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Photo-electric effect

Photo-electric effect :
It is the phenomenon of emission of electrons by substances when irradiated with light of a frequency greater than a certain minimum threshold frequency.
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1.        Of the great landmass of Asia, the Globe shows the Indian subcontinent as the
(a)   Westward extension
(b)   Eastward extension
(c)   Northward extension
(d)   Southward extension
2.      Which one of the following organisations is responsible   for production of topographical sheets ?
(a)   National Atlas and Thematic Mapping Organisation
(b)   Survey of India
(c)   Indian Meteorological Department
(d)   Geological survey of India
3.      Which of the following are true
1.    regarding largely practised in Assam.
2.   It is referred to as ‘slash and burn’ technique.
3.   In it, the fertility is exhausted in a few years.
(a)  1, 2, and 3       (b) 2 and   3 only
(c)  1 and 2 only (d) 1 and 3 only
4.      Spring tide occurs when
(a)  The moon, the sun and the earth are at right angle with the earth at the apex
io) The moon, the sum and the earth are in the same line z) The moon is nearest to the earth id) The moon is                          farthest from the earth
5.      Which of the               following are true
regarding equinoxes?
1.     They occur on March 21st and September 23rd.
2.     They depict equal days and equal nights on March 21st and September 23rd on all places of the earth.
3.     All places on the earth have equal temperature during equinoxes.
(a)  1 and 3 only (b) 2 and 3 only
(c)  1 and 2 only .(d) 1, 2 and 3
6.    Which one of the following is a cold ocean current ?
(a) Kuroshio            (b) Mozambique
(c) Gulf stream (d) Labrador
7.     The States of India having common border with Myanmar are
(a)  Assam, Manipur, Tripura, Arunachal Pradesh
(b)   Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh
(c)  Mizoram, Manipur, Tripura, Meghalaya
(d)  Mizoram, Tripura, Meghalaya, Assam
8.        Which one of the following rivers is not the tributary of Ganga ?
(a) Indrawati          (b)    Son
(c) Gomati            (d)    Yamuna
9.        All of the following States have a few or some coalfields, except
(a)  Tamil Nadu
(b)  Maharashtra
(c)  Gujarat
(d)  Jammu and Kashmir
10.     The Rurh Basin, rich in coalfields is in-
      (a) Germany            (b)        Poland
(c) Great Britain (d)       France
11.     Which of the following countries of Europe was the first to exploit coalfields in the 19th century and was then the leading producer of coal in the world ?
    (a) Germany            (b)        Great Britain
(c) France             (d)    Poland
12.     Which of the following countries is by far the richest coal producing nation in continental Europe ?
(a) Germany          (b)   France
(c)    Great  Britain  (d)   Poland
13.     Which of the following groups of States accounts for over 90 percent of India’s annual coal production ?
(a)   Bihar, Orissa     and       West Bengal
(b)   Bihar, Orissa                  and      Madhya            Pradesh
(c)  Orissa, Madhya Pradesh and Tamil Nadu
 (d) West Bengal, Madhya Pradesh and Tamil Nadu
14.     The largest fish exporting region in the world is
(a)  The North-East Atlantic Region
(b)  The North-East Pacific Region
(c)  The North-West Pacific Region
(d)  The South-East Asian Region
15.     Which country leads in the production of copper in the world ?
(a) Kuroshio (b) Mozambique (a) Chile        (b)        India
(c) U.S.A.              (d) Brazil
16.     The best among all types of coal is
       (a) Anthracite (b)         Bituminous coal
(c) Lignite              (d)  Peat
17.     Which of the following countries occupies the first position in the matter of coal production in the world?
(a)     China              (b)   India
(c)    U.S.A.            (d)   Germany
18.     Which of the following types of coal contains over 90 percent carbon and is smokeless ?
(a)     Anthracite       (b)   Bituminous coal
(c)    Lignite            (d)   Peat
19.     Low heating capacity of which of the following types of coal reduces its value as an industrial fuel ?
(a)     Anthracite       (b)    Bituminous coal
(c)    Lignite            (d)    Peat
20.     Which two types of coal have a high percentage of moisture and much volatile matter ?
