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Crazy-Amazing Facts About Music

Music facts
Listening to music while working out measurably improves physical performance. You don’t like the original version of a song because it’s better. You like it because it’s the one you heard first. Your favourite song is probably your favourite because you associate it with an emotional event in your life.

Crazy-Amazing Facts About Music

  • None of The Beatles Could Read Music.
  • Your heartbeat changes and mimics the music you listen to.
  • Flowers can grow faster by listening to musics.
  • The type of musics you listen to affects the way you perceive the world.
  • Leo Fender, inventor of the Telecaster and Stratocaster, could not play guitar.
  • The world’s longest concert goes so slow, it will last 639 years
  • The world’s most expensive musical instrument, a Stradivarius violin, was sold in 2011 for US$15.9 million.
  • Loud musics can make a person drink more in less time.
  • The song Jingle Bells was originally written for Thanks giving.
  • The original lyrics of the “Happy Birthday to You” song were “Good Morning to You”.
  • A song that gets stuck in your head is called an “earworm”.
  • Children who study music tend to have larger vocabularies and more advanced reading skills than their peers who do not participate in music lessons.
  • Music was sent down a telephone line for the first time in 1876, the year the phone was invented.
  • The CD was developed by Philips and Sony in 1980.
  • The world’s largest disco was held at the Buffalo Convention Centre, New York, 1979. 13,000 danced a place into the Guinness Book of World Records.
  • A grand piano can be played faster than an upright (spinet) piano.
  • A piano covers the full spectrum of all orchestra instruments, from below the lowest note of the double bassoon to above the top note of the piccolo.
  • Music can reduce anxiety, lower blood pressure and decrease stress hormones
  • The smallest guitar in the world is 10 micrometres long with strings 50 nanometres (100 atoms) wide.
  • Yamaha, established in 1887 was the first piano manufacturer in Japan.
  • The world’s largest piano is a Challen Concert Grand. This piano is 11 feet long, has a total string tension of over 30 tons and weighs more than a ton!!

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Some Amazing Facts

Amazing Facts About Google to Blow Your Mind

Amazing Facts about Google

Google was originally called “Backrub”. In 1999, the founders of Google actually tried to sell it to Excite for just US$1 million. Excite turned them down. Do you know the amazing facts about Google that the founders of Google did not have an idea regarding using HTML and just wanted a quick interface. This is the main reason that makes the Google home page appear so bare.

Amazing Facts About Google to Blow Your Mind

  • The first Google Doodle was dedicated to the Burning Man festival attended by Google founders in 1998. Larry Page and Sergey Brin made the first Google Doodle in August 1998.
  • Do you know the amazing facts about google that if you search for “askew” in Google, the content will tilt slightly to the right.
  • When a Google employee dies, their spouses receive half pay from the company for 10 years and their children US$1,000 per month until they turn 19.
  • Every day, 16% of the searches that occur are ones that Google has never seen before.
  • Do you know the amazing facts about Google that Google hired a camel to create the Street view of a desert.
  • Microsoft pays you to use Bing instead of Google.
  • Every minute, 2 million searches are performed on Google.
  • Because Gmail first launched on April 1st of 2004, many people thought it was an April Fools’ Day prank.
  • Do you know the amazing facts about Google that Firefox web browser’s lead developer is now working for Google Chrome.
  • Google’s first tweet ever was “I’m feeling lucky” written in binary code.
  • Google’s First Computer Storage Was Made From LEGO.
  • Google is developing a computer so smart it can program itself.
  • Google beats Facebook: it’s the world’s most visited website.
  • For the 4th consecutive year, Google was named the best company to work for in the U.S. by Fortune Mag in 2014.
  • Google got its name by accident. The founders misspelled “googol”, which refers to the number 1 followed by 100 zeroes.
  • On August 16, 2013, Google went down for 5 minutes and in that time, the global Internet traffic
    dropped by 40%
  • Google has a version of their site translated to the language of the Klingons, from Star Trek.
  • Google has acquired 24 companies this year alone — that’s about three companies a month.
  • Do you know the amazing facts about google that Google has the largest network of translators in the world.
  • Over 6 billion hours of video are watched each month on YouTube – that’s almost an hour for every person on earth.
  • Do you know the amazing facts about google that Google’s toughest competitors are Microsoft, Apple, Amazon, Facebook and Mozilla.
  • Google believes that employees should not go out of 150 meters from the office for food so it provides various different varieties of cuisines to the employees inside the office.

