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Benjamin Franklin

Benjamin Franklin

Benjamin Franklin was a modern day Renaissance Man. Like Leonardo da Vinci, Benjamin Franklin excelled in many areas including science, inventing, politics, writing, music, and diplomacy. He is one of the founding fathers of the United States of America and is often called the “First American”.

Franklin early life

Benjamin Franklin was born in Boston, Massachusetts on January 17, 1706. His father was a candle maker. Ben stopped going to school when he was 10 and starting working as an apprentice for his brother as a printer when he was 12. He gained most of this education by reading a lot of books.

Benjamin Franklin ran away when he was 17, breaking his apprenticeship with his brother. He went to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania where he worked as a printer.

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What was Benjamin Franklin role in the creation of the USA?

Benjamin Franklin first became known to the public as the publisher of the newspaper the Pennsylvania Gazette. He gained some notoriety as an American spokesman when his testimony to the House of Commons in England helped to get the hated Stamp Act repealed.

During the Revolutionary War, Benjamin Franklin became Pennsylvania’s representative to the Second Continental Congress. He was one of the five members that drafted the Declaration of Independence. While Thomas Jefferson was the main author, Ben did make some changes and had an influence on the final draft.

One of his key roles in the Revolutionary War was as Ambassador to France. He helped to secure the Treaty of Paris, which got the French army on the side of the Americans and helped to turn the tide of the war.

Benjamin Franklin also took part in the Constitutional Convention and is the only Founding Father to sign all four major documents in the founding of the United States. These include the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the Treaty of Paris, and the Treaty of Alliance with France.

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What did Benjamin Franklin invent?

As if being a prolific writer and a major player in the founding of the United States wasn’t enough, Benjamin Franklin still found time to be a prominent inventor and scientist.

Perhaps Ben Franklin is most famous for his experiments with electricity. He did many experiments to prove that lightning is in fact electricity. This led to his invention of the lighting rod, which helps to keep buildings safe from lighting.

Other inventions by Ben Franklin include bifocals (a type of glasses), the Franklin stove, an odometer for a carriage, and the glass harmonica. In science he studied and made discoveries in the area of electricity, cooling, meteorology, printing, and the wave theory of light.

Other firsts Ben Franklin was involved in include starting the first public library in America and the first fire department in Pennsylvania.

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Facts about Benjamin Franklin

  • Ben was his dad’s 15th child of 17 total children!
  • While still a teenager he pretended to be Mrs. Silence Dogood and got his letters published in his brother’s paper. His brother was not happy when he found out.
  • Ben Franklin was the first Postmaster General of the United States.
  • Later in life, Ben set his slaves free and became a fighter for the freedom of slaves.
  • He didn’t patent any of his many inventions, letting people use his ideas for free.
  • Franklin became fairly wealthy from the publishing of his Poor Richard’s Almanac.

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Galileo Galilei


Galileo Galilei was born in Pisa, Italy where he grew up with his brothers and sisters during the Italian Renaissance. His father was a music teacher and a famous musician. His family moved to the city of Florence when he was ten years old. It was in Florence that Galileo began his education at the Camaldolese monastery.

Galileo Galilei was an accomplished musician and an excellent student. At first, he wanted to become a doctor, so he went to the University of Pisa to study medicine in 1581.

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A Budding Scientist

While at university, Galileo Galilei became interested in physics and mathematics. One of his first scientific observations was with a lamp hanging from the ceiling in the cathedral. He noticed that despite how far the lamp swung, it took the same amount of time to swing back and forth. This observation didn’t agree with the common scientific principals of the day.

In 1585, Galileo Galilei left the university and got a job as a teacher. He began to experiment with pendulums, levers, balls, and other objects. He tried to describe how they moved using mathematic equations. He even invented an advanced measuring device called the hydrostatic balance.

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Tower of Pisa Experiment

One of the traditional beliefs was that if you dropped two items of different weights, but the same size and shape, the heavier item would land first. Galileo tested this idea by going to the top of the Leaning Tower of Pisa. He dropped two balls of the same size, but different weights. They landed at the same time!

Galileo Galilei experiments made some people angry, however. They didn’t want the traditional views to be questioned. In 1592, Galileo moved from Pisa to the University of Padua, where he was permitted to experiment and discuss new ideas.


Copernicus was an astronomer who lived in the early 1500s. He came up with the idea that the Sun was the center of the universe. This was very different from the current belief that the Earth was the center. Galileo Galilei began to study Copernicus’ work and felt that his observations of the planets supported the view that the Sun was the center. This view was highly controversial.

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In 1609, Galileo Galilei heard of an invention from Holland called the telescope that could make far away items appear much closer. He decided to build his own telescope. He made great improvements to the telescope and began to use it to view the planets. Soon Galileo’s version of the telescope was used throughout Europe.


