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Today in History – 14 October

1066 William of Normandy defeats King Harold in the Battle of Hastings. 1705 The English Navy captures Barcelona in Spain. 1773 Britain's East India Company tea ships' cargo is...

Today in History – 13 October

1240 Radiya Sultan, first lady ruler of Delhi throne, passed away in a battle. 1670 Virginia passes a law that blacks arriving in the colonies as Christians...

Today in History – 8 October

876 Charles the Bald is defeated at the Battle of Andernach. 1810 James Wilson Marshall, discoverer of gold in California, was born. 1880 Ernest F E Douwes Dekker, Dutch...

Today in History – 7 October

1586 The Mughal army entered Srinagar where 'Khutbah' was being recited in the name of the emperor. 1708 Guru Govind Singh, tenth and the last Sikh Guru,...

Today in History – 6 October

1696 Savoy Germany withdraws from the Grand Alliance. 1779 Elphinston, historian and administrator of Mumbai province, was born. 1801 Napoleon Bonaparte imposes a new constitution on Holland. 1847 Charlotte Bronte's novel...

Today in History – 4 October

1795 General Napoleon Bonaparte leads the rout of counterrevolutionaries in the streets of Paris, beginning his rise to power. 1847 Pratapsingh Bhosle, Maratha King, died. 1861 The Union ship...

Today in History – 3 October

1831 Britishers captured Mysore. 1862 At the Battle of Corinth, in Mississippi, a Union army defeats the Confederates. 1880 Sakuntal Sangeet held in Anandodbhav Auditorium in Pune. Annasaheb Kirloskar...

Today in History – 1 October

1574 Guru Amardasji passed away. 1791 In Paris, the National Legislative Assembly holds its first meeting. 1839 The British government decides to send a punitive naval expedition to China. 1847 Annie...

Immune System, antibodies and vaccines

We are surrounded by pathogens of various diseases but we don’t get sick too often. Through the course of evolution, we have got a...

Today in History – 30 September

1207 Rumi, famous Muslim Sufi poet, was born. 1687 Aurangzeb acquired the famous Golconda fort near Hyderabad from the Qutub Shahi Sultan Tana Shah due to the...

Today in History – 29 September

1708 British East India Company and New East India company merged. 1755 Robert Lord Clive founded the British empire in India. 1789 Congress votes to create a U.S. army. 1836 Chamber...

Today in History – 28 September

855 The Emperor Lothar dies in Gaul, and his kingdom is divided between his three sons. 1238 James of Aragon retakes Valencia, Spain, from the Arabs. 1827 A few...
