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Countries with Most Land Borders

countries with most borders

China shares its land borders with 14 countries

Afghanistan, Bhutan, India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Mongolia, Nepal, North Korea, Pakistan, Russian Federation, Tajikistan, Vietnam

china borders

Russian Federation shares its borders with 14 countries

Azerbaijan, Belarus, China, Estonia, Finland, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Mongolia, North Korea, Norway, Poland, Ukraine

russia borders

Brazil shares its land borders with 10 countries

Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, French Guiana, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Surinam, Uruguay, Venezuela

brazil borders

The Congo Democratic Republic shares its borders with 9 countries

Angola, Burundi, Central African Republic, Congo, Rwanda, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia

congo borders

Germany shares its borders with 9 countries

Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, Switzerland

germany borders

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Geographical Indication (GI) Status

Important Geographical Lines

A geographical lines of longitude is the half of an imaginary great circle on the Earth’s surface, terminated by the North Pole and the South Pole, connecting points of equal longitude. The position of a point along the meridian is given by its latitude. Each meridian is perpendicular to all circles of latitude.

Important Geographical Lines

  • A Curzon line is the polish-Russian frontier setup in 1945.
  • Dead line is the line or boundary of a military prison, which prisoners are not allowed to cross.
  • Green Line is a demarcation line between the Greek and Turkish Cypriot communities.
  • Hindenburg line separates Germany from Poland.
  • Pak-Iran border line was demarcated on 24th Sep: 1872.
  • Line of control is b/w Azad Kashmir & Occupied Kashmir.
  • Mc Mohan line is the boundary line between India and China. It was demarcated in 1914.
  • Radcliff line is the boundary between Pakistan and India. It was demarcated in 1947 by Sir Cyril Radcliff.
  • 17th parallel line is the boundary line between North Vietnam and the South Vietnam.
  • 24th parallel Line lies in Rann of Kutch. It is frontier between Pakistan and India.
  • 38th Parallel line is the boundary between North and South Korea.
  • 49th Parallel Line is the boundary line between Canada and the USA.
  • Plimsoll Lime is a horizontal line on a merchant ship to which a ship the upper limit to which a ship may be legally loaded.
  • Dead line is a boundary line around a military prison which prisoners are forbidden to cross.
  • Durand line is 1300 mile long frontier b/w Pakistan & Afghanistan demarcated in 1893 Fileil -95. it has over 200 passes.
  • Green line is a painted line in Nicosia (Cyprus) that serves as a demarcation line b/w Greek & Turkish Cypriot communities.
  • Maginot line is French line of fortification built in WWII along the German border from Switzerland to Belgium. It divides France from Germany.
  • Maginot line divides France from Germany.
  • Mannerheim line was defensive fortification line on the Karelian Isthmus built by Finland against the Soviet Union.
  • Oder-neisse Line was boundary b/w Germany & Poland during WWII.

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Geographical Indication (GI) Status

Ten Largest Nations (by area and by population)


