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Weird facts about human body


Weird facts about human body :

1 Men lose about 40 hairs in a day and women lose 70 hairs in a day.
2 Your blood has same amount of salts in it as an ocean has.
3 You are taller in the morning than you are at night.
4 Heart circulates blood in your body about 1000 times each day.
5 Eyelashes last about 150 days.
6 There are 500 hairs in an eyebrow.
7 The average human body contains approximately 100 billion nerve cells.
8 It is not possible to sneeze with open eyes.
9 Bones are 4 times stronger than concrete.
10 Average life span of a taste bud is only 10days.
11 You are born without knee caps and they don’t appear until age of 2 to 6 years.
12 Children grow faster in spring time
13 Eyes stay the same size throughout life but nose and ears never stop growing.
14 We born with 300 bones but end up with 206 bones when we are adult.
15 Human skull is made up of 26 different bones.
16 Hair is made of same substance as fingernails.
17 Our entire body functions stop when we sneeze, even your heart beat.
18 Tongue is the strongest muscle in human body.
19 Typical person goes to bathroom six timesa day.
20 Food takes 7 seconds to reach stomach from mouth.
21 Children have more taste buds than adults.
22 Sneeze blows air out of nose at the speed of 100 miles per hour.
23 Largest muscle in your body is one on which you are sitting on.
24 Smallest bone of body is in ears.

Banking Information

First India bank Got ISO : Canara Bank
First Governor of RBI : Mr. Osborne Smith
First Indian governor of RBI : Mr. C D Deshmukh
First Bank to Introduce ATM in India : HSBC
First Bank to introduce saving Bank in India : Presidency bank in 1830
First Bank to Introduce Cheque system in India : Bengal Bank 1784
First Bank to introduce Internet Banking : ICICI BANK
First Bank to introduce Mutual Fund : State Bank of India
First Bank to introduce Credit Card in India : Central Bank of India
First Foreign Bank in India : Comptoire d’Escompte de Paris of France in 1860
First Bank Set Up in India : Bank of Hindustan in 1770
First Joint Stock Bank of British India : State Bank of India
First Joint Stock Bank of India : Allahabad Bank
First Bank that is oldest Public Bank in India : Allahabad Bank
First national bank that is merged with Punjab National Bank : New Bank of India in 1993
First Indian bank to open branch outside India in London in 1946 : Bank of India
First Indian Bank started with Indian capital /indigenous Bank of India : Punjab National Bank
First Regional Rural Bank name Prathama Grameen Bank Was started by : Syndicate Bank


Central Bank:
1. Central Bank – Reserve Bank of India Commercial Bank
2. Public Sector Bank – (Nationalised Bank) Total 26 = 14 were nationalized in 1969 +6 were Nationalized in 1980 (out of these one bank new Bank of India was merged with PNB in 1983), +1 IDBI + SBI +5 Subsidiary/Associates banks of State Bank of India.
3. Private Banks = RBI in 1993 gave licences to 12 Private bank in 2 phases 10 private bank in 1993 and 2 private bank in 2003-2004
4. Foreign Banks = 34 Foreign Banks are there in India.

Cooperative Bank:
Cooperative Banks = Bank those are registered under Co-operative Societies Act 1965, Co-operative Banks are also works as Commercial Bank.

Important International Lines


Important International Lines:

1. Radcliffe Line —- India and Pakistan
2. McMahon Line — India and China
3. Durand Line —– Pakistan and Afghanistan
4. Maginot Line —– France and Germany
5. 38th Parallel —– North and South Korea
6. 17th Parallel —– North and South Vietnam
7. 49th Parallel —– USA and Canada

How can I get information under RTI act?


How can I get information under RTI act?

The first thing you should have is this Act itself and for that save this link:


Secondly, the information you want to get should be from the concerned department/ organisation which is covered under this Act and the nature of the information you seek should be relevant for your case.

To get information under the Act is very simple process where you simply write all the details of yourself (name, address, phone, email etc), the nature of information you seek, the form/mode in which the information you would like to get and the amount of fee that you pay for obtaining this information.This written request along with the fee required to be paid for the information is forwarded to the concerned Public Information Officer of the department/organisation and wait for 30 days for reply from the concerned PIO with regard to your request.


RTI For beginner – A simple format

Most of the citizens of India are now aware of the tool called RTI. But how many of us have actually filed an RTI Application?

It is observed that most of the people who need some significant public information are afraid to file an RTI Application just because they do not know “How to start”. First, we must understand that RTI Application is actually a set of questions that we are asking the Public Information Officer and so, it does not have to be in a very specific formal format. This means that to file your first RTI, you must do the following :

Step 1:- Prepare a list of questions. Make sure that you have numbered your questions.

