Lord Wavell (1942-47)

During his tenure, the British Government adopted a conciliatory policy. On 6th May 1944, Gandhiji was released due to his failing health. Gandhiji started negotiations with Jinnah the President of Muslim League, but no agreement could be reached. Simla Conference: Lord Wavell convened a conference of the Congress and League Peace Simla on 25th June 1945 to select personnel of the Viceroy’s Executive proposed Hindu-Muslim parity as a basis for selection. The conference failed as Congress did not agree to the proposal.
Labour government in Britain : In the liasjarter of 1945 Labour Government came into power in Britain which was destined to solve the deadlock. The decision of the new Government to accelerate the process of Indian Freedom was greatly affected by the mutiny of the ratings of Royal Indian Navy in February 1946.
Cabinet Mission : It visited India in May 1946. It envisaged the establishment of a Constituent Assembly to frame a constitution and an interim Government. The Muslim League accepted the plan on June 6, 1946, while maintaining the right of striving for a separate Muslim State. The Congress also accepted the plan.
Formation of Interim Government: The interim Government was formed by the Viceroy on September 2,1946. The Congress members 2 led by Jawaharlal Nehru joined the interim cabinet whereas the Muslim League did not as 5 it withdrew it earlier acceptance of Cabinet Mission Plan but joined the government subsequently to torpedo it from within.
League’s Direct Action: Provoked by the success of Congress, the Muslim League launched its ‘Direct Action’ campaign on 16th 4 August 1946 which instigated communal riots.
Formation of Constituent Assembly :The League, while joining the Interim 3 Government, refused to join the Constituent Assembly. Nevertheless, the Constituent Assembly met on December 9, 1946, and Dr Rajendra Prasad was elected its President.