
About the author

Articles are written and edited by the Syskool Staffs.

Right to Privacy

Overruling its previous two decisions, the Supreme Court of India declared Right to Privacy as a fundamental right protected under Article 21 of the...

Codification of Parliamentary Privileges-An Insight

Codification of Parliamentary Privileges had come into the limelight once again by the recent case of the Karnataka assembly Speaker ordered the imprisonment of...

Government of India

The Government of India (GoI), officially known as the Union Government and also known as the Central Government, was established by the Constitution of India, and is the governing authority...

The Panchayati Raj

The Panchayati raj is a South Asian political system mainly in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Nepal. It is the oldest system of local government...

District Administration and the District Collector

Since ancient times district has been the primary unit of the district administration that functions under the charge of a District Officer termed District...

Writ Jurisdiction of Supreme Court and High Courts

The Constitution of India has conferred on Supreme Court and High Courts power to issue writs. Writ Jurisdiction of Supreme Court and High Courts...

Right to Information (RTI)

Right To Information Act, 2005 Right to Information Act is a revolutionary step in the direction of making the system of governance and administration...

Centre State Relations in India

The Indian constitution declares India as federal. That means it is a union of states where power is divided between centre and states as...

Amazing Facts About Constituent Assembly

The constituent assembly was formed on the recommendation of the Cabinet Mission which visited India in 1946. The Constituent Assembly met for the first...

Politics in India

Politics in India takes place within the framework of a constitution. India is a federal  parliamentary democratic republic in which the President of India is head of...

Facts about PREAMBLE of the Indian Constitution

Indian Constitution has been framed by the congress Assembly by working committee on June 24, 1946. In the meeting of the Constituent Assembly, Congress adopted...

Vision set forth in the Indian Constitution

The Preamble of the Indian Constitution: It is the introductory statement that provides briefly the objectives of the Indian constitution, The Preamble of the Indian Constitution...
