
About the author

Articles are written and edited by the Syskool Staffs.

Geophysical Phenomena

Geophysics is the physics of the Earth and its environment in space; also the study of the Earth using quantitative physical methods. The term geophysics sometimes refers only to...

Wildlife Sanctuaries in India

Bandhavgarh National Park Bandhavgarh National Park is spread at Vindhya hills in Madhya Pradesh. The national park is situated at 197 km away north-east of...

Seven Continents

A continent is one of the several very large landmasses on Earth. They are generally identified by convention rather than by any strict criteria, with up to seven regions commonly regarded as...

Ozone Layer

Ozone is a gas made up of molecules that are formed by three oxygen atoms. Its molecule formula is O3. Ozone is formed when the sunlight hits oxygen molecules...

Hydrosphere Facts

The hydrosphere is one of the four spheres of the Earth system; the other three are the geosphere or lithosphere (solid rocky part of...

Minerals: India’s Mineral Resources

Human beings, in all stages of their development, have used minerals for their livelihood, decoration, festivities, religious and ceremonial rites. Such indispensable parts are...

The Ocean and The Sea: Forms and Benefits

Although the words ‘ocean’ and ‘sea’ are generally interchanged, they can differ in meaning. In the names of only five bodies of water is...

General Geography Compendium – Earth for Competitive Exams

General Geography Compendium - Earth Shape of Earth can be best described as --- Geoid Earth's rotational velocity at equator is -- 1690 km/hr ...

The River Ganga

The Ganges is a trans-boundary river of Asia which flows through India and Bangladesh. The 2,525 km (1569 miles) river rises in the western...

Climatic Regions of India

Following are the climatic regions of India. Tropical Rain Forest: This type of climate is found on the west coastal plain and Sahyadris and in...

National Emblem of different countries

COUNTRY - EMBLEM Australia - Kangaroo Bangladesh - Water Lily Barbados - Head of a Trident Belgium - Lion Canada - White Lily Chile Candor and Huemul Denmark - Beach Dominica -...

Fascinating Facts About Gold

The world's largest gold bar weighs 250 kg. Gold is edible. Gold has been discovered on every continent on earth. Our bodies contain about 0.2 milligrams of...