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Greatest Scientists

A scientist is a person engaging in a systematic activity to acquire knowledge that describes. Some of the Greatest Scientists have also been creative.

Greatest Scientists

Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1726)

Newton was a polymath who made investigations into a whole range of subjects including mathematics, optics, physics, and astronomy. In his Principia Mathematica, published in 1687, he laid the foundations for classical
mechanics, explaining the law of gravity and the Laws of Motion.

Louis Pasteur (1822 – 1895)

Contributed greatly towards the advancement of medical sciences developing cures for rabies, anthrax and other infectious diseases. Also enabled the process of pasteurisation to make milk safer to drink. Probably saved more lives
than any other person.

Galileo (1564 – 1642)

Creating one of the first modern telescopes, Galileo revolutionised our understanding of the world successfully proving the earth revolved around the sun and not the other way around. His work Two New Sciences laid groundwork for the science of Kinetics and strength of materials.

Marie Curie (1867 – 1934)

Polish physicist and chemist. Discovered radiation and helped to apply it in the field of X ray. She won Nobel Prize in both Chemistry and Physics one of the Greatest Scientists.

Albert Einstein (1879 – 1955)

Revolutionised modern physics with his general theory of relativity. Won Nobel Prize in Physics (1921) for his discovery of the Photoelectric effect, which formed basis of Quantum Theory.

Charles Darwin. (1809 – 1882)

Developed theory of evolution against a backdrop of disbelief and scepticism. Collected evidence over 20 years, and published conclusions in On the Origin of Species (1859).

Otto Hahn (1879-1968) – German

The Chemist who discovered nuclear fission (1939). Pioneering scientist in the field of radio-chemistry. Discovered radio-active elements and nuclear isomerism (1921). Awarded Nobel Prize for Chemistry (1944)

Nikola Tesla (1856 –1943)

Work on electro-magnetism and AC current. Credited with many patents from electricity to radio transmission.

James Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879)

Made great strides in understanding electro-magnetism. His research in electricity and kinetics, laid foundation for quantum physics. Einstein said of Maxwell, “The work of James Clerk Maxwell changed the world forever.”

Aristotle 384BC – 322BC

Great early Greek scientist who made many researches in the natural sciences including botany, zoology, physics, astronomy, chemistry, and meteorology, geometry.

Emil Fisher (1838–1914)

The outstanding chemist of the modern age. Synthesized many products to show their constituent parts. Won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1902 for his research into the chemical composition of purines and sugars.

Sir Jagdish Chandra Bose

Great Bengali scientist who made important contributions in the field of radio and microwave technology. Also showed how sap in a plant rose.

Paul Dirac

One of the early exponents of quantum physics. Paul developed theories of the electron and the special theory of relativity.
Charles Babbage – Inventor of first mechanical computers.
Michael Faraday – magneto electrics
Stephen Hawking – work on black holes
Alexander Fleming – penicillin
Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) – Three laws of planetary motion
Stephen Hawking – modern day scientist
Ernest Rutherford (1871 – 1937) – 20th-century nuclear physicist, Nobel Prize winner
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Amazing Facts About Charles Darwin

Charles Darwin
 Charles Darwin was born in England on the 12th of February 1809, he died on the 19th of April 1882. He was the grandson of Josiah Wedgwood the famous furniture manufacturer. He studied medicine at the University of Edinburgh but found lectures dull. He learned taxidermy from John Edmonstone, a freed black slave.

