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Neil Armstrong

Neil Armstrong

Neil Armstrong was born on August 5, 1930, in Wapakoneta, Ohio. His love for flying started at a young age when his father took him to an air show. From then on his goal was to become a pilot. At the age of 15, Neil Armstrong got his pilot’s license.

Neil Armstrong went to Purdue University and earned his bachelor’s degree in aerospace engineering. He later got his masters degree at the University of Southern California. During college, Neil Armstrong was called up by the Navy and became a fighter pilot. He fought in the Korean War where he flew fighters from aircraft carriers. At one point his plane was hit by enemy fire, but he was able to eject and was safely rescued.

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How did Neil Armstrong Become an Astronaut?

After graduating from college, Neil Armstrong became a test pilot. He flew all sorts of experimental planes testing them out to see how well they flew. It was a dangerous job, but very exciting. He flew over 200 different types of aircraft during his career.

Neil Armstrong applied to become an astronaut and in September of 1962, he was selected for the NASA Astronaut Corps. He had to go through a series of harsh physical tests, but he passed and was soon part of the “new nine”, or second group of nine NASA astronauts.

The Gemini 8

Armstrong’s first trip into space was aboard the Gemini 8. He was the command pilot of the spaceship and piloted the first successful docking of two vehicles in space. The mission was cut short, however, when the spaceships began to roll.

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Apollo 11 and Walking on the Moon

On December 23, 1968, Neil Armstrong offered the command of the Apollo 11. This would be the first manned landing on the Moon. This was an exciting time for the entire country. The United States was in a race with the Soviet Union to put the first man on the Moon. If the flight was successful, Armstrong would be that man.

Read More: The Moon walkers

After months of practice and preparation, the Apollo 11 spacecraft launched from Kennedy Space Center in Florida on July 16, 1969. There was one scary moment in the flight where Armstrong had to take over manual control of the landing. This was not the plan and, if the landing took too long, would leave the crew short on fuel. The landing was successful and they had around 40 seconds of fuel remaining. Upon landing, Armstrong said “Houston, Tranquility Base here. The Eagle has landed.”

After landing, Neil Armstrong was the first to leave the craft and walk on the Moon. The historic date was July 21, 1969. His famous words upon being the first man on the Moon were “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind”. Buzz Aldrin also walked on the Moon during this trip. They collected Moon rocks and were on the Moon for over 21 hours. While the lunar module, named the Eagle, was on the Moon, the third astronaut, Michael Collins, orbited the Moon in the command module.

The three pilots arrived back on Earth on July 24th. They landed in the Pacific Ocean and returned heroes.

After the Apollo 11 flight, Neil Armstrong held many positions with NASA. He also worked as a professor of aerospace engineering at the University of Cincinnati.

Must Read: Space Exploration from Earth

Fun Facts about Neil Armstrong

  • He earned the Eagle Scout badge in Boy Scouts.
  • Six hundred million people watched the first moon walk on TV.
  • The footprints made by Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin are still on the Moon. The dust is thick, but there isn’t any wind to remove them.
  • He was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom, which is the highest honor a civilian can earn from the US government.
  • He stopped signing autographs after he found out that people were selling them on the internet.

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Ways to save Energy

save energy
save energy

Our primary objective of stopping global warming but also carry added benefits such as cost savings, benefits to the wider economy, benefits to our health and overall quality of life.

Use CFL light Bulbs

Low energy light bulbs use less than 20% of the energy of a conventional light bulb and more importantly can last up to 15 times longer. There are currently two types of low energy light bulbs on the market; Compact Fluorescent Lights (CFL) and Light Emitting Diode (LED) lights.

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 Don’t Leave Appliances on Standby

Always use the “on/off” switch on any electrical device you own. Unplug all the appliances that you aren’t using regularly – even chargers continue to use electricity when they aren’t charging. Also, make sure you’re not leaving appliances on standby: it may be easier but it’s also a guaranteed way to waste energy compared to turning things off at the socket.

