Kumar Prafull

About the author

Indian National Movement

The East India Company had established its control over almost all parts of India by the middle of the 19th century. There were numerous...

Vikramasila University

Vikramasila University was one of the two most important centres of Buddhist learning in India during the Pala dynasty, along with Nālandā University.Vikramasila was established by King Dharmapala (783 to 820) in...


Communism is a socio-economic system structured upon common ownership of the means of production and characterized by the absence of social classes, money, and the state; as well as a...

Takshila University

The world's first University was established in Takshila or Taxila (now in Pakistan) in 700BC. Taxila is a town and an important archaeological site in Rawalpindi...

Phases of British Rule in India

The twin processes of drain and de-industrialization were carried out extensively through the various stages of British rule in India (colonial rule). In the beginning The...

The Radcliffe Line

The Radcliffe Line became the international border between India and Pakistan (which also included what is now Bangladesh) during the partition of India. The...

Dr. Rajendra Prasad

Rajendra Prasad was the first President of the Republic of India. An Indian political leader, lawyer by training, Prasad joined the Indian National Congress...
