Tag: Constitution


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Schedules of Indian Constitution

There are 12 Schedules in The Indian Constitution. First Schedule deals with territories of 28 states and seven union territories of the Indian Union. Second Schedule deals with...

The Fundamental Duties

Fundamental Duties are sections of the Constitution of India that prescribe the fundamental obligations of the State to its citizens and the duties of...

Constituent Assembly

 Establishment Of A Constituent Assembly The demand for the establishment of a Constituent Assembly was first embodied in a resolution of the Indian National Congress...

Borrowed Features of The Constitution

The Founding Fathers of the Indian Constitution were wise enough to know about the Borrowed Features of The Constitution from the experience gained in the...

Schedules in the Constitution of India

Schedules in the Constitution of India : The Constitution of India contains twelve Schedules in the Constitution of India from 1 to 12.   Schedules in the Constitution of...

Human Rights – UN Declaration & Indian Constitution

United Nation's Universal Declaration of Human Rights All human beings are born free and equal in dignity. – Article 1 Everyone is entitled to all the...

20 Features of Indian Constitution

Following are 20 most important Features of Indian Constitution that every Indian must know. 1. The Bulkiest Constitution of the World The Indian Constitution is one...

Schedules of Indian Constitution

Schedules of Indian Constitution: The constitution of India contains Schedules of Indian Constitution from 1 to 12th schedules. Schedules of Indian Constitution First Schedule List of States...

Parts of the Constitution

Parts of the Constitution of India: The constitution of India contains twenty-two parts which include articles from 1 to 395. Parts of the Constitution Part – One...

The Fundamental Rights

The Fundamental Right is a charter of rights contained in the Constitution of India. It guarantees civil liberties such that all Indians can lead...

The Directive Principles of State Policy

The Directive Principles of State Policy are guidelines to the central and state governments of India, to be kept in mind while framing laws and policies....

Important Constitutional Amendments in India

The Constitution (First Amendment) Act, 1951 In June 1951, the First Constitutional Amendment Act was passed, and the following Amendment in the Constitution were inserted...