By Area

1. Russia
2. Canada
3. China
4. USA
5. Brazil
6. Australia
7. India
8. Argentina
9. Kazakhstan
10. Sudan

By Population

1. China
2. India
3. USA
4. Indonesia
5. Brazil
6. Russia
7. Pakistan
8. Bangladesh
9. Japan
10. Nigeria

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Trees and forest were always considered as an integral part of the Indian culture not only this but trees also play an important role in all terrestrials and provide a range of products and services to rural and urban people. As natural vegetation is cut for agriculture and other types of development, the benefits that trees provide are best sustained by integrating trees into agricultural system — a practice known as agro-forestry.
Agro-forestry is an integrated approach of using the interactive benefits from combining trees and shrubs with crops and/or livestock. it combines agriculture and forest technologies to create more diverse, productive, profitable, healthy and sustainable land-use system.
Agro-forestry is basically a land management system but in recent years, its importance has been strongly felt for two reasons. Firstly, there is heavy pressure on agricultural land due to urbanization and secondly due to resource crunch agriculture is becoming unprofitable. Normally agro-forestry is a domain of agriculture where in crops the area is 80% or more and in trees, it is 20% or less. Though trees occupy very less area in it but plays the dominant role. In our country, greater emphasis is being given to agro-forestry but still it has not reached to the farmer as it should be, whereas in China it has developed like an industry.
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Scope Of  Agro-forestry
Agro-forestry applies to private agricultural and forest lands and communities. These are highly disturbed human-dominated land-use systems. Targets include highly-erodible, flood-prone, economically marginal and environmentally sensitive lands. The typical situation is agricultural, where trees are added to create desired benefits. Our goal is to restore essential processes needed for ecosystem health and sustainability, rather than to restore natural ecosystems. Agro-forestry provides strong incentives for adoption of conservation practices and alternative land uses and supports a collaborative watershed analysis approach to management of landscapes containing mixed ownerships, vegetation types, and land uses.
Possible Impacts
• Controlling poverty through increased income by higher production of agro-forestry products for home consumption and market.


• Food security by restoring farm soil fertility for food crops and production of fruits, vegetables, nuts and edible oils.
• Empowerment to women farmers and other less-advantaged rural residents whose rights to land are insecure through better negotiations.
• Reducing deforestation and pressure on the forest by providing fuelwood grown on farms.
• Increasing the buffering capacity of farmers against the effects of global climate change on-farm tree crops and tree cover.
• Improving soil health of the farm through ameliorated micro-climate and nutrition level.
• Augmenting accessibility to medicinal trees for the cure of common and complex diseases.
Must Read: Global warming
Significance of Agro-forestry
Agroforestry provides a different land use option, compared with traditional arable and forestry systems. It makes use of the complimentarily relationship between trees and crops so that the available resources can be effectively utilized. It is a practice that supports the environment and has an obvious landscape benefit. Efficient, modern versions of agroforestry have been developed, that are adapted to the constraints imposed by mechanization. The agroforestry plot remains productive for the farmer and generates continuous revenue, which is not feasible in arable land. Agroforestry allows for the diversification of farm activities and makes better use of environmental resources. Owing to increase in the population of human and cattle, there is increasing demand of food as well as fodder, particularly in developing countries like India. Each year farmers of the world must now attempt to feed 81 million more people irrespective of the weather. It is important to note that there will be 19% decline in cropland per head by the end of this century due to the population explosion. Therefore, there is slight scope to increase food production by increasing the area under cultivation. A management system, therefore, needs to be devised that is capable of producing food from marginal agricultural land and is also capable of maintaining and improving the quality of producing environment.
Agro-forestry has interesting advantages from three different perspectives.
From the agriculture perspective:
1. Diversification of the activities of arable farmers, with the building-up of an inheritance of multi-purpose trees,           with continuous revenue from the farm.
2. Protection of intercrops and animals by the trees, which have a windbreak effect, providing shelter from the sun,          rain, wind, soil erosion and stimulating soil microfauna and microflora.
3. Recycling of some of the leached or drained nutrients by the deep roots of the trees; enrichment of the soil organic      matter by tree litter and by the residue of the trees.
4. The possibility of combining the interest of the farmer (for an inheritance of wood) and the farm (for access to               cultivated land). Possible increased remuneration for the arable farmer for the trees.
5. An alternative to full reforestation of arable land, permitting the continuation of arable activity on land whose             arable potential otherwise is conserved. The tree component can be reversed, the plot stays “clean” (free from               scrub) and is easy to destump when the trees are clear felled (the stumps are in lines and few in number).
6. In silvipastoral plots, fodder units can be available at different periods compared to full cropped plots, extending the grazing calender.