Look for the ENERGY STAR® label on light bulbs, home appliances, electronics, and other products. ENERGY STAR products meet strict efficiency guidelines set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of Energy.

Home Insulation

Home insulation keeps the warmth in the home rather than letting it escape. Your heating system needs to work less thereby reducing carbon emissions. Wearing more jumpers, socks and slippers around the house, and putting an extra blanket on the bed means you won’t be tempted to turn the heating up.

Take showers, Not Baths

A shower takes up to four times less water than a bath. To maximize the water savings, avoid power showers and use low-flow showerheads, which are cheap and provide the same comfort.

Reuse Shopping Bags

Buy Local & Home Grown Produce

Buying locally will save fuel, help the local producers and more importantly keep money invested and flowing within your community.

 Don’t Waste Fuel

You can reduce Carbon CO2 emissions by adjusting your driving style. Choose proper gears, do not abuse the gas pedal, use the engine brake instead of the pedal brake when possible and turn off your engine when your vehicle is motionless for more than one minute.

Try Walking Or Cycling

Avoiding just 10 miles of driving every week would eliminate about 500 pounds of carbon dioxide emissions a year. At the same time, you’ll be getting extra exercise allowing you to stay fit and saving money on car fuel and maintenance costs.

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Recycle Your Waste

You can save 2,400 pounds of carbon dioxide a year by recycling half of the waste your household generates. So don’t just bin it, take the time to selectively recycle your waste.

Be efficient with washing

Air-dry your laundry rather than tumble drying it, particularly if there’s warm or windy weather. Bring your clothes in before they’re completely dry – they’ll iron much quicker and you’ll use less energy on your drier.

Close Windows and Doors

Keep windows and doors closed during the heat of the day to prevent the loss of cooled air. Tilt blinds up and close drapes and shades on windows that receive direct sunlight.

Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle

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Amazing Health Benefits of Coconut

The coconut tree provides a nutritious source of food and drinks such as fruit, milk and oil which are extensively used in Indian cuisine. Coconut is a powerhouse of essential nutrients like vitamins, dietary fibre and minerals providing a wide range of health benefits. Although this functional food has been widely used in traditional medicine, its amazing benefits have been recently unlocked. Here are eight reasons coconuts are great for your health –
1. It helps in weight management – Coconuts are rich in fibre and low in calories which means that they make you full faster, and in turn beat hunger pangs. It also increases your metabolic rate thereby promoting weight loss. They not only prevent obesity but also its related health complications.
2. It aids in better blood sugar control – The presence of fibre in coconut slows down the release of glucose into the bloodstream which in turn lowers the blood sugar levels and controls other complications caused due to diabetes. Apart from that, they also help reduce the amount of strain on the pancreas, helping them function optimally.
3. It protects against infection – Coconuts are loaded with a myriad of healthy nutrients which boosts immunity and keeps diseases at bay. It also has antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties that help protect you from a wide range of infections and support your overall immune functions.
4. It improves digestion – Most of us are unaware of the fact that coconut is an excellent source of good fats (MCTs –
medium chain triglycerides) which are beneficial for people with digestion problems. It also improves bowel movement and digestion in addition to helping in nutrient absorption.
5. It prevents skin infection – The application of coconut oil or milk topically helps in shielding the skin from various infections in addition to combating symptoms of skin infections like dermatitis, eczema and psoriasis. It acts as a natural aid to prevent sagging skin, age spots and wrinkles along with softening your skin. Coconut not only helps maintain the chemical balance of your skin but also provides protection against harmful UV rays.
6. It promotes hair growth – Coconuts and their by-products are undoubtedly the best natural aids when it comes to promoting hair growth and preventing hair loss. As coconut milk is loaded with a wide range of healthy nutrients, using it on a regular basis reduces hair loss and hair breakage. Also, applying or massaging coconut oil to your scalp makes your hair strong in addition to controlling dandruff and promoting hair growth.
7. It gives your energy levels a boost –  In case you are feeling tired or stressed out, have a few pieces of coconut to boost your energy levels naturally. It is one of the best nutritional sources of instant energy that improve physical endurance as well as athletic performance. Coconut also helps in relieving symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome in addition to providing extra energy.
8. It is good for your heart – Being low in sodium and high in potassium, coconut is an excellent food for people suffering from high blood pressure. As coconuts contain no trans fats and are gluten-free, they are loaded with high amounts of dietary fibre, and are good for your heart. Coconuts not only improve the cholesterol  ratio in your body but also protects your arteries from damage.

