • The former Soviet Union grows the most sunflowers. The sunflower is the national flower of Russia.
  • The flower is native to North America and was used by the Indians for food and oil. Some farmers use it
    to feed their livestock.
  • We use sunflowers seeds to make oil, bird seed and for snacking. They have lots of calcium and 11 other important minerals. They do have 50% fat, BUT it is mostly polyunsaturated linoleic acid.
  • Wild flower is highly branched with small heads and small seeds, in contrast to the single-stem and large seed head of the domesticated sunflower.
  • This flower heads consist of 1,000 to 2,000 individual flowers joined together by a receptacle base. The large
    petals around the edge of a sunflower head are individual ray flowers which do not develop into the seed.
  • A well-known sunflowers characteristic is that the flowering heads track the sun’s movement, a phenomenon known as heliotropism.
  • The daily orientation of the flower to the sun is a direct result of the differential growth of the stem. A plant-growth regulator, or auxin, accumulates on the shaded side of a plant when conditions of unequal light prevail. Because of this accumulation, the darker side grows faster than the sunlit side. Thus, the stem bends toward the sun.
  • This flower seeds are rich in oil, which they store as a source of energy and food. Sunflower seeds are
    crushed to give us oil. We can use sunflower oil for cooking.
  • Sunflower plants can be from 3 to 18 feet tall.
  • One sunflower can have up to 2000 seeds.
  • There are more than sixty different kinds of sunflowers in the U.S.
  • Sunflowers originally came from the U.S.
  • There are two kinds of sunflowers seeds- black and stripe
  • Oil is made from black seeds.
  • Snacks are made from striped seeds
  • Sunflowers seeds are also used to feed birds.
  • Sunflowers are the state flower for Kansas.
  • There is only one flower on each sunflowers stem.
  • Sunflowers are very beautiful flowers and are used for decoration. Sunflower plants can be from 3 to 18 feet
    tall. One sunflower can have up to 2000 seeds.
  • Sunflowers are also an important crop. There are more than sixty different kinds of sunflowers growing
    in the United States, Europe, Japan, and Russia. Sunflowers originally came from the United States.
  • There are two kinds of sunflower seeds. Oil is made from black seeds and snacks are made from striped
    seeds. Sunflowers seeds are also used to feed birds.

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Amazing and Interesting Facts About Hair

Facts About Hair
Here are the interesting Facts about hair that you should know about your hair. The person on the average has up to 100,000 to 150,000 hair strands on his or her head.

  • A single hair strand can support up to 100 grams in weight. This literally means that your whole head c
  • Your hair only grows 0.3 to 0.5 millimeters each day, so this means that it can keep this life diary for a long time – for months or even years.
  • an actually support the weight of two elephants.
  • African hair grows slower and is more prone to damage as compared with the Europeans.
  • Asian hair has greater elasticity and grows faster as compared to other races.
  • Your gender is one thing about you that cannot be revealed by your hair strand.
  • The core structure of the human hair shaft can be used for forensic drug testing and anonymous drug test for any presence of illicit drug metabolites. Hence, your single hair can already provide substantial information in an investigation.
  •  Human hair grows faster in warm weather because it stimulates hair growth.
  • Trimming your hair does not actually influence hair growth.
  • Hair root is indeed alive but it is located below the epidermis while the hair that appears above the epidermis is only made from dead cells.
  • Hair acts as a thermal protection while our head lacks the thermal insulation fats layers.
  • The approximate number of hairs from a scalp varies between 120,000 and 150,000.
  • We wear daily on our scalps between 5 to 200 grams of hair, depending on hair length.
  • Hair grows with about 1 cm every month.
  • Every day we loose between 50 to 100 hairs, more or less.
  • In Europe, most people wash their hair three times a week while a quarter of the population washes their hair daily.
  • Do you know one facts about hair that 80% of North Americans and 90% of Japanese people wash their hair two times a day.
  • Once a hair has been plucked another one starts growing.
  • Do you know one facts about hair that Each hair follicle is completely independent of its neighbors.
  • Asian people hair holds two records: growth rate – 1.3 cm/month and it has the lowest density
  • African hair growth rate is the lowest – 0.9 cm/month but has the higher density per square cm.
  • A single hair can support weights up to 100 grams. If you would knit a rope of 100 hairs, you could carry a weight up to 10 kg. Moreover, if the scalp would be strong enough, a person’s hair could sustain up
    to 12 tons!
  • In terms of structure and growth cycle, women’s hair is identical to men’s hair.
  • Do you know one facts about hair that Less than 4% of the world’s population has natural red hair.
  • Hair is very elastic. When it is wet, it can stretch in length by 30% without any damage. However, the elasticity degree is lower in black curly hair and higher in lighter colors.
  • 90% of your hairs are constantly growing, a hair having a lifespan of about five years.
  • Blond hair people usually have more hairs than people with red or dark colored hair.
  • Cutting your hair does not affect in any way the rate of hair growth, nor its texture.
  • Next to bone marrow, hair is the fastest growing tissue in the human body. So don’t be surprised if you will be advised by hair experts like hair stylist Las Vegasto have your hair trimmed at least every six weeks to maintain healthy end.
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Most Interesting facts about Life