Also, Read: India Losing 135 Hectares Of Forest On A Daily Basis

From the forestry perspective:
1. Enhancement in the biomass growth of the trees by wide spacing (+80% over 6 years in the majority of the                   experimental plantations). A large reduction in the maintenance costs of the plantation, due to the presence of the     intercrops.
2. Improvement in the quality of wood produced (wide regular rings, suited to the needs of the industry), because the      trees are not subjected to cycles of competition and thinning.
3. Guaranteed follow-up and tree care due to the arable intercropping activity. In particular, protection against the          risk of fire in susceptible areas, with pasture or with intercrops like vine or winter cereals (clear bare ground in            summer after stubble plowing).
4. Agroforestry plantations on arable land allow the development of a quality wood resource that complements,               rather than competes with, the products from traditionally exploited forests. It is especially important to produce       wood that can substitute for tropical saw logs, which will soon decline in availability and quality. The areas                   concerned will remain small in terms of their absolute value, but the production of wood from them could become     a critical input to the European wood supply network. Tree species that are little used in forestry, but are of high         value, could be grown in agroforestry systems: service trees, pear trees, common sorbs, walnut trees, wild cherry         trees, maple trees, tulip trees, paulownias, etc…

From the environmental perspective:

1. Improvement to the development of natural resources: the total wood and arable production from an agro-forestry plot is greater than the separate production obtained by an arable-forest separate cropping pattern on the same area of land. This effect results from the stimulation of complementarity between trees and crops on agroforestry plots. Thus, weeds, which are spontaneously present in young forestry plantations, are replaced by harvested crops or pasture; maintenance is less costly and environmental resources are better used.
2. Better control of cultivated areas of land: by substituting for arable plots, the agroforestry plots contribute to diminishing the cultivated area of land. The intensification of environmental resource use by agroforestry systems is not resulting in more crop products.
3. Creation of original landscapes that are attractive opens and favor recreational activities. Agroforestry plots have a truly innovative landscaping potential, and would improve the public image of farmers to society. This will be particularly the case in very sparsely wooded areas, where plots are developed by planting arable land, and in very heavily wooded areas, where plots are developed by thinning the existing forest.
4. Counteract the greenhouse effect: constitution of an effective system for carbon sequestration, by combining the maintenance of the stock of organic material in the soil (the case especially with meadows), and the superimposition of a net fixing wooded layer.
5. Protection of soil and water, in particular in sensitive areas.
6. Improvement of biodiversity, especially by the abundance of “edge effects”. This, in particular, permits a synergistic improvement by favoring the habitat of the game. The integrated protection of crops by their association with trees, chosen to stimulate the hyper-parasite (parasites of parasites) population of crops, is a promising way forward.
7. These favorable characteristics are as coherent  with the many objectives of the laws guiding agriculture and forestry, as they are with the directing principles of the Common Agricultural Policy.
Don’t Miss: Agriculture in India: Challenges with Agricultural Marketing and APMC Act
Benefits from Agro-forestry
Environment Benefits: Combining trees with food crops on cropland farms yield certain important environment benefits, both general ecological benefits and specific on-site benefits. The general ecological benefits include:
1. Reduction of pressure on forests.
2. More efficient recycling of the nutrients by deep-rooted trees on the site.
3. Better protection of ecological systems.
4. Reduction of surface run-off, nutrient leaching, and soil erosion through the impending effect of tree roots and  stems of these processes.
5. Improvement of micro-climate, such as lowering of soil surface temperature and  reduction of evaporation of soil moisture through a combination of mulching and shading.
6. The Increment in soil nutrients through addition and decomposition of litter-fall.
7. Improvement of soil structure through the constant addition of organic matter from decomposed litter.
Economic Benefits: Agro-forestry systems on croplands/farmlands bring significant economic benefits to the farmer, the community, the region or the nation. Such benefits may include:
1. Increment in maintenance of outputs of food, fuelwood, fodder, fertilizer  and timber;
2. Reduction in incidence of total crop failure, common to single cropping or mono-culture system; and
3. Increase in level of  farms incomes due to improved and sustained productivity.
Social Benefits: Besides the economics benefits, social benefits occur from the increase in crop and tree product yields and in the sustainability of these products. These benefits include:
1. Improvement in rural living standards from sustained employment and higher incomes;
2. Improvement in nutrition and health due to increased quality and diversity of food outputs; and
3. Stabilization and improvement of upland communities through the elimination of the need to shift sites of  farm activities.
Limitations of Agro-forestry
An integrated food-tree farming system, while advantageous, does have certain negative aspects.
Environment Aspects:
(i) possible competition of trees with food crops for space, sunlight, moisture and nutrients which may reduce food crop yield;
(ii) damage to food crop during tree harvest operation;
(iii) The potential of trees to serve as hosts to insect pests that are harmful to food crops; and
(iv) rapid regeneration by prolific trees, which may displace food crops and take over entire fields.
Socioeconomic Aspects:
(i) Requirement for more labor inputs, which may cause scarcity at times in other farm activities;
(ii) Competition between food and tree crops, which could cause aggregate yields to be lower than those of a single crop;
(iii) Longer period required for trees to grow to maturity and acquire an economic value;
(iv) Resistance by farmers to displace food crops with trees, especially where land is scarce; and
(v) The fact that agroforestry is more complex, less well understood and more difficult to apply, compared to single-crop farm.
Through skillful management practices, any or all of these aspects can be controlled. For example, once it is easy to adopt some or all of the following strategies:
(i) Select legume trees that have small or light crowns so that sufficient sunlight will reach the food crop for photosynthesis;
(ii) Select tree species that are deep-rooted so that they will absorb moisture and nutrias from the surface layer of the soil; and
(iii) Space the trees farther apart to reduce their competitive effects on the food crops.