Surprising Health Benefits of Curd

Benefits of Curd
Curd can be a healthy substitute for milk in case you are not too fond of it. It is a dairy product you cannot miss for its numerous health benefits of Curd. Here is what you should know about it.

Benefits of Curd

  • Curd or dahi improves the digestive system as it contains a host of beneficial bacteria in it.
  • It helps to cope with stomach problems.
  • Consuming curd or yoghurt regularly increases the capacity to absorb the nutrients and minerals from other foods as well.
  • It proves Benefits of Curd for those who are lactose intolerant as they can gain all the nutritive contents of milk through curd.
  • Consumption of curd provides relief from dysentery or diarrhea.
  • Consuming curd proves beneficial for those suffering from vaginal infection.
  • Benefits of Curd is to help strengthen bones and teeth as it is high in calcium.
  • Curd also helps minimise the risk of high blood pressure.
  • Persons who want to gain weight, curd is an effective solution. Curd should be taken along with jaggery. Curd should be discouraged by Obesity patients or Obese people as it acts like as an stimulant to add to weight.
  • Curd is an effective remedy for person suffering from Piles and Diarrhoea. In these case, one should take curd
    with ginger and rice.
  • Curd enhances digestion and also strengthens the digestive system. Being acidic in nature, it enhances salivation which ultimately helps in digestion.
  • Yogurt keeps you away from bacterial oral problems. Tartar and Bacteria which are the reasons for many oral diseases are prevented by Curd.
  • Curd is thrust quencher and also reduces the burning sensation when taken with sugar.
  • Curd along with a little quantity of sugar and salt acts like as an appetizer.
  • It works as an energy booster. It also hydrates your body and works as an antioxidant.
  • Great for hair and skin – You can apply it directly, but consuming a cup a day shows results too.
  • The best form of fat – curd has the same nutritional value as milk.
  • Stress buster and mood lifter – Curd is a great mood lifter. Flavoured yoghurt especially helps deal with lows.
  •  Increases immunity and defence mechanism of the body.
  • Improves the absorption of vitamins and minerals from other foods in your body.
  • Best comfort food for all seasons swear curd-eating people in South India – especially Tamil Nadu and Andhra

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Tips to keep in mind

  • People who feel they catch cold or cough frequently on having curds can just prepare it fresh and consume it at room temperature without refrigeration.
  • Those on a weight loss diet can also have it, they only need to ensure it is prepared from skimmed milk and not full cream buffalo milk.

How can curd be a part of daily meals?

  • Curd is commonly had with a meal or simply consumed as it is. Here are some interesting ways of making curd a part of your daily meals:
  • The easiest way to enjoy your curd is by adding some flavouring to it like a pinch of salt and pepper or some chaat masala.
  • It can be had along with your daily breakfast/lunch or even dinner. You could simply have it as a mid-meal snack as well.
  • One can throw in a bunch of chopped fruits to have it as a wholesome meal.
  • You could blend curd for a healthy glass of namkeen buttermilk. It can also be eaten with rice.
  • Curd is ideal to have in the form of delicious dips either used with salads or even as sandwich dressing. You could try some hung curd dip which could be had with raw salads like cucumber, carrot, etc.
  • Different types of raita preparations can be made from curd like mixed vegetable, palak, doodhi or pineapple etc.