(a)  Anthracite and Lignite
(b)  Lignite and Bituminous coal
(c)  Lignite and Peat
(d)  Bituminous coal and Anthracite
21.     Which of the following countries of Europe share the principal coalfieds of the world ?
(a)  France, Netherlands, Poland and Sweden
(b)  Belgium, France, Poland, U.K. and Germany
(c)  Poland, Norway, Sweden and Germany
(d) France, Norway, Netherlands and
[ General Knowledge Study Material
22.  The main coalfields of India are located in the
(a)  Assam Valley
(b)  Damodar Valley
(c)  Madhya Pradesh and Orissa
(d)  Southern States
23.      Red soils cover almost the whole of
(a) Andhra Pradesh (b) Karnataka (c) Tamil Nadu (d) All of these
24.   Which of the following characteristics is not true of alluvial soils ?
(a)  These vary from sandy loam to clay in texture
(b)   These are generally rich in phosphorus but poor in potash
(c)  These are usually fine grained
(d)  These are by far the most fertile
25. Which of the following characteristics is not true of black or regur soils ?
(a) Chemically these soils consist of lime, iron, magnesia and alumina
(b)  They are clayey in texture
(c)    They not only contain potash but are also rich in phosphorus, nitrogen.and organic matter
(d)   They are generally deep and impermeable
26.      Which of the following measures do the farmers in the drier parts of Haryana’, Rajasthan and Gujarat adopt to minimize soil erosion by fast-blowing winds?
(a)    Large-scale plantation of grass on wastelands
(b)   Planting rows of trees to reduce velocity of winds
(c)    Contour bunding in areas of steep slopes
(d)  Both (b) and (c)
27.      The river Cauvery rises
(a)  In the Brahmagir range of the Western Ghats
(b)  From a spring near Mahabaleshwar
(c)  In Madhya Pradesh
(d)  In The Nasik district of Maharashtra
28.      The river often referred to as Vridha Ganga or Dakshina Ganga is a Cauvery (b) Godavari c Krishna (d) Mahanadi 29  –e rivers originating in the Himalayan
 mountain complex consist of how many distinct drainage systems of the Indian    subcontinent ?
(a) Two                (b)   Three
(c) Four                (d)   Five
30.      The main watershed of most of the Peninsular river lies in the
(a) Aravalli    Hills   (b) Raj Mahal Hills
(c) Siwalik     Hills   (d) Western Ghats
31.      Which of the following statements in regard to the peninsular rivers of the Indian subcontinent is true ?
(a)  These flow through deep gorges and valleys
(b)                 These have perennial source of water supply
(c)  Most of these are dependent on rainfall
(d)                 Meandering course is their chief characteristic
32.      The course of the Ganges is the longest through
(a) Bangladesh (b) Bihar (c) Uttar Pradesh (d) West Bengal
33.      Which of the following rivers is a tributary of the Ganges on its right bank?
(a) Son                (b)    Ghaghara
(c) Ramganga      (d)    Gandak
34.      The total length of the Ganga is nearest to the figure of
(a)    2000 km        (b)    2200 km
(c)    2500 km        (d)    2800 km
35.      Which of the following is the world’s greatest fishing region ?
(a)  The North-East Atlantic
(b)    The North-West Atlantic
(c)  The North-West pacific
(d)    The Indian Ocean
36. Commercial fishing is best developed in
(a)     China            (b)    Japan
(c)    South Korea  (d)   Russ-hia
37.      Which of the following countries is a constituent of the North-West Pacific
Fishing grounds ?
(a)    Japan
(b)    Netherlands
(c)    New-foundland
(d)    Norway
38.   The world’s major commercial fishing grounds are located in the
(a)    Temperate waters of tropical seas
(b)    Warm waters of seas in the southern hemisphere
(c)    Equatorial waters
(d)    Cool waters of the northern hemisphere in comparatively higher latitudes
39. The average altitude of the Himalayas is about
(a) 5,000 metres(b) 6,000 metres (c) 7,000 metres (d) 8,000 metres
40.  Match the following
I.  Assam Himalayas       1.    Between
the Sutlej and the Kali
II.      Kumaon Himalayas     2.    Between
the Indus and the Sutlej
III.     Punjab Himalayas       3.    Between
the Tista and the
IV.    Nepal Himalayas        4.    Between
the Kali and the Tista
(a)   I-3,    11-1, III-2, IV—4
(b)   I-2,    11—3, 111—4, IV-1
(c)   I-4,    11—2, 111-1, IV—3
(d)   1-1,   II—3, 111—2, IV—4
