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Indian Foreign Service (IFS)

Indian Foreign Service

The Indian Foreign Service (IFS) was formed in the year of 1946. The cadre controlling authority for Indian Foreign Service is Foreign Secretary. After selection, the training program consists of two stages, at Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration, Missouri and then at the Foreign Service Institute in New Delhi.

  • Cadre size: 618 posts (direct recruitment – 87%, promotion 13%).

Functions of Indian Foreign Service Officers

As a career diplomat, the Foreign Service Officer is required to project India’s interests, both at home and abroad on a wide variety of issues. These include bilateral political and economic cooperation, trade and investment promotion, cultural interaction, press and media liaison as well as a whole host of multilateral issues.

The main functions can be summarized as:

  • Representing India in its Embassies, High Commissions, Consulates, and Permanent Missions to multilateral organizations like UN;
  • Protecting India’s national interests in the country of his/her posting;
  • Promoting friendly relations with the receiving state as also its people, including NRI / PIOs;
  • Reporting accurately on developments in the country of posting which are likely to influence the formulation of India’s policies;
  • Negotiating agreements on various issues with the authorities of the receiving state; and
  • Extending consular facilities to foreigners and Indian nationals abroad.
  • At home, Ministry of External Affairs is responsible for all aspects of external relations. Territorial divisions deal with bilateral political and economic work while functional divisions look after policy planning, multilateral organizations, regional groupings, legal matters, disarmament, protocol, consular, Indian Diaspora, press and publicity, administration and other aspects.
Service Hierarchy
Pay scales
Designation in Field
Designation in Headquarters
Junior time scale
Attaché / Third secretary
Under secretary
Senior time scale
Second / First secretary
Under secretary
Junior administrative grade
First secretary
Deputy secretary
Selection grade IV
Counselor Director
Senior administrative grade
Minister/DCM Ambassador
Joint secretary
Ambassador/high Commissioner
Additional secretary
26000 (fixed)
Ambassador/High Commissioner

Must Read:

Role of Civil Servants (IAS, IPS, IRS, IFS and IES)

Functions and Service Hierarchy of an IAS Officers

Duties and Responsibilities of an IPS Officers




Sense organs receive the internal and external stimuli and convey it to the central nervous system.
The main sense organs are as follows:


The organ of hearing or ear can be divided into three parts; the external , the mid and the internal.the external  ear consists of the pinna and the external auditory meatus. It collects sound waves. The middle is the air filled tympanic
cavity. The internal ear has the membranous labyrinth which consists of vestibule, the cochlea and the semicircular canal.


The eyeball lies in an orbit together with nerves and muscles to move it . The eye is the organ of vision. It has a complex structure consisting of a transparent lens that focuses light on the retina. The retina is covered with two basic types of light-sensitive cells-rods and cones. The cone cells are sensitive to color and are located in the part of the retina called the fovea, where the light is focused by the lens. The rod cells are not sensitive to color but have greater sensitivity to light than the cone cells. These cells are located around the fovea and are responsible for peripheral vision and night vision. The eye is connected to the brain through the optic nerve. The point of this connection is called the “blind spot” because it is insensitive to light. Experiments have shown that the back of the brain maps the visual input from the eyes.


The peripheral olfactory organ or organ of smell consists of two parts: an outer, the external nose, which projects from the center of the face; and an
internal, the nasal cavity, which is divided by a septum into right and left nasal chambers. Smells get inside the nose and nerves send message to the brain what kind of smell they are.


Organs of taste are buds on the tongue and the roof of buccal cavity. When anything touches our  tongue the specific nerves tells the brain the particular

