Most contrasting season
The place with the most contrasting season is Verkhoyansk in Russia. During winter the temperature is -50.3 degrees centigrade while during summer it is 13.6 degrees centigrade with a difference of 63.9 degrees centigrade.
Wettest inhabited place
The wettest inhabited place in the world is Lloro in Columbia with the highest total annual rainfall of 13299.4 mm followed by Mawsynram in India of 11872 mm.
Hottest Place
The hottest place in the world is Al’Aziziyah in Libya with the highest recorded temperature is 58 degrees centigrade followed by Greenland Ranch in Death Valley, California, USA with the recorded temperature of 56.7 degrees centigrade.
Dullest Place
The Dullest place on Earth is Ben Nevis of in Scotland with an average annual hour Sunshine of 16 / 736 followed by Hoyvik in Faeroes, Denmark with an average annual hour Sunshine 19 / 902.
Sunniest Place
The sunniest place on Earth is Yuma in Arizona, USA with the average annual sunshine of 91 / 4127 followed by Phoenix, also in Arizona with an average annual sunshine of 90 / 4041.
Lowest Elevation
The country with the lowest elevation is Maldives with an elevation of 2.4 meters followed by Tuvalu with an elevation of 5 meters.
Most Coral Reefs
The country with the largest area of coral reef is Indonesia with an area of 51020 square kilometers followed by Australia and the Philippines with the with an area of 48960 square km and 25060 square kilometers, respectively.
Largest Island Lake
The largest lake island is Manitoulin in Huron, Ontario in Canada with an area of 2,766 square kilometers followed by Rene Levasseur in Manicouagan Reservoir in Quebec, Canada with an area of 2,020 square kilometers.
Largest Meteorite Crater
The largest meteorite crater is located in Vredefort in South Africa. It has a diameter of 300 km followed by Sudbury in Ontario, Canada with a diameter of 250 km.
Greatest Volume of Water
The lake with the greatest volume of water Caspian Sea with a volume of 78,200 cubic km followed by Lake Baikal with a volume of 22,995 cubic kilometers.
Read More Top 10 Major Lakes of the World
Largest Island in a Lake on an Island
The largest island in a lake on an island measuring 630 square kilometers is Samosir or Pulao Samosir. It is an uninhabited volcanic Island in Lake Toba on Sumatra, Indonesia.
Largest Island on an Island
The largest island on an island is an unnamed outcrop on Victoria Island, Canada with an area of 0.016 square km.
Largest River
The world’s largest river, which is also the second longest river with the length of 6,400 km, is the Amazon River. It traverses the South American countries of Bolivia, Brazil, Columbia, Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela. It has an average discharge of 2,19,000 cubic meters per second at its mouth.
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Largest Desert
The world’s largest desert is Sahara desert in Northern Africa with an area of 91,00,000 square km. The next largest is the Arabian desert in South West Asia with an area of 23,30,000 square kilometers.
Largest Island Country
The largest island country in the world is Indonesia with an area of 19,04,569 square kilometers followed by Madagascar with an area of 5,87,713 square kilometers.
Largest Lake
The world’s largest lake is the Caspian Sea which is shared by Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Iran, Russia, and Turkmenistan. It has an area of 3,71,000 square km followed by Lake Michigan / Huron of Canada and USA with an area of 1,17,436 square kilometers.
Largest Island
The world’s largest island is Greenland with an area of 21,75,600 square km. New Guinea is second with an area of 7,85,753 square kilometers.
Longest Mountain Range
The longest mountain range in the world is the Andes mountains in South America with a total length of 7242 KM followed by Rocky mountains in North America which is 6035 km long.
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Longest River
The longest river, which traverses the North African countries of Burundi, Congo, Egypt, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Sudan, Tanzania, and Uganda, is the Nile river. It has a total length of 6650 km.
Smallest Sea
The smallest sea in the world is the Gulf of California which has an area of 1,53,070 square km followed by the Persian Gulf with an area of 2,30,000 square kilometers.
Smallest Island
The smallest island country in the world is Nauru with an area of 21.2 square km followed by Tuvalu with an area of 26 square km.
Deepest Cave
The deepest cave in the world is Krubera cave in Georgia. It has a depth of 2191 meters followed by Sniezhnaja Mezhonnogo also in Georgia with a depth of 1753 meters.
Deepest Ocean
The deepest ocean on the average is the Southern Ocean with an average depth of 4496 meters followed by the Pacific Ocean with an average depth of 4028 meters.
Deepest Trench
The deepest Deep-Sea Trench is the Marianas Trench with the deepest point of 10911 meters. Tonga trench is second with the depth of 10882 meters.
Deepest Lake
The deepest lake in the world is Lake Baikal in Russia with its greatest depth at 1781 meters followed by Lake Tanganyika 1471 meters, which is shared by Burundi Tanzania Congo and Zambia.
Deepest Sea
The deepest sea is the Caribbean Sea with an average depth of 2647 meters followed by the South China Sea with an average depth of 1652 meters.
Highest Tides
The highest Tides, with an average height of 14.7 meters are on Burncoat Head in Nova Scottish, Canada followed by La Rance Estuary in France with an average of 13.5 meters.
Highest Waterfall
The highest waterfall in the world is Angel Falls in Venezuela with a towering height of 979 meters followed by Tugela Falls in South Africa with a height of 948 meters.
Highest Mountain
The highest mountain and the highest point in the world is Mount Everest, in Nepal and China border, with a height of 8850 m. It is followed by K2 within China and Pakistan border with a height of 8611 m.
Highest Navigable Lake
The highest navigable lake in the world is Lake Titicaca located on the border of Bolivia in Peru. This lake which is the largest in South America, side 3812 m above the sea level.
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