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10 Uncommon Reasons for a Back Pain

back pain
Back pain symptoms aren’t due to a serious health issue such as arthritis or a fracture. In fact, the culprit could be as innocent as your posture, mattress or your favorite pair of shoes.

Some of the Most Uncommon Reasons for a Back Pain are:

  • Gadgets like smartphones, iPads, laptops: These days, most of us are either staring at our smartphone screens, laptops, iPads or some other gadget, but while this technology is extremely useful, it brings with it a host of ailments including back pain. The constant bending in an odd posture is a
    common cause for neck and back pain. Not only does the overuse of these gadgets cause eye strain, but it also causes repetitive stress on your back and neck causing pain. 
  • Your office chair or sofas at home: You could suffer from back pain as a result of staying in one position for an extended period of time, whether it’s sitting in an office chair, a driver’s seat, or standing in one place as a part of your job. The more pressure you place on your vertebral discs in your spine,
    the more they will wear out. The human body was meant to move, so to relieve and avoid pain, get up from your computer at least once every hour to take a short walk. Another important change you must make is to pick seats (in public places like a theatre) is to choose an aisle seat so that you can
    stretch your feet once every hour. This will not only help improve blood flow to your legs and back, but will also help correct your posture and avoid constant pressure on your vertebral disks (or spine).

Must Read: Carbohydrates

  • Stress and depression: For physical and emotional reasons, any type of stress and depression have been known to make back pain worse. Experts believe that it’s probably a combination of lifestyle
    and the fact that emotions can make pain feel worse. If exercise doesn’t bring help relieve stress, talk to your doctor about other approaches.
  • Smoking:  Cigarettes hurt more than just your heart and lungs. In fact, smoking deprives cells all over your body of oxygen, including those that control the motion of your back. Studies show that smokers are more than twice as likely to develop lower back pain than those who have never smoked. But apart from your back, smoking can cause a lot more damage.
  • Poor footwear: We all know that stilettos are not the best shoes for your back. But even a sensible pair of shoes can change your gait and lead to back pain if the soles are worn, so be sure to replace old shoes. Keep in mind that fit is most important to keep your footwear from causing back pain as well as foot pain.
  • A bad mattress: Your mattress is not only responsible for giving you a good night’s sleep but it can also be a leading cause for back pain. This is because when you lie down, your spine that is supposed to be well supported is strained on a mattress that is either too hard or very old. It is recommended that the mattress you choose should give you uniform support. You can gauge that by seeing to it that when you lie down there shouldn’t be any space between your body and the mattress. I recommend using a mattress that has medium firmness to avoid back pain. But probably the most important factor is the age of your mattress. If you’re sinking in when you lie down, it’s probably time to get a new one to help keep back pain away.

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  • Lack of exercise, sedentary lifestyle and muscle weakness:Being sedentary can lead to weight gain and back pain symptoms. On the other hand, exercises gives you the muscle tone you need to support your back and keep it pain-free. Strengthening your back helps to reduce the stress on the spine and reduces chances of injury.
  • Poor posture or slouched sitting: When you sit, it is essential that you avoid slouching. This is basically keeping your back straight and not curving it. Leaning your head forward or slumping your shoulders tends to strain the muscles in your back, exert immense pressure on the center of your vertebral column and your lower back, leading to back pain. Ideally, your ears should be over your shoulders.  Make a conscious effort to maintain good posture during the day to ease or help prevent back pain.
  • Carrying a heavy shoulder bag or handbag: Anytime you have to balance the weight of a purse, shoulder bag, or even a heavy wallet in your back pocket, you change the curvature of your spine which can lead to back pain as they put additional load on the spine and could lead to lower back pain.
  • Sitting for long hours: Sitting is the new smoking and doing it constantly for 6 to 8 hours in a day puts undue stress on your spine, leading to a lot of biomechanical changes in your back. To avoid this make sure while sitting, you move all the way behind on the chair  and support your back completely. Also during standing or in jobs that involve repetitive bending/ lifting, take frequent breaks to allow your back some much needed rest.

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