50 Interesting Facts

  1. Hypermetropic people are what : Long Sighted
  2. Which leader lives in the Potola : Dalai Lama
  3. What wood was the cross supposed to be made of : Mistletoe
  4. Joseph Levitch became famous as who : Jerry Lewis
  5. If you planted a bandarilla what are you doing : Bullfighting
  6. What was the first Pink Floyd album : Piper at the gates of dawn
  7. In which city was the first public opera house opened : Venice
  8. In what Elvis film did he play a double role : Kissing Cousins
  9. The Aphrodite of Melos has a more famous name what : Venus de Milo
  10. Which country invented the concentration camp Britain : Boer war
  11. John Huston scored a hit with his first film what? : Maltese falcon
  12. Stan laurel, Mickey Rooney, Lana Turner what in common : 8 marriages
  13. What real person has been played most often in films : Napoleon Bonaparte
  14. Scotopic people can do what : See in the dark
  15. What is the most critical thing keeping bananas fresh transport Temperature not below : 13 C 55F
  16. What is the name of the Paris stock exchange : Bourse
  17. Whose music featured in The Clockwork Orange : Beethoven
  18. What was the Troggs most famous hit : Wild Thing
  19. In Japan what colour car is reserved for the royal family only : Maroon
  20. What city has Kogoshima as its airport : Tokyo
  21. What was gangsters George Nelsons nickname : Baby Face
  22. Whose first wife was actress Jayne Wyman : Ronald Regan
  23. In MASH what is Radars favourite drink : Grape Knee High
  24. What do you give on the third wedding anniversary : Leather
  25. What is a baby whale called : Calf
  26. In which film did the Rolls Royce have the number plate AU1 : Goldfinger
  27. Vladamere Ashkenazy plays what musical instrument : Piano
  28. With which organ does a snake hear : Tongue
  29. On what is the Mona Lisa painted : Wood
  30. What is the second most common international crime : Art theft
  31. Count de Grisly was the first to perform what trick in 1799 : Saw woman in half
  32. Who wrote Les Miserable : Victor Hugo
  33. Which bird turns it head upside down to eat : Flamingo
  34. The colossus of Rhodes was a statue of who : Apollo
  35. Who rode a horse called Bucephalus : Alexander the Great
  36. To which London club did Mycroft Holmes belong : Diogones
  37. What did William Addis invent in prison : Toothbrush
  38. What is the only duty of police Gracthenvissers in Amsterdam : Motorists in canals
  39. Kleenex tissues were originally intended as what in 1915 WW1 : Gas mask filters
  40. Who invented popcorn : American Indians
  41. What is the colour of mourning in : Turkey Violet
  42. For what is spirits of salt another name : Hydrochloric acid
  43. Which game is played on an oval with 18 player per team : Australian football
  44. In the Winnie the Pooh stories what is Kanga’s baby called : Roo
  45. Which actor is common to Magnificent 7 and Dirty Dozen : Charles Bronson
  46. Who saved Andromeda from the sea monster : Perseus
  47. What flower is the symbol of secrecy : Rose
  48. What item were originally called : Hanways Umbrellas
  49. What is Brussels best known statue : The Mannequin Pis
  50. In which language does God Jul mean happy : Xmas Swedish

Indian Police Service (IPS)

Indian Police Service

The Indian Police Service (IPS) was formed in the year of 1948. It is one of the three All India Services.(The other two are Indian Forest Services and Indian Administrative Services). The cadre controlling authority for Indian Police Service is the Ministry of Home Affairs.

  • Cadre size: 3549 posts (direct recruitment – 70%, promotion 30%).
  • The selected candidates’ training ground is at Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel National Police Academy.

Read Also: Career Path of an IPS Officer

Functions of Indian Police Service Officers

  • Day-to-day duties, particularly in the areas of maintenance of public peace and order, crime prevention, investigation, and detection, collection of intelligence, VIP security, border policing, railway policing, smuggling, drug trafficking, economic offences, corruption in public life, disaster management, enforcement of socio-economic legislation, bio-diversity and protection of environmental laws etc.
  • Leading and commanding the civil and armed police forces in all the states and union territories.
  • Leading and commanding the Central Police Organizations like Intelligence Bureau, Central Bureau of Investigation, Border Security Force, Central Reserve Police Force, Indo-Tibetan Border Police, National Security Guard, Vigilance Organizations etc.
  • Serve at managerial/policy making levels in the Ministries and Departments of Central and State governments and public sector undertakings both at centre and states, and the RAW, Government of India.
  • Required to interact and coordinate closely with the members of other All India Services and Central Civil Services and also with the Armed Forces.
  • Lead/command the force with courage, uprightness, dedication and a strong sense of service to the people.
  • Endeavour to inculcate in the police forces under their command such values and norms as would help them serve the people better.
  • Inculcate integrity of the highest order, sensitivity to aspirations of people in a fast-changing social and economic milieu, respect for human rights, broad liberal perspective of law and justice, high standard of professionalism, physical fitness and mental alertness.