Step 2:- Insert an introductory text which can be like a letter. It can contain some general text like – Respected Sir, Kindly provide me the following information… folowed by your questions.

Step 3:- Insert a footer after the questions. Here you should specify the serial number of the Postal Order which you have used as application fee. Footer can contain information regarding whether the information sought is public information. Or, whether you are a concerned party and you can also specify a reason for asking for this information (optional). Conclude your letter with your signature.

Step 4:- Like any other letter, you can put a subject line stating Request for information under Right to information act 2005

Step 5:- Add the From and To fields appropriately.

Using a paper clip, attach the postal order with your letter and put it in the envelope. Needless to say, write the address of the addressee on the envelope.

Your RTI Application format is ready. This will of course be modified according to the information sought.

Rivers World



GK about World Rivers and more……

• Third world comprises of 70% of world population.
• Hamun Mashkel Lake (Baluchistan) is salt water lake.
• Most important crop of Nile delta is Cotton.
• Pak: is 4th among world’s largest cotton producers.
• A famous natural bridge is located in Virginia.
• Eskimos live in North America.
• Iberian Peninsula is a part of Europe.
• The number of CARS is five.
• Height of Islamabad is 2000 ft: above sea level.
• The Devil Tower present in US is a volcano.
• Hudson Bay is largest bay and is in Northern Canada.
• Largest gulf is Gulf of Mexico.
• Grand Canal is oldest man made canal for shipping purpose in China.
• Shark bay is in Western Australia.
• English Channel separates England from France.
• Gulf of Sidra is in Libya.
• Red river is in USA.
• Gulf of lion is in France.
• Churchill water fall is in Canada.
• Danube River is in Romania (Europe). It pours into Black sea.
• The Volga is Europe longest river what is the second longest Danube
• Volga River is in Russia.
• What is the only river that flows both north and south of equator – The Congo
• New Zealand is situated in the region of Oceania.
• Oxus River (also called Amu Darya) is flowing between Afghanistan and Tajikistan. It is the largest river of central Asia.
• Bari Doab is the area lying between River Ravi and River Beas.
• SURMA is the name of a river.
• Windermere Lake is the largest lake of UK.
• What is France’s longest river: Loire
• Hundroo (Hundrubagh) Water Falls are in India.
• An iceberg floating in sea will have one-tenth of its mass above the surface of water.
• Jog Falls are the highest waterfalls in India.
• Which river is in Lebanon? River Latani
• Highest salinity is found in the Great Salt Lake in USA.
• Niagara Falls was discovered by Louis Hennepin
• Madagascar is popularly known as the Island of Cloves
• Niagara Falls was discovered by Louis Hennepin
• River Darling is in Australia.
• Gateway of Pacific is Panama Canal.
• Panama Canal links Pacific Ocean with Atlantic Ocean.
• Panama Canal was opened in 1914.
• Panama Canal links North America with South America.
• Amazon River crosses Equator twice.
• The Amazon river rises in which country-Peru
• Amazon River is largest river in terms of volume. It is in Brazil. It pours into Atlantic Ocean.
• The longest and largest river in Asia is Yangtze.
• The largest river in China is The Yangtze River.
• The Soan and the Haro are the two rivers of Potohar Plateau.
• Aswan dam is constructed on river Nile.
• World’s largest earth filled dam is Tarbela.
• Voctoria falls are on the border b/w Zimbabwe & South Africa.
• Titicaca is the highest navigable lake in world extending from Peru to Bolivia.
• Lake Baikal is the deepest lake in the world. It is located in Siberia.
• Indus River pours into Arabian Sea.
• After Indus, the longest river is Sutlaj in Pakistan.
• The longest river in South Asia is the Brahmputra.
• Nile River pours its water into Mediterranean Sea.
• Don River pours its water into Sea of Azov.
• Tigris River pours its water into Caspian Sea.
• Lake Mead is a man-made largest lake in the world.
• The largest river in France is Lore
• Most populated lake is Lake Eire.
• Suez Canal is 170 Km long constructed in 1869.
• The Suez Canal was constructed in 1869.
• The Suez Canal link the Mediterranean Sea with the Red Sea. The Canal was constructed by a French Engineer, Ferdinand De Lesseps.
• The Suez Canal was nationalized by Col. Nasser on 26th July, 1956.
