Social Reformers (Maharashtra)
Mahatma Joytiba Phule
(1) 1827 – 1890
(2) Worked for the Upliftment of downtrodden and women.
(3) Started Schools for lower-class children
(4) Established Satya Shodhak Samaj in 1873
(5) Published Brahmanache Kasab Gulamgiri, Shetkaryacha Asud, Ishara and Sarvajanik Satya Dharma Pustak.
Must Read: Gopal Krishna Gokhale: An Estimate of a Genius
Gopal Hari Deshmukh (Lokhitwadi)
(1) 1823 – 1882 (2) Wrote on various topics dealing with politics, history, religion and sociology.
(3) The Published periodical called Lokhitwadi.
(4) Published a number of letters in weekly named Prabhakar which are collectively known as Shata patre.
(5) He took an active part in the social reformers movement.
Jagannath Shankar Sheth

(1) 1803 – 1865
(2) Took the lead in establishing political organisation – The Bombay Association in 1852. In order to create an awareness among people, he founded Samajik Parishad, Deccan Social Reformers Association etc. He was closely associated with educational institutes such as huzur Paga, New English educational institutes like Grant Medical College, J.J. School of Art, Law College, University of Bombay, Royal Asiatic Society etc.
(3) Took the lead in establishing
Balashastri Jambhekar
(1) 1819 – 1846
(2) First to start the first Marathi periodical in 1832 known as Darpan.
(3) Wrote articles about the need to have a new kind of educational curriculum, social reformers and political rights.
Must Read: Indian Renaissance The Socio-Cultural Awakening
Justice M. G. Ranade
In order to create an awareness among people he founded Samajik Parishad, Deccan Social Reform Association etc.
He was closely associated with educational institutes such as huzur Paga, New English School and Deccan Education Society. Worked through Waktrutvotejak Sabha, Ved Shastra Uttejak Sabha, Sahitya Sammelah etnd Translation Society. Joined the Prarthana Samaj to introduce reforms in the Hindu Religion. Established the Industrial
conference realising that for a backwards country Hk# India, Helps to eradicate untouchability In his Essays on Indian Economics (1908) he explained the basis of Indian Economics and stated that the Industrialisation is a must.
Dadoba Pandurang Tarkhadkar
(1) 1810-1882 British System is not suitable for Indian conditions.
(2) Contributed in the field of religious reforms.
(3) Atmaram Pandurang, Baba Padamanji and Bhandarkar, he established the Paramahans Sabha in 1849.
(4) Wrote Dharma Vivechan and Paramhansik Brahma Dharma
Gopal Ganesh Agarkar
1856 – 1895
(1) A contemporary and colleague of Tilak. Later differences arose between them.
(2) During 1881 to 1888 he wrote in ‘Kesari’ then he Left ‘Kesari’ and started his own paper ‘Sudharak’.
Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj
(1) 1384 – 1922
(2) Started Employing Marathas and the untouchables in the State
(3) Influenced by the thoughts of Mahatma Phule, he was in favour of introducing social reforms and encouraged the reformists to start newspapers.
Dr Baba Saheb Ambedkar
(1) Was born in Mhow (M.P.)
(2) From 1920 he began to organise the untouchable communities.
(3) Started Mook Nayak and Bhaishkrut Bharat as periodicals.
(4) Established Bahishkrut Hitkarini Sabha, independent Labour Party and Scheduled Caste Federation.
(5) In 1956 he along with thousands of his followers entered Buddhism at Nagpur.
(6) Is known as the Architect of the Indian Constitution, as he was the Was born in Mhow (M.P.)
Don’t Miss: Ambedkar : The Crusader Against Caste System
Karmavir Bhaurao Patil
1887- 1959
He came under the influence of Satya Shodhak Samaj. He was impressed by the thoughts of Mahatma Phule.. Vithai Ramji Shinde and Shahu maharaj.
He established the Rayat Shikshan Sanstha in ‘1919.) He also participated in the National movement. ^
Ramkrishna Gopal Bhandarkar
(1) 1837 – 1925
(2) Closely linked with the Prarthana Samaj.
(3) Bhandarkar had become a member of the secret extremist organisation, %-v. Paramhansa Mandali while he was
a student in Eiphinstone College, ^ It advocated religious^reforms^ fj fT Y) d He founa references “in religious literature which supported education of women, ban on child marriages, permitting remarriages and so on.
Acharya Vinoba Bhave
(1) 1895 – 1982
(2) He started Bhoodan Movement.
(3) True follower of equality, brotherhood and humanity principles. Geetai and Geeta Pravachane are important books written by him.