- The concept of Earth Day was given by John McConnell in 1969 and proposed March 21, 1970 as the first day of spring in the northern hemisphere to observe as Earth Day in a UNESCO Conference held at San Francisco.
- United State Senator Gaylord Nelson is responsible for the first official Day in 1970 as an environmental teach-in which was held on 22nd April in USA.
- On the very first Day, 20 million people gathered in the streets of America to protest the industrial revolution. An environmental movement was born as a result.
- This Day was only focused in United States but an organization launched by Denis Hayes took it international in 1990 and organized events in 141 nations.
- Earth Day Founder Gaylord Nelson was honoured with Presidential Medal of Freedom (Highest Honour given to Civilians in United States) by the President of US Bill Clinton in 1995.
- Chicago made a big splash on this Day 2007 with festivities at Lincoln Park Zoo drawing more than 40,000 people, a single-day attendance record.
- April 22 was designated as International Mother Earth Day by a resolution adopted by the United Nations in 2009.
- Every year on April 22, men, women, and children collect garbage, plant trees, clean up coral reefs, show movies, sign petitions, and plan for a better future for our planet. Some schools and communities celebrate this Day for a whole week to expand the time frame that people focus on the earth and how they can preserve it.
- This Day is observed in almost 191 countries all around the world which is co-ordinated by Earth Day Network.
- This Day Network members host 10,000 Earth Day events around the world. The theme of the 2014 Earth Day was Green Cities.