Galileo Galilei made many discoveries using his telescope including the four large moons around Jupiter and the phases of the planet Venus. He also discovered sunspots and learned that the Moon was not smooth, but was covered with craters.


As Galileo Galilei studied the planets and the Sun, he became convinced that the Earth and the other planets orbited the Sun. In 1632, he wrote a book called the Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems. In this book, he described why he thought the Earth orbited the Sun. However, the powerful Catholic Church considered Galileo’s ideas as heresy. At first, they sentenced him to life in prison but later allowed him to live at his home in Tuscany under house arrest. Galileo Galilei continued to write while under house arrest. In his later years, he became blind. He died on January 8, 1642.

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Interesting Facts about Galileo Galilei

  • Galileo Galilei published the first scientific paper based on observations made through a telescope in 1610. It was called The Starry Messenger.
  • In later years, the Catholic Church changed their views on Galileo and stated that they regretted how he was treated.
  • Galileo Galilei noticed that the planet Saturn wasn’t round. It was later discovered that Saturn had rings.
  • A year before his death he came up with a pendulum design used for keeping time.
  • Galileo Galilei once said that “The Sun, with all those planets revolving around it…can still ripen a bunch of grapes as if it had nothing else in the universe to do.”

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Quite Interesting Facts About Rainbow

Quite Interesting Facts About Rainbow

A rainbow occurs when it is raining in one part of the sky and sunny in another. The colors of the rainbow are Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, and Violet. Do you know Quite Interesting Facts About Rainbow that Scientist Isaac Newton explained how a rainbow forms. He discovered the seven distinct colours of the visible spectrum.

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Quite Interesting Facts About Rainbow

  • In Greek mythology, Iris was believed to come with the rainbow as a bridge between the heavens and earth.  Iris was the Greek goddess of the Rainbow.
  • Earth is the only planet in the solar system where rainbows are possible.
  • Do you know Quite Interesting Facts About Rainbow that you cannot touch a rainbow.
  • On the ground, we only see a semi-circle rainbow but from very high up such as on an airplane you can see a rainbow in a complete circle.
  • The sky within a primary rainbow is brighter than the sky outside of the arc. This is due to the fact that the millions of droplets needed to make a rainbow are spherical and overlap to create white light.
  • A “moonbow” is a rare lunar rainbow or night time rainbow produced by light from the moon. Our eyes see it as white even though all colors are faintly present.
  • A “fogbow” is formed by cloud and fog droplets, they are almost white with very faint colors visible. Fogbows are quite large and much broader than a rainbow.
  • Rainbows are the universal symbol of peace and harmony.
  • The angle of light refraction to create a Rainbow is 42 degrees to the eye of the observer.
  • Do you know Quite Interesting Facts About Rainbow that you can’t see all the colors of a rainbow.
  • You can never reach the end of a rainbow because Rainbows appear to move as you move.
  • Snell was credited with the discovery of the relationship between the angles of incidence and refraction.
  • It is believed that rainbow got its name from its shape.  A rainbow’s arc looks similar to a bow for shooting arrows.  People also noticed that this colorful arc would only form when it was raining so they called it a
  • The dark, unlit sky between the primary arc and secondary arc is called Alexander’s band, after Alexander of Aphrodisias who first described it in 200 AD.
  • A rainbow is not an object, it cannot be approached or physically touched.
  • Rainbows in your environment create good Feng Shui.
  • Each wavelength of light has a rate of vibration and produces the colors of the Rainbow. Rainbows and music are made of the same stuff just vibrating at a different frequency.

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Leonardo da Vinci

Leonardo da Vinci was an artist, scientist, and inventor during the Italian Renaissance. He is considered by many to be one of the most talented and intelligent people of all time. The term Renaissance Man (someone who does many
things very well) was coined from Leonardo da Vinci many talents and is today used to describe people who resemble da Vinci.

Where was Leonardo da Vinci born?

Leonardo da Vinci was born in the town of Vinci, Italy on April 15, 1452. Not much is known about his childhood other than his father was wealthy and had a number of wives. About the age of 14 he became an apprentice to a famous artist named Verrocchio. This is where he learned about art, drawing, painting and more.

Leonardo the Artist

Leonardo da Vinci is regarded as one of the greatest artists in history. Leonardo excelled in many areas including drawing, painting, and sculpture. Although we don’t have a lot of his paintings today, he is probably most famous for his paintings and also gained great fame during his own time due to his paintings.

Two of his most famous paintings, and perhaps two of the most famous in the world, include the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper.
Leonardo da Vinci drawings are also quite extraordinary. He would keep journals full of drawings and sketches, often of different subjects that he was studying. Some of Leonardo da Vinci drawings were previews to later paintings, some were studies of anatomy, some were closer to scientific sketches. One famous drawing is the Vitruvian Man drawing.