Facts About Life
Here are some of the most interesting Facts about Life.
  • If you are right handed, you will tend to chew your food on your right side. Awesome! If you are left handed, you will tend to chew your food on your left side
  • If you stop getting thirsty, you need to drink more water. For when a human body is dehydrated, its thirst mechanism shuts off.
  • Chewing gum while peeling onions will keep you from crying. Interesting!!
  • Your tongue is germ-free only if it is pink. If it is white there is a thin film of bacteria on it.
  • The pupil of the eye expands as much as 45 percent when a person looks at something pleasing. Interesting!!
  • The average person who stops smoking requires one hour less sleep a night.
  • Laughing lowers levels of stress hormones and strengthens the immune system. Six-year-olds laugh an average of 300 times a day.
  • Adults only laugh 15 to 100 times a day.
  • Dalmatians puppies are born without spots. Interesting!!!!
  • Bats always turn left when exiting a cave. Awesome!
  • Men’s shirts have the buttons on the right, but women’s shirts have the buttons on the left
  • The owl is the only bird to drop its upper eyelid to wink. All other birds raise their lower eyelids
  • The reason honey is so easy to digest is that it’s already been digested by a bee
  • Roosters cannot crow if they cannot extend their necks
  • The color blue has a calming effect. It causes the brain to release calming hormones
  • Every time you sneeze some of your brain cells die
  • Your left lung is smaller than your right lung to make room for your heart
  • When you blush, the lining of your stomach also turns red
  • When Hippos are upset, their sweat turns red
  • It cost 7 million dollars to build the Titanic and 200 million to make a film about it
  • The attachment of the human skin to muscles is what causes dimples
  • The sound you hear when you crack your knuckles is actually the sound of nitrogen gas bubbles bursting
  • Human hair and fingernails continue to grow after death
  • It takes about 20 seconds for a red blood cell to circle the whole body
  • The only part of the body that has no blood supply is the cornea in the eye. Awesome! It takes in oxygen directly from the air
  • Every day 200 million couples make love, 400,000 babies are born, and 140,000 people die
  • In most watch advertisements the time displayed on the watch is 10:10 because then the arms frame the brand of the watch (and make it look like it is smiling. Interesting!!)
  • The only 2 animals that can see behind it without turning its head are the rabbit and the parrot
  • Intelligent people have more zinc and copper in their hair.
  • The average person laughs 13 times a day
  • Do you know the names of the three wise monkeys? They are: Mizaru(See no evil), Mikazaru(Hear no evil), and Mazaru(Speak no evil)
  • Women blink nearly twice as much as men
  • German Shepherds bite humans more than any other breed of dog
  • If a statue in the park of a person on a horse has both front legs in the air, the person died in battle; if the horse has one front leg in the air, the person died as a result of wounds received in battle;if the horse has all four legs on the ground, the person died of natural cause. Awesome!
  • The human heart creates enough pressure while pumping to squirt blood 30 feet!!
  • Relatives don’t always know better.
  • Standing in your truth means respecting the right of others to theirs. Interesting!!!!
  • You cannot hear anyone if you are talking. Interesting!!
  • Adult eyes have a tendency to make the world small, yet are always looking for the big things, child eyes make the world big and yet are fascinated by the small things. Interesting!!!!
  • Adults should not let children take responsibility for their life choices.
  • Nothing is more contagious than a smile.
  • The best gift you give anyone is your time and patience. Patience is the ability to understand it is not always about you.
  • Times stands still for those who are in the moment not rushing by it.
  • Having knowledge does not make you wise this requires a knowing as well.
  • Meditation does not require whale music and contortions just the ability to go to your happy place.

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Amazing Facts about Singapore

Facts About Singapore

Do you know Amazing Facts about Singapore that Singapore consists only of one main island and 63 other tiny islands. Most of these islands are uninhabited. Singapore is among the 20 smallest countries in the world, with a total land area of only 682.7 square kilometres. The USA is about 15,000 times bigger.