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All About Earth

all about earth
The earth is an oblate spheroid and not a true sphere because it is flattened at the poles and bulges out at the equator. Its circumference is 25,000 miles.

Earth in Motion

The axis of the earth is the imaginary line on which the earth rotates.


They are the end of the axis. One end is called the North Pole and other the South Pole.

The Solar System

It is the name given to the group of nine major planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) and their satellites, asteroids and hundreds of meteorites which revolve around the sun. They are kept in position on account of the pull of the sun on the planets. The Solar System originated from the huge gaseous mass called Nebulae.
The six most abundant elements in the earth’s crust are:(1)Oxygen 49.85% (2)Silicon 26.03% (3)Aluminium 7.28% (4)Iron 4.12% (5)Calcium 3.18% (6)Sodium 2.33%.

Motion of the Earth

Rotation of the Earth

It turns round its own axis once in 24 hours,from West to East.

Revolution of the Earth

It revolves around the sun in about 365 days.

The Boundaries of the Zones

The Torrid Zone

It lies between the Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn,i.e 23 and a half degree North and South on either of Equator side.
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The Frigid Zone

The coldest zone which the sun’s rays are excluded entirely at least for one whole day in a year.

The Temperate Zone

It is between the Torrid and Frigid Zone 66 and a half degree North and South on either side of the Equator.

Latitude and Longitude

Lines of Latitude and Longitude are drawn on a map to locate the position of the place on the surface of the earth.
The equator is an imaginary circle on the surface of the earth, midway between poles. Latitude is the angular distance measuring North to South of the Equator from the plane of the Equator.


Meridian means “Midway Line”. It is the imaginary line joining North and South Poles that, when any place comes directly below the sun, has its midday everywhere on it.

Prime Meridian

It is the meridian, that passes through Greenwich, that is placed near London.It is the zero degree longitude.

Local Time

Local Time or Sun Time of the place is the time which is reckoned according to the time when the sun’s altitude is the highest at that place. At this time, the shadow of a vertical rod fixed in the ground is the shortest.

Standard Time

If every place were to use its own local time that Standard Time of India is the local time of a place near Allahabad situated at 82 and a half degree E longitude.


It is a triangular-shaped land between the distributaries of a river.


Tide is the periodic rise and fall of sea water twice in about 25 hours.

Causes of Tide

Two forces are acting on the earth:(a) the moon’s attraction, (b) the centrifugal force. Although these two forces are equal and opposite to each other at the centre of the earth yet that is not the case everywhere on the earth. Tide is caused by the difference in these two forces.

Types of Tides

Spring Tide, Neap Tide, Eclipses, Lunar Eclipses, Solar Eclipse, Currents, Contours.

Natural Regions

The Hot Belt, Savanna or Sudan Type, Desert Type, The Monsoon Type, The Mediterranean Type, Steppe Type, China Type, British Type, Siberian Type, EasternType, Tundra Type.
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