Fascinating Facts About Mobile Phones
- Mobile phones have 18 times more bacteria than toilet handles.
- In Japan, 90% of mobile phones are waterproof because youngsters use them even in the shower.
- Mobile Phone Radiation can cause Insomnia, headaches and confusion.
- Scientists have developed a way of charging mobile phones using urine.
- The first mobile phone call was made on 3rd April 1973 by Martin Cooper, a former Motorola inventor who is known as “the father of the cell phone”.
- Apple’s iPhone has higher sales than everything Microsoft has to offer.
- Over 250 million Nokia 1100devices were sold, making it the bestselling electrical gadget in history.
- More People In The World Have Mobile Phones Than Toilets.
- China has more internet users on mobile devices than on PCs.
- So many Facebook photos and videos are uploaded via mobile that it takes up 27% of upstream web traffic.
- 99% of all mobile malware is targeted at Android users.
- In 1993, world’s first Smartphone was debuted at Florida’s Wireless World Conference by BellSouth Cellular; it has a LCD touch screen display. This was designed by IBM and named as Simon, priced at $899.
- There are more mobile phones than PCs, the ratio is 5 times.
- 142,000 pounds is the highest ever mobile bill by Celina Aarons.
- iPhone 5 Black Diamond is the costliest phone in the world, which costs $15 million. It will take nine weeks to build, made of 135 gram solid gold of 24 carat and the chassis was inlaid with 600 white diamonds.
- The most common use for a mobile is neither calling nor texting but checking the time. This has prompted concerns texting will bring about the death of the wristwatch.
- In 1993, IBM released a mobile phone with touch screen and E-mail
- The first message sent over the Washington-Moscow hotline (aka “Red phone”) was “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog 1234567890″. To make sure all keys on the teletypes were operational.
- 90% of text messages are read within 3 MINUTES of being delivered.
- Long before the iPhone, there was IBM Simon. Released in 1993 this bulky gadget was the first smartphone and had a calendar, fax, touch screen and a host of other features – all for about £500
- Mobile phone texting came into existence 21 years ago. The first message was sent by Neil Papworth, which was ‘Merry Christmas’.
- The first photo to be shared using a cell phone was taken by Philippe Kahn in 1997. He sent pictures of his
daughter Sophie from the maternity ward. He is a French inventor who developed the world’s very first camera phone.
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