It is a picture of a man who has perfect proportions based off the notes from the Roman architect Vitruvius. Other famous drawings include a design for a flying machine and a self-portrait.

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Leonardo the Inventor and Scientist

Many of Leonardo da Vinci drawings and journals were made in his pursuit of scientific knowledge and inventions. His journals were filled with over 13,000 pages of his observations of the world. He drew pictures and designs of hang gliders, helicopters, war machines, musical instruments, various pumps, and more.

Leonardo da Vinci was interested in civil engineering projects and designed a single span bridge, a way to divert the Arno River, and moveable barricades which would help protect a city in the case of attack.Many of his drawings were on the subject of anatomy. Leonardo da Vinci studied the human body including many drawings on muscles, tendons, and the human skeleton. He had detailed figures of various parts of the body including the heart, arms, and other internal organs.
Leonardo da Vinci didn’t just study the human anatomy either. He also had a strong interest in horses as well as cows, frogs, monkeys, and other animals.
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Facts about Leonardo da Vinci

  • The term Renaissance Man means someone who is good at everything. Leonardo is considered to be the
    ultimate Renaissance man.
  • Some people claim he invented the bicycle.
  • He was very logical and used a process like the scientific method when investigating a subject.
  • His Vitruvian man is on the Italian Euro coin.
  • Only around 15 of his paintings are still around.
  • The Mona Lisa is also called “La Giaconda” meaning the laughing one.
  • Unlike some artists, Leonardo was very famous for his paintings while he was still alive. It’s only recently that we’ve realized what a great scientist and inventor he was.

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Important Life Lessons You Learn in the First Year of Employment.

You landed up with your dream job and thought this is it, but every once in a while something happens that makes you realize life as a professional is quite capable of sucking at times. These are some of those realizations that everybody faces at an early stage of employment.
1. Your colleagues are not your friends. So you’re just out of college and you think your workplace is like another spot for making those lifelong friendships. An advice, make friends at workplace but do not expect them to always take a stand for you and believe in all-for-one and one-for-all philosophy like it used to happen during college mass bunks and detentions. In the end, everybody is here to earn money. Remember that!
2. Your friends shouldn’t be your colleagues. Well, this is the other side of the same coin. So you and your best friend must have planned to work together and might have even succeeded in securing jobs at the same organization. Friends to colleagues is really not a promotion in relationships I’d say because at some point of time, you will be placed against each other and the ‘Dharma Sankat’ will strike you bad.
3. Linked In ain’t no space for selfies. You learned to make a linked in account, but not your fault if you’re still used to putting up pout selfies as profile pictures. Know this as soon as you can. Linked In is a space too mature for your glam chic pictures.
4. There is no such thing as a ‘Kind Boss’. You probably thought that coming late or missing the deadline once in a while won’t be that a big deal but in the end, you will earn that appraisal by your boss are exactly how your teachers used to mark you for internal assessments. Wake up; bosses are not any of those cute funny creatures. They are sitting in their cabins quietly, waiting for you to make a mistake.
5. Seeing yourself from your parent point of view isn’t always the correct thing to do. Your mom has always been emphasizing your ‘talent’ and ‘creativity’ in front of your relatives and you probably somewhere down the line started to believe all of that and see yourself from her eyes. But it’s time to wake up. Your boss is not going to mommy you around with those compliments and motivations. In case you doubt, risk yourself a mistake and see
what happens for yourself.
6. Money actually doesn’t grow on trees. Ah, those days when money used to mean just pizzas and beer and you dreamed of earning lots of money to be able to buy lots of these. But firstly, you are not earning as much money as you planned. And secondly, whatever you earn goes into your household expenses. Good news, you have matured. Bad news- You are no more a kid.
7. Being the ‘Late-comer’ is no more considered cool. So may be you had practiced the cliched art of walking late into the class with the star body language where everyone used to turn their heads around to see you walk till your seat. But just you pray not to get late by even a few minutes in the office. Salary cuts, negative attention, and chances are they will use it against you when recession strikes.
8. Home-Work in school and college was just a preparation for the unpaid overtime at work. The cherished memories of homework and pulling group all-nighters to finish assignments now visit you often when all you have is a cup of coffee and some vacant seats around while you are working overtime to complete your task before the deadline. Task, too much this is, really!
9. Most for-life-and-beyond friendships cease to exist because of lack of time. You look at your batch’s farewell picture and smile on how you took a promise from everyone that day to stay in touch, see each other every, literally, every weekend and continue these friendships till you have your kids and your kids mingle with each other. Oh but it’s just been a few months and you hardly even reply to your WhatsApp texts because either you are in the office or you have reached home and are too tired to reply.
10. Your College Degree isn’t really that much of a deal now. Remember that sense of pride you had when you scored 1st division and all your friends slipped into 2nd. You keep that degree on top of your certificates for all interviews you go for but they just don’t seem to mind second division much. All they ask about is the experience.
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