41.      Which of the following types of soil are mostly confined to river basins and coastal plains of India ?
(a) Alluvial soils    (b) Black soils
(c) laterite soils       (d) Red soils
42.      What name does the river Ganges acquire in Bangladesh ?
(a) Alakhnanda       (b) Bhagirathi
(c)   Hooghly               (d) Padma
43.      Which of the following major rivers of the Indian subcontinent flows through more than one country ?
(a) Brahmaputra        (b) Ganges
(c)   Indus             (d) All of these
44. The Himalayas and the associated mountain arcs girdling the Indian subcontinent on the north stretch in a consistent northwest-southeast direction for about
(a) 1600 km           (b) 2000 km
     (c) 2400 km              (d) 2800 km
The Himalayas are generally regarded as consisting of four main sections separated from one another by the gorges of different rivers. The section between kali and Tista is known as
(a)            Punjab Himalayas
(b)            Kumaon Himalayas
(c)            Assam Himalayas
(d)            Nepal Himalayas
Which of the following four distinct sections of the Himalayas is the longest in extent ?
(a)            Assam Himalayas
(b)            Nepal Himalayas
(c)            Punjab Himalayas
(d)            Kumaon Himalayas
All of the following States have important iron-ore fields, except
(a)            Andhra Pradesh
(b)            Madhya Pradesh
(c)            Maharashtra
(d)            Tamil Nadu
Copper may be found in its pure state, but is more often found in chemical combinations
(a)            With iron and lead
(b)            With gold and silver
(c)            With sulphur only
(d)            With all or anyone or more of these The principal copper deposits of India lie in which of the following places ?
(a)            Hazaribagh and Singhbhum of Bihar
(b)            Khetri and Daribo areas of Rajasthan
(c)            Anantapur in Andhra Pradesh
(d)            Siwaliks (U.P.) and in Karnataka Cryolite, from which aluminium is extracted, is found only in
(a)     France                (b)   Germany
(c)     Greenland             (d) Hungary
Which of the following countries leads in the production of aluminium and its products in the world?
(a) Australia (b) France (c) Indian          (d) U.S.A.
52.      The three recognised major fishing gounds of the world are located in the
(a)  Northern hemisphere only
(b)  Southern hemisphere only
(c)  Two in the southern hemisphere and one in the northern hemisphere
(d)  One in the southern hemisphere and two in the northern hemisphere
53.      Of the three major fishing grounds the largest in the world is
(a)  Arabian sea
(b)  Mediterranean sea
(c)  North Sea
(d)  East China sea
54.      Which of the following countries consumes more fish than any other country in the world?
(a) China                    (b) France
(c)     Great Britain (d) Japan
55.      Which of the following groups of rivers have their source of origin in Tibet ?
(a)  Brahmaputra, Ganges and Sutlej
(b)  Ganges, Sutlej and Yamuna
(c)  Brahmaputra, Indus and Sutlej
(d)  Chenab, Ravi and SutlejT
(c) A wide diffusion of iron in ancient crystalfine and metamorphic r
(d)  Deforestation and Over-grazing
3. (a)
4. (b)
5. (c)
6- (d)
7- (b)
8. (a)
10. (a)
12. (a)
14. (a)
15. (c)
16. (a)
17. (c)
18. (a)
19. (d)
20. (c)
23. (d)
24. (b)
25. (c)
26. (d)
27. (a)
28. (b)
29. (b)
30. (d)
32. (c)
33. (a)
34. (c)
35. (c)
36. (b)
37. (a)
38. (d)
39. (b)
40. (a)
42. (d)
43. (d)
44. (c)
45. (d)
46. (b)
47. (a)
48. (d)
49. (a)
50. (c)
52. (a)
53. (c)
54. (d)
55. (c)

Law of reflection of light

Law of reflection of light :
(i) The angle of reflection equals the angle of incidence, (ii) The incident ray, the reflected ray, and the normal to the reflecting surface at the point of incidence lie in the same plane.
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Hook’s law


Hook’s law :

Within the limits of elasticity, the strain is proportional to the stress. The value of the stress at which a material ceases to obey this law is called the elastic limit.

Distribution law of multiplication


Distribution law of multiplication :

The multiplication of a compound expression by a factor is the sum of the partial products of each term of the expression by that factor. Thus
(a + b + c) d = ad + bd + cd.

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