Facts About Singapore

  • Apart from Monaco, Singapore is the most densely populated country in the world, with 6,430 people per
    square kilometre.
  • Singapore became the 117th member of the United Nations on 21 September 1965.
  • Symbolism of the National Flag: Red symbolises universal brotherhood and equality of man while white
    signifies purity and virtue. The crescent moon represents a young nation on the rise and the five stars signify the ideals of democracy, peace, progress, justice and equality.
  • The national flower of Singapore, Vanda Miss Joaquim, was first discovered in 1893 by Agnes Joaquim, an Armenian. The orchid is a natural hybrid between V. teres and V. hookeriana.
  • The Merlion, a half-fish, half-lion beast, is a fitting symbol of Singapore. The “Singa” or lion represents the animal that a Sumatran prince saw which resembled a lion, and the fish is a tribute to Singapore’s history as “Temasek”, the ancient sea town.
  • Singlish, a Singaporean patois mixing English with the odd phrase of Chinese, Malay and even Tamil, has two
    entries – lah and sinseh – in the online version of the Oxford English Dictionary.
  • Although English is the official working language and the most widely used language in Singapore, the
    national anthem ‘Majulah Singapura’ is actually sung in Malay.
  • The flying fox, the world’s largest bat with a wingspan of up to 1.5 metres, can be found on Pulau Ubin,
    one of the islands off mainland Singapore.
  • Singapore is a stopover point for thousands of migratory birds travelling the East Asian Flyway.
  • The world’s first night zoo, The Night Safari, is located in Singapore.
  • Despite being largely urbanised, Singapore is the largest exporter of ornamental fish (25% of the
    world market).
  • The Bukit Timah Nature Reserve in Singapore contains more species of trees than the entire North American
  • The highest natural point in Singapore is Bukit Timah Hill, which is only 164 metres high (Singapore has a
    very flat terrain).
  • Buildings in Singapore cannot be higher than 280 metres. There are presently three buildings of that height:
    OUB Centre, UOB Plaza and Republic Plaza.
  • The world’s highest man-made waterfall, standing at 30 metres, is located at the Jurong BirdPark.
  • The largest fountain in the world is located in Singapore at Suntec City. Made of cast bronze, it cost an estimated US$6 million to build in 1997.
  • The buildings of Suntec City have been built in the shape of a palm of a hand symbolising good “feng shui”.
  • In 2003, Singapore’s Changi Airport won the award for “Best Airport Worldwide” for the 16th consecutive
    year from the UK/Europe edition of the Business Traveller magazine.
  • Do you know Amazing Facts about Singapore that the Guinness book record for the longest human domino chain was set inSingapore on 30th September 2000. Formed by 9,234 students, it measured 4.2km.
  • The world domino topple record (303,621 men) was set in Singapore on 18th August 2003 by a 24-year-old woman from China.
  • The record for the biggest ever game of pass-the-parcel was set in Singapore on 28 February 1998. It involved 3,918 students removing 2,200 wrappers from a 1.5 x 1.5 x 0.5 m parcel.
  • Do you know Amazing Facts about Singapore that the record for the most number of people participating in line dancing was set in Singapore in May 2002 with 11,967 dancers.
  • The Great Singapore Duck Race, an annual event that raises funds for charity, set a new world record in 2002
    when more than 123,000 toy ducks took to the Singapore River.
  • Russell Lee, a pseudonym for a team of ghost-writers, is the hottest-selling local author in Singapore. His 11
    volumes of True Singapore Ghost Stories have sold more than 600,000 copies to date.
  • The fastest selling book of all time in Singapore is Hello Chok Tong, Goodbye Kuan Yew: The Untold Story.
    Written and drawn by political cartoonist George Nonis, it sold 40,000 copies in two months.
  • The highest grossing movie of all time in Singapore is Titanic, raking in S$6.65 million in 1997.
  • The highest grossing locally made movie of all time is Money No Enough, raking in S$6.02 million in 1998.
  • The first Singaporean film to be shown at the Cannes Film Festival was director Eric Khoo’s 12 Storeys in
  • British pop violinist Vanessa Mae Nicholson was born in Singapore and moved to England when she was four.
  • More Singaporeans are born in the month of October than any other month of the year.
  • Do you know Amazing Facts about Singapore that the first population census taken in 1824 revealed that the total population was 10,683.
  • The 2000 census showed that the population of Singapore is 4.2 million.
  • Do you know Amazing Facts about Singapore that nearly 9 out of 10 Singaporeans live in public housing flats.
  • The most common Chinese surnames in Singapore are Tan, Lim and Lee.
  • Singapore has more than 3,000 kilometres of roads. Stretched end to end, they can cover the distance from
    Singapore to Hong Kong.
  • 8 in 10 people in Singapore own cell phones. In fact, telecom companies issue new numbers at the rate of
    30,000 to 40,000 per month.
  • Singapore’s best showing in the Olympic Games: Silver medal won by weightlifter Tan Howe Liang in Rome
    (1960) followed by a Silver Medal won by the women’s table tennis team in Beijing (2008).
  • Swimmer Ang Peng Siong was ranked world number one in the 50m Freestyle in 1982.
  • The Singapore Sling was first served in 1915 at the Long Bar of the Raffles Hotel. The ingredients are gin, Cointreau, cherry brandy, Dom Benedictine, pineapple juice, Grenadine, Angostura bitters and limes.

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