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‘Time spent on the study table matters the most’

‘Time spent on the study table matters the most’
Anupam Saha (26) from backward Kalahandi’s Kesinga town has cracked Civil Service Examination (IAS) with 35th rank. Results of the exam were declared on Friday.
An electrical engineer by qualification, Anupam cleared the exam in his third attempt. Given his top rank among successful Odia candidates and his first preference, he is likely to secure Odisha cadre.
Q-How did you prepare?
A-It is a three-stage examination, i.e., prelims, mains and interview and this was my third attempt. For the prelims, I studied extensively from the syllabus and emphasized on current affairs. Clarity of concept is the key to success in the preliminary test. Intensive study, answer writing practice with emphasis on presentation is of utmost importance in the mains. At the interview, what I feel is the board tries to assess the aptitude of the candidate for a career in civil services by asking questions from diverse fields.

Q-How was your interview?A-My interview lasted for 25 to 30 minutes. I was interviewed by Alka Sirohi’s board. The questions asked were on contempt of court, knowledge economy of India and its scope and challenges, questions on challenges in higher education in India, difference of demographic problems between developed and developing world, Malthusian theory and its relevance in current era, National Sample Survey Organization and its scope and significance, whether the state government was justified in releasing the alleged Maoists from jail, why I left my previous job and to elaborate “not taking a decision itself is a very good decision.”

Q-Can someone get into IAS without attending a coaching?

A-Coaching makes the preparation time-bound and keeps the competition spirit high. But it is the time one spends on his/her own study table that matters in the examination hall. I consistently studied for seven to eight hours everyday. I did take coaching. But many cleared the examination without going for coaching. So joining a coaching or not is a personal call.

Q- What are the problems for preparing for the civil services in Odisha?

A-I did my entire preparation in Delhi. I am not exactly aware about the problems faced by candidates who are preparing in Odisha. But I feel we lack an atmosphere for preparation here.

Q-What will be your advice for aspirants?

A-Plan well and work hard. Have confidence in yourself, success will be yours.

Q-What is the importance of college teaching in civil services?

A-I did my graduation in electrical engineering, but I opted for geography and public administration as optionals. I had an inherent interest in geography right from my school days and I thought public administration will be useful for me in my career. Apart from that, these subjects are high scoring and there is no dearth of study material and guidance. Good academic background is definitely helpful. But there is a big gulf between the academic curriculum followed by universities and the demand of the UPSC examination.

Q-What is your education background?

A-I did my initial schooling from Saraswati Sishu Mandir, Kesinga. I passed my matriculation from Kesinga Vidyapitha. I studied in vernacular medium till Class X. Then I studied +2 science from BJB college Bhubaneswar. After that, I joined the prestigious National Institute of Technology, Rourkela.

Q-What was the motivation to prepare for civil services?

A-It is the top most career in India in the government sector. Job satisfaction is of the highest order. It gives the opportunity to be part of the nation building process.

Q-What can be done by the government to improve state’s performance in the exam?

A-The government should start thinking of promoting candidates preparing for the civil services as done by various other state governments. The state government can infuse enthusiasm into the civil services aspirants by providing financial assistance to the needy and deserving people. Such steps have paid rich dividends in some states and there has been a substantial improvement in the number of people selected from these states in the last 3 to 5 years.

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10 Facts about Cinema


Ten must know facts about the history of Cinema:

  1. The Great Train Robbery, a 1903 American film directed by Edwin S. Porter. ‘The Great Train Robbery’ (1903) is considered to be the first real full length movie, the first narrative Western film with a storyline, and the first real smash hit.
  2. A year after Thomas Edison’s invention of the Kinetoscope the Holland Brothers opened the first Kinetoscope Parlor in New York. This was the first commercial exhibition of movies.
  3. The praxinoscope was an animation device, the successor to the zoetrope. It was invented in France in 1877 by Charles Emile Reynaud invented the Praxinoscope, a mirrored drum that gives the illusion of movement using strips of pictures.
  4. In 1895 Louis and Auguste Lumiere patented Cinematographe, a device that could project movies to several spectators at the same time. December 28 1895 they presented the first commercial display of a movie to an audience, running 20 minutes, consisting of 10 short stories.
  5. The very first motion picture to be ever made was The Horse in Motion in 1878, and the first home movie was Roundhay Garden Scene in 1888.
  6. The first theater in the world exclusively devoted to showing motion pictures was the Nickelodeon, which was opened on June 19, 1905 in Pittsburgh.
  7. The first machine patented in the United States that showed animated pictures or movies was a device called the “wheel of life” or “zoopraxiscope”. Patented in 1867 by William Lincoln, moving drawings or photographs were watched through a slit in the zoopraxiscope.
  8. Mickey Mouse’s official birthday is November 18, 1928 when he made his first film debut in Steamboat Willie. This was the first Mickey Mouse cartoon released.
  9. Raja Harishchandra is a 1913 Indian silent film, directed and produced by Indian icon Dadasaheb Phalke, and is the first full-length Indian feature film.The film was based on the legend of Raja Harishchandra, recounted in the Ramayana and Mahabharata.
  10. The Dadasaheb Phalke Award, for lifetime contribution to cinema, was instituted in his honour, by the Government of India in 1969, and is the most prestigious and coveted award in Indian cinema.

** General Knowledge about Indian Constitution **

1. Which political party bycotted the first meeting of the Constituent Assembly
(a) Indian National Congress
(b) Muslim League
(c) both A and B
(d) none of the above
2. Who is recognised as the father of the Indian constitution
(a) Dr. Rajendra Prasad
(b) Dr. Sachidanand Sinha
(c) Dr. S. Radhakrishnan
(d) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
3. How many articles did our constitution have originally
(a) 495
(b) 599
(c) 395
(d) 295
4. The Preamble to the constitution of India is
(a) nonjusticiable
(b) justiciable
(c) rigid
(d) none of the above
DIRECTION (Question 5 to 8): Out of the four alternatives, fill in the blank with the most appropriate option given
5. The term ____ means equal respect and equal protection of all religions by Government
(a) socialism
(b) secularism
(c) socialist
(d) democratic
6. The Indian constitution is one of the ____ constitutions of the world
(a) lengthy
(b) bulkiest
(c) rigid
(d) flexible
7. A major portion of the Indian constitution can be amended by a ____ majority in Parliament
(a) 1-3rd majority
(b) 2-3rd majority
(c) simple majority
(d) none of the above
8. The 42nd amendment to the Indian consitution granted the union Government the power to deploy ____ in any states to deal with a grave situation of law and order”
(a) armed forces
(b) special task forces
(c) anti terrorist force
(d) all of the above
1. (b) Muslim League
2. (d) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
3. (c) 395
4. (a) nonjusticiable
5. (b) secularism
6. (b) bulkiest
7. (b) 2-3rd majority
8. (a) armed forces

Me and GOD

Me and GOD

Me: God, can I ask You a question?

God: Sure

Me: Promise You won’t get mad

God: I promise

Me: Why did You let so much stuff happen to me today?

God: What do u mean?

Me: Well, I woke up late

God: Yes

Me: My car took forever to start

God: Okay

Me: at lunch they made my sandwich wrong & I had to wait

God: Huummm

Me: On the way home, my phone went DEAD, just as I picked up a call

God: All right

Me: And on top of it all off, when I got home ~I just want to soak my feet in my new foot massager & relax. BUT it wouldn’t work!!! Nothing went right today! Why did You do that?

God: Let me see, the death angel was at your bed this morning & I had to send one of My Angels to battle him for your life. I let you sleep through that

Me (humbled): OH

GOD: I didn’t let your car start because there was a drunk driver on your route that would have hit you if you were on the road.

Me: (ashamed)

God: The first person who made your sandwich today was sick & I didn’t want you to catch what they have, I knew you couldn’t afford to miss work.

Me (embarrassed):Okay

God: Your phone went dead because the person that was calling was going to give false witness about what you said on that call, I didn’t even let you talk to them so you would be covered.

Me (softly): I see God

God: Oh and that foot massager, it had a shortage that was going to throw out all of the power in your house tonight. I didn’t think you wanted to be in the dark.