Service Hierarchy of Indian Police Service

Pay scales
Designation in Field
Designation in Headquarters
Any other Designation
Junior time scale
Assistant Superintendent of Police
Senior time scale
Superintendent of Police
Assistant inspector general of police
Assistant Director in Central Police Organizations/Commandant in Armed Police Bns.
Junior administrative grade
Superintendent of police
Assistant inspector general of police
Assistant Director in Central Police Organizations/Commandant in Armed Police Bns.
Selection grade
Sr. Superintendent of police
Assistant inspector general of police
Assistant Director in Central Police Organizations/Commandant in Armed Police Bns.
Super time scale
Deputy Inspector General of Police
Deputy Inspector general of police
Deputy director in central police organizations
Inspector General of Police
Inspector general of police
Joint director in central police organizations
Above super time scale
Additional Director General of Police
Additional Director general of police
Additional director in central police organizations
26000 (fixed)
Director General of Police
Director general of police
Director general in central police organizations & director, IB, Director, CBI & Director, NPA

Modern ranks and rank badges for Indian Police Service Officer

  • State Emblem above one star above crossed sword and baton Director, Intelligence Bureau
  • State Emblem above crossed sword and baton Director, Central Bureau of Investigation Director General, Central Reserve Police Force Director General, Border Security Force Director General, Central Industrial Security Force Director-General, Sashastra Seema Bal Director General, Special Protection Group Director General, National Police Academy Director General, Security Director General States of Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Gujarat, Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh,  Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Orissa, Punjab, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh, and WestBengal Commissioner of Police, Mumbai, and Delhi
  • One star above crossed sword and baton Inspector General of Police, Other States Joint Director, Intelligence Bureau Additional Director, Central Bureau of Investigation Joint Director, Central Bureau of Investigation Commandant, Central Forensic Institute Director, National Police Academy Inspector General, Border Security Force Inspector General, Central Industrial Security Force Inspector General, Central Reserve Police Inspector General, Indo-Tibetan Border Police State Emblem above three stars in a triangle Inspector General of Police, Union Territories Other officer above selection grade
  • State Emblem above two stars Superintendent of Police in selection grade with 13+ years of service State Emblem above one star Superintendent of Police in charge of a district Commandant of Battalion Other officers on senior time scale with between 9 and 13 years service State Emblem Other officers on senior time scale with 9 years’ service or less
  • Three stars Assistant Superintendent in charge of sub-division Assistant Superintendent not in charge of sub-division with 4 years’ service or less
  • Two stars Assistant Superintendent not in charge of sub-division with between 2 and 4 years service and not in charge of a police sub-division
  • One star Assistant Superintendent not in charge of sub-division with less than 2 years service
Ranks insignia of the State Police officers
  • Three stars Deputy Superintendent of Police. A state police officer who is directly recruited to this rank or has come up from the lower ranks. Red and blue ribbon and three stars Inspector of Police. Red and blue ribbon and two stars Sub-Inspector of Police Red and blue ribbon and a star Assistant Sub-Inspector of Police
  • Three chevrons points facing downwards Police Head Constable
  • Two chevrons point facing downwards Senior Police Constable or Police Naik. His/her basic pay would be of the same scale of a head constable.
  • No rank insignia Constable.

Must Read: 

Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI)

Measures To insulate CBI From External Influences


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Amphibia:A group of vertebrate animals which are equally at home in water and on land and their skin lacks hair e.g.frogs and toads.

Antibiotics: Any drug, derived from living organisms, with a specific action against bacteria. Penicillin, derived from a fungus, is an example.

Read Also: Terminology of Botany

Arthropoda: A group of invertebrate animals having segmented body and jointed limbs. e.g. mosquito,fly crab, spider etc.


Aves:A group of vertebrate animals including all flying and non-flying birds.

Bird Migration: Seasonal migration of birds from one region to another. The inclemency of weather when makes the living of birds difficult at a place, they migrate to a region promising comfortable living.

Must Read: Non-Flowering Plants

Chordate:The major division of animal kingdom including man and all mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibia and fishes. Mostly they have backbones.


Hibernation:Period of dormancy in winter occurring in some mammals and in most reptiles and amphibians in colder parts of the world,also called winter sleep.

Mammal: Group of animals which include back boned hairy animals suckling its young e.g. man,dog etc.

Mollusca: Animals having a soft, unsegmented body usually covered with a hard shell e.g. snails,mussels etc.

Mutation:Discontinuous variation or sudden inheritable divergence of characteristics from ancestral type. These are parts of the raw material on which natural selection has acted to produce evolutionary change.

Pisces: A group of vertebrates including fishes e.g. lamprey,hag,sea horse,ray,shark etc.

Protozoa:Animals of microscopic size which include mostly unicellular animals e.g. amoeba,entamoeba etc.

Reptilia: A group of vertebrate animals that creeps or crawls e.g. snakes,lizards, alligator,turtle etc.

Vertebrata:A great division of  chordate animals whose backbone(vertebral column) consists of vertebrae.

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