[1] COSC: Chief of Staff Committee
[2] CCEA: Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs
[3] CSF: Commonwealth Shooting Federation
[4] NCDEX: National Commodity & Derivatives Exchange Ltd
[5] DFC: Dedicated Freight Corridor
[6] JE: Japanese Encephalitis
[7] CMSA: Chief Minister’s Social Assistance
[8] OECD: Organisation for Economic Co:operation and Development
[9] IPHO: International Physics Olympiad
[10] DAE: Department of Atomic Energy
[11] UNSC: United Nations Security Council
[12] ICHR: Indian Council of Historical Research
[13] PMNRF: Prime Minister’s National Relief Fund
[14] IAEA: International Atomic Energy Agency
[15] IWGSC: International Wheat Genome Sequencing Consortium
[16] DERC: Delhi Electricity Regulatory Commission
[17] NCRDBD: National Centre for Research & Development in Bulk Drugs
[18] NBA: National Basketball Association
[19] GAGAN: GPS Aided Augmented Navigation system
[20] OCO 2: Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2
[21] STCRC: Short Term Cooperative Rural Credit
[22] NGRBA: National Ganga River Basin Authority