Me: I’m Sorry God

God: Don’t be sorry, just learn to Trust Me…. in All things , the Good & the bad.

Me: I will trust You.

God: And don’t doubt that My plan for your day is Always Better than your plan.

Me: I won’t God. And let me just tell you God, Thank You for Everything today.

God: You’re welcome child. It was just another day being your God and I Love looking after My Children…

REPOST if you Believe in HIM
Worth posting.

Values Of Love, Care & Loyalty

Values Of Love, Care & Loyalty

The passengers on the bus watched sympathetically as the attractive young woman with the white cane made her way carefully up the steps.

She paid the driver and, using her hands to feel the location of the seats, walked down the aisle and found the seat he’d told her was empty. Then she’s settled in, placed her briefcase on her lap and rested her cane against her leg.

It had been a year since Susan became blind. Due to a medical misdiagnosis she had been rendered sightless, and she was suddenly thrown into a world of darkness, anger,frustration and self-pity. ‘How could this have happened to me?’ she would plead, her heart knotted with anger. But no matter how much she cried or ranted or prayed, she knew the painful truth, her sight was never going to return. A cloud of depression hung over Susan’s once optimistic spirit. All she had to cling to was her husband Mark.

Mark was an Air Force officer and he loved Susan with all his heart. When she first lost her sight, he watched her sink into despair and was determined to help his wife gain the strength she needed to become independent again.

Finally, Susan felt ready to return to her job, but how would she get there? She used to take the bus, but was now too frightened to get around the city by herself. Mark volunteered to drive her to work each day, even though they worked at opposite ends of the city. At first, this comforted Susan and fulfilled Mark’s need to protect his sightless wife who was so insecure about performing the slightest task.

Soon, however Mark realized that this arrangement wasn’t working – it was hectic, and costly.

Susan is going to have to start taking the bus again, he admitted to himself. But just the thought of mentioning it toher made him cringe. She was still so fragile, so angry. How would she react? Just as Mark predicted, Susan was horrified at the idea of taking the bus again. “I’m blind!” she responded bitterly. “How am I supposed to know where I’m going? I feel like you’re abandoning me.”

Mark’s heart broke but he knew what had to be done. He promised Susan that each day he would ride the bus with her until she got the hang of it.

And that is exactly what happened. For two solid weeks, Mark, military uniform and all, accompanied Susan to and from work each day. He taught her how to rely on her other senses to determine where she was and how to adapt to her new environment. He helped her befriend the bus drivers who could watch out for her, and save her a seat. Each morning they made the journey together, and Mark would take a cab back to his office.

Although this routine was even more costly and exhausting than the previous one, Mark knew it was only a matter of time before Susan would be able to ride the bus onher own. Finally, Susan decided that she was ready to try the trip on her own. Monday morning arrived, and before she left, she threw her arms around Mark, her temporary bus riding companion, her husband, and her best friend. Her eyes filled with tears of gratitude for his loyalty, his patience, his love. She said good-bye, and for the first time, they went their separate ways. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday…. Each day on her own went perfectly, and Susan had never felt better.

On Friday morning, Susan took the bus to work as usual. As she was paying for her fare to exit the bus, the driver said,”Boy, I sure envy you.” Susan wasn’t sure if the driver was speaking to her or not. After all, who on earth would ever envy a blind woman who had struggled just to find the courage to live for the past year? “Why do you envy me?”

The driver responded, “It must feel so good to be taken care of and protected like you are.” Susan had no idea what the driver was talking about, “What do you mean?” The driver said,”You know, every morning for the past week, a fine looking gentleman in a military uniform has been standing across the corner watching you when you get off the bus. He makes sure you cross the street safely and he watches you until you enter your office building. Then he blows you a kiss, gives you a little salute and walks away. You are one lucky lady.”

Tears of happiness poured down Susan’s cheeks. For although she couldn’t see him, she had always felt Mark’s presence. She was blessed, so blessed, for he had given her a gift more powerful than sight, a gift she didn’t need to see to believe – the gift of love that can bring light where there had been darkness.

“You don’t love a woman because she is beautiful, but she is beautiful because you love her…”

To all married couples, treasure your marriage!!!
God bless you all…

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