• Mariana trench is the deepest part in the ocean and it lies in Pacific Ocean. It is also called the deepest seafloor depression in the world.
• River Zambezi flows in Southeast Africa.
• Euphrates flows in Syria and Iraq.
• Mesopotamia is the region b/w Tigris & Euphrates.
• Mississippi river flows in USA. Mississippi is longest river of America.
• Missouri river flows in USA
• Hudson River flows in USA.
• Lake Michigan flows in USA.
• Golden River flows in Alaska, Canada.
• In what country are the Painted Lakes- Indonesia
• Name the river that flows through Baghdad- Tigris
• What city has the most canals- Birmingham
• Suez Canal was acquired by Britain in 1875 and nationalized by Egypt in 1956. It remains closed 1967-75 after Arab Israel War.
• Thames River is in England.
• Seine River is in France.
• Hang He river is in China.
• Victoria Lake forms boundary line b/w Tanzania and Uganda.
• Victoria Lake is in Africa.
• Source River Jehlum is Verinag.
• Lake Superior is the largest fresh water lake in the world. It is located in North America (USA-Canada).
• Lake Victoria is located in Kenya-Tanzania and Uganda.
• Great Bear Lake is located in Canada.
• Huron Lake is in USA-Canada.
• In which country would you find Lake Disappointment Australia
• The Amazon river dolphins are what colour- Pink
• Which of the following rivers rises in lake Lan-Ka Tso in Tibet? Sutlej
• Volga river pours its water into Caspian Sea it is longest river of Europe.
• Don is a river of Russia.
• Lake Erie (N.America) is most polluted lake in the world.
• Lake Mead on the Arizona-Nevada is largest man-made lake in USA.
• Baikal Lake is in Siberian desert.
• Palk Bay lies b/w Gulf of Mannar and Bay of Bengal.
• Panama Canal connects Atlantic Ocean with Pacific Ocean.
• 3- Gorges Dam is in .. China
• Indus originates from Tibet near Mansorowar Lake.
• The Victoria Falls in Africa is located on river Zambezi. It is the highest fall of Africa.
• Mt Merapi is located on Java.
• What is the longest river in Australia- Murray-Darling
• Gulf Stream is an ocean current named after the Gulf of Mexico.
• The panch Pokhri Lake situated in the Himalaya Mountains is the highest lake in the world.
• Aswan dam is in Egypt.
• Word Tsunami is of Japanese language.
• Largest coral reef is in Australia.
• Colorado River forms Grand Canyon.
• River Rhine is in Western Europe.
• The Victoria Falls is located in Zimbabwe.
• Highest fall of world Angel Falls is on river Carrao Venezuela.
• Niagara fall is in North America b/w America & Canada.
• Ribbon fall is in North America.
• Silver Strand fall is in North America.
• Grand Canal is located in People’s Republic of china.
• After Australia, Europe is the smallest continent.
• ‘Victoria falls’ is located in Rhodesia.
• Deccan Plateau is in Asia.
• Asia is the largest continent and covers about 1/3 of the world’s total land area.
• Both the highest and lowest points on the earth are found in Asia.
• The lowest point of Asia is Dead Sea which is about 397 meter below sea level.
• Dead sea lying b/w Israel and Jordan.
• Asia Minor is a geographical expression, a part to Turkey.
• The world’s longest river, the Nile is located in Africa.
• Africa is also known as Dark Continent.
• Highest point of South America is Mount Aconcagua (Argentina) and lowest point is Valdes Peninsula (Argentina).
• Highest Point of North America is Mount Mckinley and the lowest point is Death Valley (California, USA).
• Highest point of Africa is Kibo, a peak of Kilimanjaro (Tanzania) and lowest point is Lake Assal (Djibouti).
• Highest point of Europe is Mount El’brus and the lowest point is Caspian Sea.
• Highest point in Antarctica is Vinson Massif.
• Highest point in Australia is Mount Kosciusko (New South Wales) and the lowest point is Lake Eyre (South Australia).
• The lowest point of the North America is the Death Valley located in California.
• Danube River flows in Austria.
• Victoria River is the chief source of River Nile.
• Dardanelles connects black Sea and Mediterranean.
• Black sea is so called because a dense fog prevails there in winter.
• The river Jordan flows out into the Dead sea
• River Mekong flows in Vietnam.
• River Thames flows in Southern England.
• River boat Gondola is used in Italy’s city Venice.
• Hydespes River is now called the Jhelum River.
• The length of Panama Canal is 50072 miles.
• At the equator, the equation of the day is 12 hours.
• Meridan means mid-day.
• Shale is not a metamorphic rock.