Amazing Facts About Charles Darwin

  • Darwin became an enthusiastic Beetle collector – which was a craze at the time.
  • His father sent him to Christ’s College, Cambridge with the intention of training him as an Anglican parson. He later gave up Christianity.
  • Presented compelling evidence from his detailed research which included a five-year voyage on the HMS Beagle. On this voyage, Darwin visited ecologically diverse regions such as Brazil, Chile, Australia, the Falkland Islands and the Galapagos Islands. His five-year voyage on HMS Beagle established him as an eminent geologist and popular writer. His observations would be used to develop his theory of evolution.
  • His 1859 book ‘On the Origin of Species’, detailed much of his research on natural selection, it contained a
    large amount of evidence to back up his ideas and became a landmark work in the field of evolutionary biology.
  • Darwin and Wallace’s theories on evolution were both presented on the same day in 1858 to the Linnean Society of London.
  • The full title of Origin of Species is On the Origin of Species by means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life.
  • Darwin did not coin the phrase ‘survival of the fittest’. It was added to the fifth edition of Origin of Species. The phrase came from economist Herbert Spencer.
  • Darwin has appeared on more UK stamps than anyone outside the Royal Family.
  • Seven months after the publication of ‘Origin of Species’ the famous 1860 Oxford evolution debate occurred
    between Thomas Henry Huxley and Bishop Samuel Wilberforce. The debate is considered to be a great moment in natural history – and a key moment in the acceptance of evolution.
  • Other famous work by Charles Darwin includes: ‘The Expression of Emotions in Man and Animals’, ‘The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex’, ‘The Power of Movement in Plants’ and ‘The Formation of Vegetable Mould Through the Action of Worms’.
  • Famous Charles Darwin quotes include: “Owing to this struggle for life, any variation, however slight and
    from whatever cause proceeding, if it be in any degree profitable to an individual of any species, in its infinitely complex relationship to other organic beings and to external nature, will tend to the preservation of that
    individual, and will generally be inherited by its offspring.”
  • He liked to eat exotic animals, but not owls.
  •  Charles Darwin had connections to Buddhism
  •  Charles Darwin influenced the early history of Psychology
  • Charles Darwin was an Abolitionist.
  • Charles Darwin married his Cousin.

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Information on Nationalised Banks

Nationalised banks dominate the banking system in India. The history of nationalised banks in India dates back to mid-20th century, when Imperial Bank of India was nationalised (under the SBI Act of 1955) and re-christened as State Bank of India (SBI) in July 1955. Then on 19th July 1960, its seven subsidiaries were also nationalised with deposits over 200 crores.
Must Read: How Banks Work?

Important Information on Nationalised Banks

  • The oldest Joint Stock Bank of India – Allahabad Bank
  • The bank founded by Freedom Fighter Dr. Bhogaraju Pattabhi Sitaramayya – Andhra Bank
  • First bank to open a branch outside India – Bank of India, London,1946
  • The first bank to be given an ISO 9002 certificate for one of its branches – Canara Bank
  • The Postal Dept has issued a commemorative stamp in the name of this bank
  • Celebrating 100 years in 2011 – Central Bank of India
  • First Indian Bank to be wholly owned by Indians – Central Bank of India
  • The bank formed on the efforts of Lala Lajpat Rai – Punjab National Bank
  • The only merger of nationalised banks took place between – Punjab National Bank and New Bank of India in 1993
  • The bank whose brand equity is “Pygmy Deposit Scheme” – Syndicate Bank
  • The bank which was conceived by Shri GD Birla – UCO Bank
  • The bank which was inaugurated by Mahatma Gandhi in 1919 – Union Bank of India
  • The largest among nationalised banks – Punjab National Bank
  • The bank established in the year 1913 as Bank of Mysore Ltd. at the instance of the banking committee headed by the great Engineer-Statesman, Late Dr Sir M.Visvesvaraya. – State Bank of Mysore
  • The State with the largest number of commercial bank offices – Uttar Pradesh (13167 as on 31.03.2013)

Also Read: Difference between State Bank of India and Nationalised Bank

List of Nationalised Banks in India and their Head Offices

  1. Allahabad Bank – Kolkata
  2. Andhra Bank – Hyderabad
  3. Bank of Baroda – Baroda
  4. Bank of India – Mumbai
  5. Bank of Maharashtra – Pune
  6. Canara Bank – Bengaluru
  7. Central Bank of India – Mumbai
  8. Corporation Bank – Mangalore
  9. Dena Bank – Mumbai
  10. Indian Bank – Chennai
  11. Indian Overseas Bank – Chennai
  12. Oriental Bank of Commerce – New Delhi
  13. Punjab & Sind Bank – New Delhi
  14. Punjab National Bank – New Delhi
  15. Syndicate Bank – Manipal
  16. UCO Bank – Kolkata
  17. Union Bank of India – Mumbai
  18. United Bank of India – Kolkata
  19. Vijaya Bank – Bangalore
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